"You...don't be too proud! I'm a witch..."

Rosalin said with a distorted face, her previous arrogant attitude had long disappeared.

She also wanted to escape.

However, there is a Heavenly Lock guarding nearby.

I can't even leave even if I want to.

The blazing power of burning flames bloomed in front of Su Han.

Countless red butterflies.

Erupting from within Rosalind.

At this moment, she completely released her shackles, for the sake of survival and revenge.

She had no choice but to do this.

The earth turned into scorched earth.

Nearby trees were completely burned.

The flaming hell descended on Guangzhou.

Chapter 186 Natural energy has a miraculous effect on the devil's residue, super blast from Keli!

In the city of Mondstadt.

Because there is one less dragon, the pressure is greatly reduced.

However, the sky in the distance turned red.

Lisa, who was fighting against the fools, couldn't help but frown!

"This power... seems to be the witch power of Sumeru. The fire element is so violent, it should be the witch of fire..."

A witch who also comes from Sumeru.

Lisa naturally understood what the reaction of this kind of power would be.

However, she wasn't worried.

Su Han's strength is not something that a mere witch can deal with!

Because he has mastered the power of immortality!

With the flash of lightning, a large number of fools who invaded the city fell on the streets.

Lisa turned to the pastors of the West Wind Church and said, "Kill these guys directly, leaving no one behind..."

"Yes, sir!"

They were supposed to pray for the people, but now they all took out daggers.

Cutting off the enemy's neck without hesitation.

Noelle looked at the roaring Wind Demon Dragon in the sky and said worriedly: "If it doesn't come down now, what should we do..."

If the Wind Demon Dragon chooses to attack at close range.

She was less scared.

However, the opponent's choice to fight at high altitude is really cheating.

Yora observed for a while and sighed: "Even if I use sword control to fly up, it will be difficult to fight against a flexible guy like the Wind Demon Dragon.

At present, it seems that we can only wait for Su Han..."

She can fly into the sky.

But...Yura is not a fool. The Wind Demon Dragon is so flexible, and it may be seriously injured by itself with just one breath.

Instead of taking risks.

It is better to protect the city.

Waiting for Su Han's return.

At this time, an explosion sounded from within the city!

The dark shadow has actually sneaked into the city.

That disgusting smell.

The moment was captured by countless people.

Lisa was the first one to arrive. Looking at the Demon God's remnant experimental body, she couldn't help cursing: "This group of fools actually kidnapped children to use as experimental subjects..."

in front of her.

She is a girl who appears as a black flame snake.

Moreover, it is extremely powerful.

Even more terrifying than Collet in the Black Fire case.

Apparently the doctor’s research has made another breakthrough! ! !


The girl's eyes were red.

The whole person has been controlled by the remnants of the devil.

It's so fast.

It’s elusive.










However, Lisa is Lisa after all, and the power of seeing and hearing sex is activated.

He had already judged the girl's attack.

Therefore, she dodged her attack in advance, and even a rose stayed in place.

When the girl falls.

The rose vines grew rapidly.

Control the opponent directly.


A terrifying current swept through.

In an instant, the girl was electrocuted and screamed.

"Oh...you, you should stay in this thunder and lightning cage and regain your consciousness..."

The power continues to increase.

At the same time, natural energy joins the thunder.

Stab directly towards the black flame snake.

A shocking scene happened.

That terrible demonic remnant.

He was seriously injured by Lisa! ! !

"Huh? The devil's remnant is actually afraid of natural energy..."

Lisa's eyes widened.

It's like discovering a new continent.

Then, she showed a dangerous smile.

"Oh my... I didn't expect it. The devil's remnant... is actually afraid of natural energy. That would be interesting."

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