It flew straight up.

In the world of One Piece.

Not much ability to fly.

However, if you master the Moon Step, you can still stay in the air.

However, I have never seen this Yu Jian before!

Chopper 420 said in shock: "Flying...and still stepping on the weapon? What kind of mechanism is this..."

"Don't be dazed...there are still Don Quixote's cadres, Chopper..."


The city was already in chaos.

Now all they can do is defeat Don Quixote's men as quickly as possible!

And on that high ground.

Doflamingo is having a fierce battle with Luffy.

Although after two years of training.

However, he still had a hard time facing Doflamingo.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Straw Hat, you can't defeat me on your own!!!"

"That's what I meant!"

The domineering looks of the two people are constantly colliding.

Luo has moved away.

However, the battle became more and more intense.

But at this time, Torrebol dragged his injury and ran over and said: "It's not good, Dover...that man from Liyue is here again.

And he has already killed Serka! "

"What did you say..."

Doflamingo, who was fighting, looked shocked.

Why would people from Liyue come to me?

Moreover, there were no signs at all.

Moreover, in order to prevent those guys from appearing, I even used a birdcage!

Why! ! !

He couldn't figure it out.

On the other hand, Luffy's attack came soon after.

The two men struggled together.

The power of fourth gear is terrifying!

However, Doflamingo has experienced the horrific war at the top.

There's no slacking off either.

He should have been beaten up.

Now he's on par with Luffy!

Because he initiated the awakening of the fruit.

Buildings on the ground.

It has turned into a white line.

"Straw Hat Boy...were you the one who called this person over?"

Dover (bcfe) Lang Mingge roared angrily.

I originally thought that this guy was just here to destroy his country.

But I didn't expect that there would be a backup plan.

Luffy was stunned when he heard this, shook his head and said: "I didn't...I didn't call anyone!!!"

"How dare you talk back... I have received the information a long time ago! Alabasta, you were also saved by them... It was also because of you that we started the war.

Now that group of people appears again. How dare you say it has nothing to do with you..."

Doflamingo said angrily.

If it was that man who came!

There is no need to fight directly.

At this time Torebol said: "Dover... don't be angry, it's not that man... it's a woman!"

"Isn't he that man? really scared me."

Doflamingo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

A huge pale line.

Knocking Luffy away smoothly.

"No, the duration of domineering is up..."

It took so long.

Luffy's fourth gear finally reached the time limit.

It can only be lifted helplessly.

The body flew into the distance like floating catkins.

Fortunately, Luo used his ability in time.

This saved him.

"The Straw Hat Master...ssss...are you okay?"

"Of course! But... my Haki has ten minutes to recover. This guy is too difficult to deal with. But... the good news is that we are going to be saved."

"What's the meaning..."

Trafalgarro looked puzzled.

They have all been defeated.

As long as Doflamingo comes after him.

There is only one way for them to die.

Luffy gasped and smiled: "Because...the person who saved me last time showed up again..."

"What? Straw Hat're serious!"

"Well...she's coming."

At this time, Trafalgar Law's domineering force also felt someone flying towards him quickly.

That's a woman.

The opponent stepped on the sword.

It's approaching quickly.

Accompanied by a roar.

Beidou appeared on the top of the high platform.

The big sword in his hand slowly floated into his hand.

She looked up and down at the man who looked like a flamingo, and said with a smile: "Hey... you are the boss of the Don Quixote family, right?"

"Tell did you get into this birdcage! My moves...but even Fujitora can't break through it!"

Now that the identity of the other party has been determined.

Doflamingo wanted to find out if he had any weaknesses as a birdcage.

faced his inquiry.

Beidou shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I don't have to answer the dead man. Since you are Doflamingo! Come and take action...

Otherwise, you will die quickly. "

" are so arrogant. Since you are not that man, why are you and me so arrogant!!! The huge white line..."

The nearby buildings turned into lines.

It was like a wave crashing towards Beidou.

It's so fast.

Luo's head felt numb when he saw it.

This kind of attack only takes one time, and you will be injured or even dying.

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