Otherwise, bring a demon into the battle.

That was so much fun.

Maplehara Manyo: "I can't participate either. I'm in Ryūji Snow Mountain right now... Otherwise, I really want to compete with that person named Fujitora."

Beidou: "Huh? So many people are not doing the mission! Do you want me to come... I really want to fight against a strong enemy...

Ha ha ha ha! "

As the leader of the group.

She was very much looking forward to fighting against a powerful enemy.

Keqing: "Uh... no one is going? If no one is going, let Sister Beidou go... I remember that Dressrosa still has many difficult opponents."

Gan Yu: "I've been busy with official duties recently, so I can't take action for the time being... If there's no one around, just Sister Beidou!"

Diluc: "I can't fly either, otherwise I really want to fight that Doflamingo. It seems I need to practice more."

Not being able to fly is a flaw.

too difficult.

Beidou: "Actually, you can fight even if you can't fly. As long as your sword energy is strong enough, you can also kill enemies in the sky.

By the way, why don’t you go to Keqing?

I remember that your cultivation skills are already very strong! "

A person who is currently practicing the magic of immortality.

Keqing is one of them.

Moreover, according to Ningguang's narration, Keqing's power has improved very quickly in recent times.

It's a little difficult for Gan Yu to deal with him now.

Keqing: "I need a lot of practice now, and I'm not interested in tasks for the time being."

It's nice to spar with the enemy though.

But now she prefers to practice quietly and let her body continue to become stronger.

After practicing immortality.

The speed of absorbing dragon meat has become faster.

Therefore, there is no task.

Keqing hopes to go back early and start today's hard training.

Beidou: "...Good guy, this is not the time to ask for a mission. Okay...I'll prepare myself and go take the mission!"

Ning Guang: " @Beidou, if you can... remember to collect some treasures!"

Beidou: "Don't worry...I understand! I promise to return home with a full load..."

When she was doing the task, she took everything she could.

This was the chakra refining method used in the Naruto world last time.

This time she hopes to bring back more treasures.


On board the Death Omen.

Beidou said to his deputy: "You guys look at the sea, I'm going to take a rest..."

"Yes, leader!"

The crew has long been accustomed to Beidou's occasional breaks.

Naturally, I didn’t think much about it.

And after returning to his room.

Beidou picked up his weapon and accepted the mission.

Soon she disappeared into the room.


At this time, Dressrosane.

Along with the appearance of the birdcage.

The flames of war also broke out instantly.

Doflamingo's army fought with all forces in the city.

One of the behemoths is wreaking havoc!

"Hahahaha...Is this your strength? Straw Hat Boys...I will crush you completely!!!"

Serka transformed into a super giant.

Appears in Dressrosa.

Laughing wildly and arrogantly.

Unfortunately, his laughter was so harsh.

So ugly!

Usopp and others looked at Serka's huge body.

Everyone was so scared that they peed.

"This is too scary...can we really survive?"

"You actually have such ability!!!"

"Attack...attack him with cannonballs..."




Countless cannonballs tilted down.

However, it was unable to cause any harm to Serka at all.

The extremely terrifying stone giant turned his head and said coldly: "Navy? Heh... who are you!"

Just a stomp of the foot.

Countless houses collapsed.

And those navy also turned into a ball of mud.

A thousand-meter-tall giant.

Just looking at it is despairing.

Even the Straw Hat boys who have been training for two years.

There is no solution now.

Usopp cried: "What should I do...come and help me quickly!!! Zoro...Sanji...Luffy...come back quickly."

He was boasted to be a great god.

Not what he wanted.

If this is to die directly.

He will cry to death.

Serka dealt with a group of marines and turned to look in the direction of Usopp.

"King Riku...Master Usopp...finally found you! Let me beat you to a pulp with one punch...if you dare to resist our family.

This is the end.

Hey Hey..."

A fist bigger than a house.

Already clenched in the air.

Usopp was completely desperate and punched him.

He must have been killed.

Zoro in the distance was also ready to take action.

"Brother, is this really okay?"

"Don't worry, just throw me out!"


At this time, on one side of the battlefield.

There was hearty laughter.

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