Barbatos' angry voice could be heard throughout Mondstadt.

And Calvin seemed to have panicked.

Completely sluggish.

But Wendy didn't tolerate him.

"Su Han is Mondstadt's great benefactor, and he is also the brother of Barbatos, the God of Wind. I approve everything he does.

His merits cannot be slandered by a villain like you! ! !

In the storm, repent of your sins..."

The raging wind swallowed up Calvin.

No one knows where this guy ended up.

However, the residents of Mondstadt were shocked by Lord Fengshen's words.

The great hero of Liyue, Su Han.

He turned out to be the sworn brother of Fengshen! ! !

This is really amazing.

Moreover, the only reason the other party came to Mondstadt was because it was entrusted by Lord Fengshen.

And Calvin is a believer in the god of wind.

You actually want to drive away the brothers of the God of Wind?

Really looking for death! ! !

Of course, Wendy's operation isn't over yet.

Who is Su Han?

He knew it best. He was not only petty, but also extremely vindictive.

So, I want to calm down his anger.

But it's not that simple.

I saw the storm high in the sky, and the wind god's oracle came again.

(Okay, okay) "My lovely believers, starting from today, I will announce that a pope will be born in the West Wind Church, and his name...

It is my brother Su Han.

West Wind Church, starting from today, you must obey my brother’s command! ! !

His will is my command..."

Face the instructions of the wind god.

No one dared to resist, and they all chose to kneel down and accept the order.

A cane of wind slowly descended from the sky.

And it fell into Su Han's hands.

At this time Wendy's voice came to his ears.

"Now is it the head office? The church teaches you management. You can do whatever you want...from now on you will be the pope. And, by the way.

The weapon in your hand can summon strong winds... It is also a relic of my old friend.

Just forgive me once. "

"You are just trying to catch a duck..."

Su Han was speechless.

A Liyue national treasure has already made me tired enough.

Now I have to work part-time as Pope of the West Wind.

Do you think I have a lot of free time every day?

Wendy chuckled and said: "Don't you understand this? By becoming the pope, you are the authority of Mondstadt... Besides, what Barbara said is wrong.

Don't you like it?

And that cold nun, her name is Rosalia, right?

The authority of the Pope is very high..."

"Ahem... I won't do this next time."

Su Han admitted that this was indeed a bit exciting.

Moreover, it will be easier to face Qin's father in the future.

Chapter 164 The new official takes office and plays a movie for the West Wind Church: Our Liyue

Holding a green staff.

Su Han ascended the throne and became the Pope of Mondstadt!

Under the spotlight.

Extremely dazzling.

In the past, the West Wind Church did not have the position of pope.

Because the status is too high.

The citizens were afraid that the Pope would become the king who ruled the tower.

Continue to enslave everyone.

But Su Han is different, he is Liyue's national treasure.

I will spend most of my time in Liyue.

I only come here occasionally to give some advice.

Just that.

This will put many Mondstadt citizens at ease.

Experienced this storm.

Mondstadt gave birth to the first pope of the West Wind Church.

However, this is not the case for Mond and Liyue.

All a good thing.

The much-anticipated Su Han.

Naturally, I couldn't continue playing, so I could only say to the citizens: "Today is badminton day, everyone can just have fun...

Today, Su's Instant Noodles will be selling 1,000 bags of the product at a 50% discount. "


"Long live the Pope..."

"Long live the Badminton Festival..."

People dispersed one after another.

At this time, all the clergy of the West Wind Church were looking at their immediate boss. After all, they had just come to denounce each other.

But I didn't expect it.

The god of wind appears.

The other person became the Pope.

This thing is too embarrassing.

"Don't worry, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door... Calvin's matter is a thing of the past, starting from today.

The West Wind Church is still the West Wind Church.

However, I hope you won’t always stay in church.

Go help the Knights a lot.

This is what clergy should do..."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

"Also... West Wind Church will implement the 343 examination system in the future. Those who are not strong enough... or not capable enough will be eliminated...

And people who are willing to work hard and put in more thought.

will be reused. "

Now that he has become the Pope.

Su Han naturally didn't want the church to continue to be lazy, so this attitude needed to change.

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