Fencing is successful.

It means that he can control Tie Suiya at will.

Even if the knife falls out, it can return automatically.

This is the terrible thing about sword control.

With mind and power.

Activate the magic weapons and spiritual soldiers.

It can even fly in the air, which is naturally different from the Wings of Wind.

Wind Wings use the power of the wind to glide.

Except those with the wind element can rise again, they can only continue to fall.

But flying with a sword is different.

This is real flying.

"Keli, how about big brother taking you to play with something nice?"

"Ah? What's so fun."

Xiao Keli took off the protective glasses on her face and looked at him curiously.

In the cave.

There is a testing base specially built for Keli.

The explosion-proof capability is very strong.

Su Han smiled mysteriously: "That is of course a big adventure you have never seen before..."

"Wow...I'm going, I'm going..."

Little Sun heard about the big adventure.

Quickly put down what you were doing.

Shouting to go play.

After all, he is a child, and when he hears someone playing, he naturally doesn't care about anything else.

Get out of the cave.

I just met Ke Qing and Gan Yu coming back.

Saw them coming out.

The former asked with a smile: "Are you going out to eat?"

"No, big brother said he would take Kelly on a big adventure!"

"big Adventure?"

The two couldn't help but look at Su Han.

There doesn't seem to be much activity today.

Could it be that he was trying to trick Keli?

Su Han chuckled and said: "I just got a very interesting move, I want to try it with Keli..."

"What a fun move."

"Of course it's the art of sword control!"

Tie Suiya was liberated.

Su Han threw it in the air, pulled Keli and jumped onto the back of the knife.

He actually flew straight up! ! !

The Tie Suiya carried the two of them, hovered in the air, and rushed straight into the sky.

"Oh my god, what kind of move is this? It can actually fly..."

Keqing was stunned.

She knew that Su Han did not have the ability to fly.

But now it is really flying! ! !

And Gan Yu also exclaimed: "I didn't expect Su Han to be able to fly..."

Although she can also fly.

But this is the secret technique of the Qilin clan.

It belongs to the art of riding clouds.

People of other races cannot learn this ability.

But Su Han stepped on the weapon.

It flew straight up.

How can this make Gan Yu not shocked?

On the clouds.

Keli looked at the sea of ​​clouds below and kept screaming.

"Wow...it flies so fast, Kelly likes it so much!!!"

"Brother, it's really fun."

"I didn't expect the sky to be so fun..."

Su Han chuckled and said, "Big brother didn't lie to you, did you? Are you happy today?"

"Yeah, I'm so happy. Keli also wants to play for a while..."

"Okay. Let's go for a spin in Jueyunjian!"

With a thought, Su Han turned around from Guyun Pavilion and flew towards Jueyunjian.

People only saw a flash of rainbow light across the sky.

No one would have thought of it.

That rainbow light is a human figure.

In comparison, the sea in Guyun Pavilion.

Jueyunjian is a dangerous place in Liyue.

There are cliffs all around.

It's almost impossible to see any action other than the eagle in the sky.

At this time, Keli, who was sitting on Tie Suiya, pointed downwards and said, "Brother...is that a human?"

"Huh? What..."

"That's right there. There seems to be a person on the mountain wall."

Su Han followed Keli's finger and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, a small figure was slowly moving.

Is this collecting medicine?

Between the clouds is the land of immortals.

There are many other places where herbs are not available.

Therefore, people often venture here to dig up those precious medicinal herbs and sell them for money.

I heard Shen He talk about it before.

Every year she saves people who fall off cliffs.

However, even after warning them, those people still enjoyed it.

"Come on, let's go over and have a look..."

Although Su Han was far away, he felt that the other person's clothes looked so familiar.

Tie Suiya accelerated.

Head directly towards the cliff.

At this time, on the cliff.

A petite girl was working hard to pick herbs. The basket behind her was almost full.

Apparently since morning.

That's what she's doing.

However, because the body is too small.

So picking on this cliff is not an easy task.

"We're just a little bit closer to picking up this glass bag..."

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