Calvin looked at the statue of the wind god.

Fell into deep thought.


The next day.

Su Han woke up from his sleep.

He opened his eyes.

A melodious little (bcfe) tune came from the side.

Su Han looked up. .

I saw Qin humming a little tune and taking care of his hair.

At this time, she was wearing thin pajamas, and traces of yesterday's passion could still be seen on her neck.

"Would you like to go out for something to eat together?"


Su Han quickly put on his coat.

Then, the two of them walked outside hand in hand.

Although Qin is the acting leader, the house is very ordinary, not even as good as those of the rich.

Come to the street.

Su Han found garlands hanging everywhere.

"This is?"

“The badminton festival is coming soon, so the people of Mondstadt will prepare some things in advance, if people in the group are free in two days.

Invite them to play?

Mondstadt will be very lively. "

"So it's this festival."

Su Han suddenly realized.

Let’s talk about Mondstadt’s most grand festival.

It’s the Badminton Festival.

Because that day was the day when Mondstadt would rise from the ashes to commemorate the God of Wind.

"I guess Ningguang Club won't have much free time, but... Hutao and the others will probably come to play, and Keli will probably come too..."

"Well, I'll receive them then."

Qin nodded and smiled.

In my heart, I hope to perform well on that day.

The two enjoyed an early meal at the Deer Hunter and then parted ways.

Although Su Han was fine and relaxed.

But not Jean.

Mondstadt is currently recruiting for the army.

Many matters need her to deal with.

Naturally, I can no longer accompany him.

Watching Qin leave, Su Han left directly in the air. He also needed to practice.

Although it is said to be a few days off.

But we can't slack off.

Time came to noon in a blink of an eye.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Keli: "You haven't refreshed the task yet? It's so boring..."

Hutao: "Don't worry, Xiao Keli...the task is refreshed on time at eleven o'clock."

Mona: "I don't know what the mission is now. I hope it will be interesting. It would be best if I could take action..."

She has been in the All Heavens mission group for so long.

Not a single task was completed.

I clock in and sign in every day.

It's so miserable.

The Eightfold Divine Son has already become a second-level group member.

Keqing: "I hope we can continue to refresh the four-star missions. The three-star missions are a bit easy!"

Yae Shenzi: "I'm satisfied anyway. I'll leave all the tasks for this month to you. Come on..."

Kamisato Ayaka: "If there is a suitable task, I would also like to complete it, please don't worry...During this period of time, Lord Yaegomiya has already trained me.

The weapon is domineering and mastered very skillfully. "

Lisa: "I also want to do a mission. The witch's power is quite stable now. It should be no problem if I only use the power of the thunder element."

Su Han: "Right now, I just hope that the mission is an open world one. We can get more treasures..."

For example, defeat the Fire Qilin.

They not only harvested the body of Fire Qilin.

Also got the dragon vein.

This is a huge profit!

Ningguang: "On the contrary, I'm not looking forward to the mission that much, because I want to see the points mall refresh this time..."

The points mall will be refreshed every half month.

Although third-level items cannot be purchased.

But secondary items can still benefit a lot.

Everyone is talking.

The time came to eleven o'clock.

The mission has finally been refreshed.

[Ding... It has been detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the mission of the heavens has been released! 】

[Mission]: Defeat Team 7, protect Zabuza and Shiro from evacuating

[Difficulty]: Four stars

[Countdown]: Thirty minutes

[Tip]: During the mission to the Kingdom of Waves, Zabuza, a ninja for hire, clashed with Shiro and Team 7. Please protect them from leaving the Kingdom of Waves.

[Special]: If one of the two dies, the mission will be deemed to have failed.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Keqing: "The mission has been refreshed!!! Why does this Zabuza sound so familiar... Is he that character from the ninja world?"

Gan Yu: "I remember that there is a story about Naruto in the novel published by Yaedo, right? It seems to be this scene at the beginning..."

Yae Shenzi: "Are we going to defeat that pinkeye master? The difficulty has suddenly become too high. I guess the newcomers are no match for them."

Chip Fox knows very well that if it is this world!

Then the difficulty of the mission is unbeatable.

A boy with a nine-tailed fox sealed inside his body.

A special jounin who can activate the Sharingan.

Although fighting on this bridge.

Kakashi's injury has not healed, but his fighting ability is definitely not weak.

At least Mona wanted to stop these people.

It's somewhat difficult.

Qin: "Is this task difficult?"

Su Han: "Well, the difficulty is not low. But it's not that scary... Anyway, those who accept the task only need to understand one thing.

Don't kill anyone!

Just defeat it directly..."

Two fuckers.

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