"It's swordsmanship!!! A long sword..."

Zoro, who was chasing after him, could see clearly.

Because of that sword.

Just killed Serka!

On top of the ruins of the high platform.

Beidou looked at the dragon-slaying sword flying back and said with a smile: "The power of sword control is really wonderful... So what if you can fly?

It's not like he was killed by my sword. "

There are three stages of swordsmanship.

The first one is naturally tempering.

The second is flying.

The third one is to kill the enemy with a sword!

Sword control... can naturally make the magic weapon more powerful and behead enemies from thousands of miles away.

However, this thousand miles is a bit too much.

But it can still be easily killed from thousands of meters away.

Target the enemy with your knowledge.

Kill with sword.

How chic.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Yura: "Is there such a move? It's so cool...the enemy flies so far away and can be killed with just one blow of the sword?"

Lisa: "Don't tell me...I want to practice sword practice! This way of killing enemies is indeed very comfortable..."

Diluc: "I'm going to practice! Try to achieve this step as soon as possible..."

Beidou doesn't take action.

They all thought the gap between them and her was about the same.

But today, when I showed my hand, I realized how terrible the captain Liyue was.

This kind of fighting power.

It can be said that close combat is domineering.

Play swordsmanship remotely.

Who can compete with me?

Gan Yu: "She has really mastered the art of sword control, but... I have also been refining a sword recently, so I can use it when the time comes."

Keqing: "Oh...I thought I could surpass Beidou, but it seems she is still ahead of me."

⒈O Mio Yi (6) Paint ⒈〇 No cover

She doesn't want to do tasks these days.

It is the most difficult stage in practicing sword control.

Kill the enemy with a sword.

As a result, Beidou has completed his cultivation.

Su Han: "You only know how to work hard, but... there is one thing I want to say. Many of the skills in the group have considerable power.

I hope you will work hard to develop it.

Especially the power of magic! "

Although the senjutsu is not like Naruto's, the power it contains is absolutely terrifying.

What can it really become.

It also depends on everyone’s understanding.


One Piece Dressrosane.

After Beidou killed Doflamingo, his mission was still unfinished.

So, she started killing the remaining people according to the list.

The first person to die was that disgusting sticky fruit user - Torrebol.

Subsequently, other cadres also died one after another.

Until half an hour later.

Beidou's mission is now completed.

The prompt sound of the All Heavens Task Group sounded.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the four-star mission in the heavens and receiving the mission points reward: 100,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The time you can stay is two hours. 】

See the beep.

Beidou couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"You're lucky to be able to stay for so long. It seems I have to collect some things..."

When she checked the notification tone in the group.

Trafalgarro and others quickly came to her after confirming Doflamingo's death.

Everyone cheered.

At this time, Luffy said to Beidou: "Thank you for helping us... I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?"

"Well...I need a lot of things from this world...preferably weird ones. It would be great if there are devil fruits..."

"This...I'm not sure, but...I think the king of this country and those people should be able to help you."

Luffy rolled his eyes.

The key figures quickly came to mind.


There are also some cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Although Beidou killed many people, there were still a few people who survived.


And the person with the ability of the weapon fruit.

None of them died...

Violet frowned when she heard Beidou's request: "A treasure from our world? This... is really difficult.

Because Doflamingo got the fruit and sold it.

Let's go find the things and show them to you..."

ten minutes later.

A list appeared in Beidou's hands.

There are a lot of phone bugs inside.

There are also many weapons.

She frowned and said, "What is this phone bug?"

"You can call people far away, as long as the frequency is the same!"

Group: Yi Ling Zero One Liu Qi Yi Ling Wu Wu

Violet explained quickly.

The phone bug is a special treasure in their world.

As for other weapons and so on.

It's everywhere.

However, Luffy also provided something later.

For example, the shells from Sky Island.

And the herbs Chopper collected.

Some gadgets that Usopp researched.

Even some recipes.

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