Now they know that the heroes on the front lines are doing their best.

Now we can only rely on those gods to take action.

Mandrill wore a mask and was ready for the battle.

The three immortals also wanted to stop this attack.

Even if the emperor will blame him later.

We cannot allow such a thing to fall into Liyue Port.

And at this time.

Among the thousands of lights in Liyue Port, a fiery red light lit up.

in the dark.

Xiangling's friend Guoba came out.

Once upon a time, there were countless people who worshiped and believed in themselves.

Once, they loved themselves so much, just as they loved them.

In the past, there were always demon gods who would ask themselves why they loved humans.

At that time, Marcusius replied: "Because human beings are the most affectionate creatures..."

Thousands of lights.

Thousands of beliefs.

All gathered in its body.

"Osser!!! Don't even think about destroying everything I love..."

An angry roar.

resounded throughout the sky.

At that moment, Zhongli stopped holding the teacup in his hand.

The three immortals were stunned.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons was stunned.

Grandma Ping had tears in her eyes.

This sound....

Is this voice the adult coming back?

There is more than one god protecting Liyue.

If there are countless.

It's just that Emperor Yanwang has survived the longest.

In this special time today.

Another god appears!

Blazing flames rose from the periphery of Liyue Port.

Angry waves.

It turned into a huge steam in front of the flames.

Surrounded by the steam, people saw a huge sound shadow blocking the front of Liyue Port.

An unimaginably huge flame.

Neutralized Osel's attack.

At the same time, the nearby wind and waves were also suppressed.

"It's you...Maxius!!!"

"You're not dead yet!!!"

"How dare you protect Liyue..."

The angry Osel kept roaring.

Also let people understand.

Who took action just now.

God of the Kitchen Marcusius! ! !

It protected Liyue once again.

However, the other party only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

Its power is only fleeting.

Appeared because of people's prayers.

There is no real recovery.

This scene made the people of Liyue Port understand.

Lantian 456348770

The Kitchen God did not abandon them.

The divine power is still exhausted.

People were in tears, always in trouble.

The gentle Kitchen God will stand up and block everything.

They discovered the state of the Kitchen God, and naturally the Vortex Demon God Osel also discovered it.

It turned out to be the blow just now.

It's already the end of the battle.

"Maxius! Foolish fellow... You have given everything to the believers, but what's the use? You have no power.

Just a piece of trash.

And I will devour you and completely restore your former strength..."

The Uzumaki Demon laughed.

And the body gradually relaxed.

The power of the seal.

Make it very uncomfortable.

Now he just hoped that Morax wouldn't show up.

As for those little things in Liyue Port.

It can kill easily.


Haha, in front of it.

They're just toys.

The opponent of the Demon God is always the Demon God.

This is the gap between classes.

And at this time slave.

A rainbow light flew from a distance.

Finally, it stopped between Qunyu Pavilion and the Whirlpool Demon God.

"Huh... finally caught up!"

Su Han looked at Liyue who was safe and sound and let out a breath.

Chapter 149 The Great Sage and the Immortal take action together, and Keli specially prepares a special bomb

Flying all the way from Mondstadt.

Finally arrived at Yunlaihai.

On this journey, Su Han was flying at all his speed.

However, he finally arrived before the demon god unsealed it.

Looking at the messy coast.

There is also the demon who is taller than Cangshan.

Su Han's heart was extremely peaceful.

In fact, he had been prepared for this scene to happen.

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