Just do as you said..."

Qin nodded with satisfaction.

The Knights' staff also recognized this place.

On the left is Chenxi Winery.

On the right is Qingquan Town.

Next to it is the Longji Snow Mountain.

There are enough mineral veins to mine, making it a very suitable location.

The friendly talks ended.

Ningguang took the people back to Liyue.

After all, there are a lot of things at home, so I can take a few days off.

It's already the limit.

On the occasion of parting.

Ningguang warned Su Han: "You have to be careful of the counterattack of the Fools and the Abyss. Mondstadt is not like Liyue. There are not so many manpower to protect us.

I always feel like things are going too smoothly these days.

Anyway, it’s better to be careful. "

Fools seek to steal the heart of God.

This is what Su Han told her.

Now that Su Han was making drastic changes in the city, the Fools didn't even fight back or even resist.

This is obviously not in line with the style of fools.

There's probably a conspiracy brewing.

Su Han nodded and said: "Well, I will pay attention to it. But you, don't work overtime all day long... I just heard what I said. You have been working until ten o'clock these days.

You're starting to be intemperate again, aren't you? "

"Then you should come back early and take care of me..."

Ning Guang smiled slightly, turned around and disappeared from the train.

Accompanied by a roar.

The train drove quickly towards Liyue.

Su Han returned to Mondstadt City and continued his practice.

Chakra extraction method.

It's going on every moment.

But it is far more efficient than sitting down and focusing on practice.

Back to church.

Push away the room.

Su Han found that there was someone waiting for him inside.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Pope..."

"It turns out to be Rosalia. What do you want from me?"

For this inconspicuous nun.

He was deeply impressed.

At first I thought he was just a guy who likes to be independent.

I found out later.

The other party’s tragic life experience.

Since childhood, his family has been killed by thieves, and he has been supported by thieves.

Eventually he was brought back to Mondstadt by the Grand Master.

But Rosalia didn't like prayer and poetry.

Instead, I prefer fighting!

The Pope showed no expression of disgust.

Rosalia told her why she came.

"Do you think...a being like me can really integrate into Mondstadt..."

She is incompetent.

It can even be said that I absolutely hate theology.

If God is really that kind.

Your family will not suffer.

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "You came just in time. I just want to form a dark night cult. Are you interested in becoming a member?"

"The Order of the Dark Night? What is that..."

Rosalia couldn't help but wonder.

It seems to sound like.

It's not an aboveboard institution.

Su Han explained: "I will transfer some people from the church to form assassins in the dark night, specifically to deal with the fools and the abyss.

Rough strength.

It is wandering all over Mondstadt.

Collect various intelligence and destroy organizations such as the Treasure Thieves Group. "

"I'd like to join!"

Rosalia's eyes lit up and she agreed without even thinking.

She is a nun though.

But the personalities don’t match at all!

Every time she organized further studies, she would find ways to skip classes.

Even within the church, she was known to be a truant.

"Well, that's right... From today on, you are no longer Sister Rosalia, but... a dark priest of the Order of the Dark Night.

All information is only responsible to me!

As for the personnel, you can choose them yourself, but... they must be approved by the Knights.

Only then can we truly go on an expedition. "

"Yes, I will try my best... By the way, you haven't answered my question yet."

Rosalia looked at each other nervously.

Hope to get an answer.

Although the grand leader treats him very well, the people in Mondstadt also treat him very well.

However, Rosalia just couldn't find her destiny.


But he is not pious enough to the gods.

Who are you?

Where should we go?

This is the question that Pan Heng has in Rosalia's mind.

I have even been confused for a long time.

Su Han looked at the eyes hidden under the long purple hair and said: "Lions will always only eat meat and will never eat grass in their lives.

Your nature is suited to fighting.

Instead of being a good baby.

Just like Shen He next to me.

Everyone has their own talents, don't deny yourself because of other people's strange eyes.

Letting you become a nun and study poetry is somewhat of a waste of your talents.

As for faith.

It's enough to keep that kind of thing in your heart.

Rosalia, where there is light, there is darkness..."

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