Just spreading rumors.

This doesn't fit their style.

It is very likely that other conspiracies are brewing... The fools in Liyue have suffered a lot, and I will definitely not do anything with them now.

But I just want to leave.

They will definitely not be able to bear it..."

Everyone's expressions froze and they began to think seriously.

It seems to come from this adult.

In the city of Mondstadt.

The fools all restrained themselves a lot, at least they did not dare to act so recklessly.

Diluc nodded and said: "I will arrange for people to guard Mondstadt... Moreover, without the Wind Demon Dragon, those guys can't do any tricks."

"I hope so."

End of the meeting.

Su Han took Qin and left.

Cherish your time in Mondstadt.

Otherwise, return to Liyue.

I guess I will have to live the life of an ascetic again.

On the other hand, Barbara did not win the lottery.

He returned to the West Wind Church in despair.

But she doesn't blame God.

Compared to my own small wishes.

Gloria needed help even more.

Just as she was about to take a rest, there was a knock on the door.

Boom boom.


"it's me..."

"Sister? You...why are you here."

Barbara seemed a little reserved.

In front of this dazzling sister, she felt like an ugly duckling.

Look at my sister's expression.

Qin became even more convinced that what Su Han said was indeed true.

So he smiled and said to his sister: "Barbara...I heard that you want to become stronger, right?"

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····


The blond girl looked at her sister in confusion.

She thought the other party had something serious to do with her.

But I didn't expect it.

My sister came here because she was concerned about her own affairs.


Barbara lowered her head, not sure whether she should say anything.

Qin Xin understood and smiled: "Su Han can stay in Mondstadt for three more days. If you want, I can let him teach you..."

"What? That great hero is willing to teach me!!!"

The girl was stunned.

I am just a small prayer priest.

Is the other party really willing to teach me?

Qin rubbed her sister's hair and said softly: "Barbara is a very good person, and... even if others cannot accept teaching.

You can do it too, sister assures you. "


"Because it's a secret."

Qin smiled mysteriously.

Barbara was a little confused. What does it mean that others can't accept teaching, but she must be able to?

Until the next day.


She was brought to the other party and realized it.

What does that sentence mean.

Because of the idol in her heart.

... .... ...

He is actually her brother-in-law! ! !

"Ah...you are Qin's sister. Hello...I am your brother-in-law!"

"What are you talking about? Be serious..."

Qin glared at Su Han angrily.

Only then did we meet.

Can you be more serious?

Barbara looked at the strange relationship and said in surprise: "You... what are you..."

She felt that her brain was not enough.

Until Su Han hugged his sister's waist.

It dawned on Barbara.

With this connection, she could indeed receive a lot of guidance!

"Okay...I have to be busy with the knights' affairs. My sister will teach you. Don't be lazy..."

Qin gave a special warning before leaving.

Su Han naturally didn't dare to fish.

After all, the other party is his sister-in-law.

At this time, four people, Yola, Amber, Irene, and Glory, walked slowly from outside.

Since training one is also training.

Why not train together?

"Excuse me, how should we practice?"

Yora frowned and asked as she saw that there were no training facilities nearby.

Logically speaking, shouldn't there be some wooden piles?

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "My guidance is more focused on actual combat. I think Irene should understand something. Domineering... is more focused on actual combat.

And it's not a stereotyped move! "

"Yes, Maplehara Manyo-sensei also said this when he taught me. I have suffered a lot these days and learned a lot..."

Erin nodded.

I very much agree with what Su Han said.

In the past, she only used wooden stakes to practice, and the effect was very average.

But after being trained by Maplehara Manyo.

Only then did she understand what cruelty is.

A little carelessness.

I would lie in bed unable to move for several hours.

"So..." Su Han looked at Youla and said seriously: "It's best to forget about your flashy swordsmanship from now on.

Otherwise...it will limit your growth. "

"It's flashy... Could it be that my swordsmanship is weak in front of you... Then let's have a test."

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