The enemy is finally locked.

The next moment, countless lightning lights lit up.


in the desert.

A huge thunder exploded.

The orangutan beast was blown away, and its body was already covered in bruises, obviously from the attack just now.

It was seriously injured.

Looking at the Digimon lying on the ground.

Lisa frowned slightly, she always felt that something was not right!

When the rose vine.

"Three seven three" When chasing away again.

Countless cables protected the orangutan beast.

Those thunder and lightning.

They were all absorbed.

"Haha... What a troublesome enemy. He even made me use this trick!"

The orangutan beast jumped from the ground at this time.

He slowly got up.

There was a ferocious smile on his face.

The violent power of darkness.

Keep it safe inside.

When it turned around, Lisa realized what mistake she had made.

That is, this is the opponent's base.

Where the dark web is most densely populated.

Countless tiny cables.

Plugged into it.

Continuously restoring strength to the orangutan beast.

"Have you discovered it? The power of the dark network is the source of my power...and your thunder and lightning are just to replenish my power!


The orangutan beast laughed wildly.

It even took the initiative to catch a Rose Thunder and devour it directly.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Gan Yu: "No, Lisa is in danger! The enemy has absorbed the power of the dark network, and its strength is constantly increasing..."

Sugar: "Yes, the enemy in my battle absorbed the Dark Gear. I didn't expect...this orangutan beast to have such power.

It really cannot be underestimated. "

Qin: "Don't worry, I feel... this is not Lisa's real power, she just released the power of the Rose Witch in her body.

The real power has just begun..."

Su Han: "Well, don't worry... Since Lisa took the initiative to do the task, she must be prepared..."

Lisa has never been a bold person.

Do things every time.

All are certain.

Now that we know the difficulty of the task is very high.

Naturally, I will be sure to deal with it!

Shen He: "Here we come...the thunder elements around her body have changed!"

When everyone is nervous.

Lisa started to take action.

Face the ape beast with enhanced strength.

She unlocked her true power.

Countless rose flowers kept appearing in the rain, and at the same time.

The original purple thunder.

It turned into a quiet black!

This turned out to be Black Thunder.

Gorillamon, who was showing off his strength, suddenly felt that he couldn't absorb the opponent's power.

It looked down at its feet.

The desert has turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

The sky was black with thunder.

The sea of ​​flowers under my feet also shimmered with lightning.

"This is something I researched when I was in the Xumi Order. No one has ever tried it before. You are the first person to taste this trick.

Sea of ​​roses, bloom...

Let the dark thunder!

Devour everything completely..."

Accompanied by Lisa's chant.

A kilometer range centered on Orangutan.

Directly overwhelmed by lightning!

Fury rages.

Black thunder ruthlessly destroys everything.

The dark network on the gorilla beast only lasted for a while before it was destroyed by thunder.

And it itself was struck by thunder.

" hurts me so much. Why can't this thunder be absorbed...get out of my way!!!"

The dark Digimon King.

Want to escape this dangerous area.

As a result, he found that his feet were trapped by countless thunder vines.

Thunderstorms wreak havoc on everything.

This is like a scene of natural disaster.

Deeply shocking.

No one expected it.

Lisa's strength is so terrifying!

However, Su Han carefully saw a flash of pain in the other person's eyes.

Witch power has side effects.

And this side effect.

Just devour the host.

Like the evil eye.

This power will continue to assimilate the host body, slowly eroding until it completely disintegrates.

Why did the lady join the fools in the first place.

That's because she was also burned to the end by the red flames, if the evil eye hadn't suppressed the flames in her body.

In fact, she would soon lose her life.

"Just hold on a little longer, it only takes a moment...the enemy will die..."

Lisa comforted herself in her heart.

But the body is very honest.

With a hint of thunder, it invades the heart.

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