I saw the power of Mondstadt.

The fox really wanted Su Han to get involved in Dao's wife's affairs.

But she also understands.

It is unrealistic to let Su Han pass now.

So, ask for something accurate.

It's just to comfort myself.

Su Han thought about it and said, "It will probably take one to two months...but if a miracle happens, we may be able to get there earlier."

".¨Okay...we have agreed. But...you are too stubborn and can't defeat Ying by yourself. I can intervene..."

Yae Shenzi still said with some complaints.

Fight just fight.

What an upright thing to play.

Just winning is enough.

But Su Han didn't think so, because he relied on the fox to defeat the shadow.

And defeating on your own are completely different concepts.

"Okay... just wait for a while, and soon... Inazuma will restore the previous peace. There are many delicious foods today, stay and eat..."

"Hey, this is what I've been waiting for!"

The fox smiled brightly.

She was getting tired of the food from her hometown.

Xiangling’s craftsmanship is still better.

Liyue was even busier this day.

But before everyone goes to work.

Su Han decided to hold a grand banquet.

After all, Beidou has returned with a full load, so he still has to welcome him.

During the banquet.

This woman wanted to drink with Su Han several times, but... she was stopped by Ning Guang.

"Hey... stinky woman, what do you want to do? I'll have a drink with Su Han... You're so scared!"

"Ha... As for wine, anyone can drink it. But he can't..."

Ning Guang refused to give in.

There are lessons learned from Qin’s experience.

She didn't want Su Han to be eaten secretly again.

Beidou gritted his teeth in anger, and finally gave up and chose to have a drink with Ningguang.

When everyone is enjoying the delicious food.

Xiangling made the first batch of cola.

"Come on...everyone, come over and try it. How does the Coke taste?"

Dark sparkling water.

It looks a bit daunting.

Shen He picked up a glass and tasted it, shook his head and said: "I don't like such irritating things..."

Compared to Coke.

She prefers drinking wine and tea.

On the contrary, after taking a sip, Sugar was surprised and said: "Wow... this tastes delicious..."

"It tastes better frozen."

Su Han gave some suggestions.

Shen He next to him took the big cup, and the coldness flashed across his palms, and the temperature of the coke dropped a lot in an instant.

Everyone tasted the frozen Coke.

Their eyes lit up.

"This tastes so delicious..."

"Well, it's more delicious than those fruit drinks sold in the market..."

"So this is Coke! It tastes great..."

After tasting Coke for the first time, everyone was amazed.

Frozen Coke tastes better.

Have a drink on this hot summer day.

It's so comfortable.

Yae Shenzi tasted it and said with a smile: "I feel like Su Han is going to make a lot of money this time. This kind of thing... I'm afraid it will become popular all over the world."

"However, Coke can only be made a little bit. The trees have not been fully cultivated yet..."

Xiang Ling said with some regret.

The materials given by Franky can only make ten barrels at most.

The rest they have to figure out on their own.

Chapter 199 Mandrill, Ye Lan, and Yan Fei come to the door, Luang Meng hides the Yu Yuan incident! (Must-see illustrations)

Except Coke.

There are also many, many delicacies, all from the One Piece world.

For example, those lovely wines.

Plus Xiangling’s special barbecue.

The atmosphere became more and more lively.

Eat and eat.

Hu Tao put down her chopsticks and sighed: "Oh...it's a pity that that old antique Zhongli isn't here during such a busy time...otherwise, it would have been even more fun."

The previous opportunities were fine.

The other party is quite good.

But this time recently.

The other party actually goes out often.

Not even coming to the party.

what a pity.

Ningguang heard the words and smiled and said: "Immortals don't want to interfere in mortal affairs, so being able to join the group is already very good... I have completed nineteen missions so far.

The promotion task will soon come again.

When the time comes, I will inevitably have to ask this immortal..."

"It's still early for promotion. It will take at least the thirtieth mission... However, the more I practice, the more powerful I feel about the Immortal."

Beidou through this mission.

I feel like I'm still not strong enough.

That time when I was promoted to a mission.

Zhongli is so chic.

Just facing two strong men, I felt a little troubled. It was not enough to prove my strength.

At this time, a figure came outside.

Su Han took a look and felt very surprised.

Why did the Great Sage of Conquering Demons come here?

Others saw Mandrill coming.

He also looked very surprised.

"This must be an immortal..."

"I remember that after the battle with the Whirlpool Demon God, the Great Sage went to the Rock Abyss and stayed there for a long time..."

"I won't be coming to the Rock Abyss this time, so what's the problem?"

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