It must also pass the judgment of the world government.

Beidou heard this and sneered: "It's a nest of snakes and rats, no wonder... Su Han said, you are the navy of this world.

Not even a face robber.

Prisoners who have no regard for human life should be taken back and imprisoned for a period of time.

Then let him go and continue to do evil, right?

Forget it...I don't want to know about these things either. Let's do it... Before I came, I had made a plan to do one-to-many.

Let me see it too.

How do you compare with Aokiji and the others? "

I heard the other party talk about his predecessor's navy.

Fujitora smiled and shook his head: "I haven't fought against him either...but my strength should be pretty good..."

The staff sword made an attack gesture.

Then, the Gravity Knife reappeared.

The terrifying gravity hits Beidou directly!

The nearby terrain was directly sunken.

And it spreads rapidly towards Beidou!

"Oh? Is this the Gravity Fruit?'s pretty allows me to use my true strength!"

She burst out laughing.

Purple thunder echoed across the sky.

The shackles of gravity are broken!

Beidou held the sword with both hands and said with a smile: "Come on... Fujitora smiled, come and try my latest move! Thunder..."

Arrogant sword energy.

It was like his own sickle, directly locking on the two of them.

Fujitora's hair instantly stood up when he smiled.

Gravity Knife strikes again.


The two forces collided together, causing the birdcage to tremble.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

At this time, Beidou came in front of the opponent.

The sword fell directly.

The stick knife stopped him instantly.

A violent shock wave.

Directly destroy this high ground.

Luffy exclaimed: "Why can it cause damage without touching it... What kind of attack is this? And... they are also armed colors.

No...this is not an armed color!

This is....

Is this... the overlord's color entanglement? "

After seeing Beidou take action at close range.

Luffy finally understood why the other party was so strong.

It turns out that the power of Overlord Color can also be wrapped around attacks.

Fujitora, who barely blocked the attack at this time, couldn't help but groaned and was sent flying backwards.

However, Doflamingo took the opportunity to get on top of Beidou.

"You are too careless...Thirty-two rounds of sacred bullets..."

"You're the one who's careless, idiot!!"

Beidou turned around suddenly and struck a sword with his backhand.

Black thunder.

Tear all strands.

Frightened, Doflamingo quickly used other threads to pull himself away.

At this time, the terrifying sword intent shot straight into the sky.

There was a fierce collision with the birdcage.

.... .. 0

Then something shocking happened.

The birdcage that tears apart the nation.

He was actually chopped into pieces by Beidou's sword!


Fujitora saw the birdcage shattered and naturally seized the opportunity.

Released another one of his own tricks.

From the sky, a huge meteorite was attracted.

"Hahahaha... Fujitora, you did a good job... Let me add some ingredients to you! Bai Hai..."

Watching the meteorite wrapped in flames fall.

Doflamingo couldn't help but laugh wildly.

This kind of move.

How should the other party hide?

The ground is due to the power of elementalization.

It has become countless threads.

Directly entangle Beidou in it.

Now there are meteorites above the head and silk threads below.

Beidou has no way out.

But her current expression was extremely calm.

Layers of thunder and lightning jumped from the ground.

Until Beidou was entangled in all the lightning.

Doflamingo discovered that his threads could no longer trap the opponent, or rather... his elemental ground.

I don't know why.

restored to its original state.

His eyes narrowed sharply.

"My could it be possible!!!"

Logically speaking, unless the owner dies or loses his strength and will.

Otherwise the elementalization will not be lifted.

But what happens now?

Thunder filled the sky.

Keep shining.

And meteorites are also falling rapidly.

I saw Beidou muttering to himself: "It was okay to play for a while longer, but now it seems impossible..."

She held the dragon-slaying sword, gathered thunder and lightning and danced towards the sky.

The dragon roared.

The sky tore.

The purple dragon headed straight for the meteorite.

With the deafening explosion, the extremely huge meteorite was torn apart like this.

But Beidou did not stop his actions.

After solving the meteorite problem.

He came directly in front of Fujitora Yixiao.

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