Boom boom.

The black power kept trembling.

It seemed like it would explode the next moment.

Taiyi looked at the lit badge and felt confident.

"Greymon! Come on...let's end this darkness..."

"Okay Taichi!"

"Greymon Mega Evolution! Mechanical Greymon..."

Horrible styling.

And that amazing pressure.

MechanicalGreymon, which transformed into its complete form for the first time, took away the dark energy with just two cannonballs.

However, Taichi and MechanicalGreymon were too close.

And was sucked into the whirlpool.

Chapter 182: Exchange the method of practicing immortality, and you can slowly lose the Eye of God!

"Taiyi... Taiyi..."

Watching the companion being absorbed and disappearing.

Everyone is desperate.

Fortunately, Lisa hadn't left yet and said to the children: "Don't worry, he just returned to his original world temporarily.

I'll be back in a few months..."

"Really? Sister Lisa..."

Meimei wiped her tears and asked in disbelief.

And so are the others.

Lisa said softly: "I won't lie to you. Well... I have defeated the enemy for you, and it's time for me to go back.

Hope you have a safe journey. "

Originally, she wanted to explore the Digimon world and collect some Digimon along the way.

However, the body continues to collapse.

If you continue to stay.

She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on.

Instead of doing that, just go back.

At this time, the prompt tone of the All Heavens Task Group also sounded.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the four-star mission in the heavens and receiving the mission points reward: 100,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The time you can stay is one hour. 】

Although the stay was long.

But her body was already shaky.

My vision started to blur.

"Looking forward to our next meeting, little guys...goodbye."

Forced a smile.

Lisa disappeared in front of the children.

When she returned to the library, a figure supported her body, preventing Lisa from falling directly to the ground.

Familiar smell.

This witch was extremely reassured.

" know that this power is so dangerous, why do you still act bravely..."

12 Su Han said with some complaints.

At the same time, a purple light lit up in the room.

The power of breaking the demon began to suppress the rioting power in Lisa's body.

The terrifying power of black thunder.

It's eating away at the Rose Witch's heart!

This shows how dangerous this power is.

Feel the warmth from your fingers.

Lisa enjoyed Su Han's comfort and said softly: "Leave the difficult tasks to Liyue, but we in Mondstadt won't take any risks. If this goes on for a long time.

Those treasures will only flow to Liyue.

I understand the balance you've been struggling with.

But... there is a famous saying in Liyue: no reward for no merit.

Although I joined the group late, but... I also want to prove to Ningguang that Mondstadt is working hard to complete its mission.

If there is a suitable treasure.

By then, we can also fight for it. "

I have been observing in the Zhutian mission group for so long.

Of course Lisa could tell.

In fact, Su Han was not too biased towards Liyue, but... precisely because of this, she had to prove herself.

If there is a difficult task.

Mond brings out the men!

That's all! ! !

Looking at the stubborn Lisa, he didn't know what to say.

After all, it is a battle of nations.

In fact, it has always been the case. She just wanted to do something for her country and gain more talking chips.

Everyone has their own persistence, and Su Han can't say anything.

Instead, he carefully calmed down the power in the opponent's body.

Until half an hour later.

Lisa's body finally recovered.

But at the same time, the other party also fell asleep.

At this time, Ningguang transferred all the points to his account, and the rest of the people also contributed their independent mission points.

"Now I can finally redeem my magic..."

Su Han opened the special offer area in the points mall.

The [Natural Energy Refining Method] inside was exchanged.

At the same time, it was uploaded to the group.


In the mission group of the heavens.

Su Han: " @Everyone, I have redeemed the method of practicing immortality. My suggestion is... do what you can! Or wait for me to practice for a while.

Once you get the hang of it thoroughly.

I will teach you slowly..."

Magic is risky.

Even if it is modified by the Zhutian Task Group.

There are also certain dangers.

Of course, most likely.

You cannot practice.

This is right in the item description!

Ning Guang: "Yes, I understand. I hope everyone can use this job..."

Gan Yu: "I think I should be fine. After all, I am a Qilin Immortal Beast."

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