The two men looked at each other and smiled.

There are a lot of people here today.

There are Barbara, Rosalia, Yula, Shenhe, Qin, Lisa, Amber, and Kelly.

There was even Irene and Glory.

As for Diluc et al.

I can only wait until tomorrow to eat.

Irene looked shocked when she heard Su Han's words.

Dragon meatballs?

What are those... dragon meat balls?

With doubts, everyone began to taste the feast.

In fact, Xiangling cooks a lot of dishes.

There is not only one dish of dragon meatballs, but also other dishes such as barbecue and so on. They are all simple dishes.

Yula took a bite of the meat.

I feel like my body is releasing vitality.

"This... this is so amazing, Su Han... what kind of meat did you get?"

For the Pope of the Church of Zephyrus.

Yura has no respect whatsoever.

Instead, they kept calling them ordinary friends.

Su Han smiled and said: "It is a powerful dragon. You can understand it as a monster inferior to the Wind Demon Dragon. Eating this kind of meat will greatly improve your strength."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

The movements in his hands are even more non-stop.

Barbara was a little embarrassed at first.

But I was soon conquered by the deliciousness of the food.

The same goes for Rosalia.

Look at everyone enjoying their meal.

Su Han showed a smile, and then opened the All Heavens mission group to check the rewards this time.

This is a simple hunting mission.

What rewards will there be?

He was a little curious.

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Gan Yu for completing the four-star heaven mission. As the group leader, you will receive an additional mission reward: 20,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Gan Yu for completing the four-star heaven mission. As the leader of the group, you will receive the mission reward: Blue Dragon Bloodline. 】

[Blue Dragon Bloodline]: After use, the host can have the bloodline of the Blue Dragon, and can obtain the Blue Dragon incarnation, and can temporarily become a real Blue Dragon.

[Tip]: This bloodline has not yet awakened. In 5.4, it cannot be fully awakened even in the body of a dragon.

[Remarks]: The current transformation can last for one hour, and the cooling time is seven days.

[Effect]: Transform into the form of a blue dragon, you will get a defense bonus, and you can master the power of fire, storm and water.

"Isn't it a dragon? Why is it the incarnation of a blue dragon..."

Su Han was a little surprised.

However, he finally understood after seeing the last description.

It turns out that there is a trace of Qinglong's blood in Jiaolong's body.

But unfortunately, the other party has never been able to awaken this power.

In the end, he died tragically under Gan Yu's arrow.

Originally, this power should have completely disappeared in Fengyun World with the death of Jiaolong.

But he didn't expect the system to extract this power.

It was given to him as a reward.

And Su Han received the reward.

A piece of Qinglong's bloodline merged with his body.

The overall feeling is that there is no change.

But after a while, Su Han clearly felt that the moisture outside was increasing.

Is it going to rain?

A thought came to mind.

The sky above Mondstadt began to surge.

Then, light rain fell from the sky.

It actually rained!

"Did I control this?"

Su Han looked surprised and felt a little magical.

Chapter 172 Shen He gave everything he had, and the couple returned home

Su Han found that he was more sensitive to celestial phenomena.

we can even say.

He can control the rain falling outside at will.

This is the instinctive power of the Qinglong clan.

Doesn't consume any power.

At the same time, Su Han also felt that his body was stronger.

And Shouyuan came to a very scary number.

At this time, Keli suddenly put down her chopsticks and looked directly at him. Amber next to her asked: "What's wrong Keli?

Are you full? "

"No, I just felt that big brother's aura seemed to have changed all of a sudden."

Keli pointed at Su Han.

He said in an astonishing way.

Everyone looked at Su Han.

It really seems like something has changed.

In the past, Su Han always gave people an easy-going feeling.

But looking at it now, there is an invisible majesty.

Su Han noticed that everyone was looking at him and quickly smiled and said: "What's going to change? Hurry up and eat, little Keli, you have to go to bed soon..."

"But, I just clearly felt..."

"Go to bed before ten o'clock!"

"All right..."

Keli hurriedly picked up the rice in the bowl and immediately threw her previous thoughts behind her.

Because Big Brother has rules.

I must go to bed before ten o'clock.

Only in this way can the body become very healthy.

After sending Keli away.

Shen He asked him: "How many thousands of points are there left? Can I redeem [Natural Energy Refining Method] for the next mission?"

"Well, okay..."

Su Han nodded.


There are currently 180,000 points on the surface.

However, almost everyone has something like ten thousand or twenty thousand in their hand.

All together, there are almost more than 200,000.

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