Mandrill took a deep breath and slowly put on his mask.

"I'll deal with Fushe Yaksha, you go clean up the dead souls, don't let them bother me!"


A storm rises.

Mandrill started fighting.

Countless bright chains appeared around Su Han's body.

"Lock of Heaven!"


Countless chains flew towards Fushe Yaksha, and the latter's body quickly dimmed and disappeared.

The Lock of Heaven failed.

However, Su Han was not in a hurry.

In his field of vision, Fushe Yaksha was already hiding in the space, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack on him.

When the Locks of Heaven return.

A purple crack appeared on Su Han's head.

"You want to become my relative and torture me again. A monster like you...should die!"

Purple thunder.

Turned into a demon-conquering pestle.

It crashes down onto the enemy's head.

But at this moment, countless chains flexibly appeared from all directions, directly trapping Fushe Yaksha.

"I have deep resentment. I have karma, but I am still thinking about others..."

"Fushe...let me purify your resentment!"

Purple light flashed in the golden flame.


When the pure Yang Yan and the power of destroying demons are combined.

When it fell on Fushe Yaksha.

Countless amounts of black energy burst out from the opponent's body.

Billowing black smoke.

It keeps pouring out, and it's hard to imagine how much sin there is in its body.

One minute.

Two minutes.

A full ten minutes.

Until Su Han felt a little tired.

Fushe Yaksha's body slowly returned to normal.

However, its body is now almost transparent.

Mask on face.

Slowly broken.

He finally regained consciousness.

Fushe looked at himself imprisoned in chains and said with a wry smile: "Is it... Boyang? Brother... I lost control again...

Really sorry.

I'm so sorry..."

" name is Su Han, and I'm here to welcome you home this time."

A man appeared in front of him.

The other party's body shone with a clear aura.

It made Fu She's remaining soul sober up.

"Go home? Ah... I... still have a home... Two sisters and one brother are dead..."

"I look so embarrassed when I go back... I'm afraid he will laugh at me again..."

Yasha's deep voice.

Ye Lan and Yan Fei shed tears.

Born as a Yaksha.

Protect Liyue.

After death, he ended up in this state. He was purified and sober, but he was afraid that the brothers would look down on him.

What a gentle person this is.

Mandrill walked over slowly, and all the weapons in his hands fell to the ground.


Even though he had been extremely indifferent for thousands of years, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Looking at his elder brother.

His eyes were filled with tears.

He is always so gentle.

"Brother... it's you... Mandrill... why are you crying... I must be dreaming again..."

"Brother has run out of gas. It's worth it to see you cry at this last moment..."

"It's a pity that I can't see the other three people... It's a pity..."

Looking at Fushe whose breath was constantly falling.

Su Han began to inject power into the soul box of the thousand-year-old locust tree.

Crystal light.

Illuminating the entire space.


Su Han manipulated the soul box and began to absorb Fushe's soul, Yaksha, who was about to disappear.

The body is involuntarily sucked into it.

But at this time, he was attracted by the main soul.

Other soul fragments on the ground also floated out one after another.

There are three pieces in total.

They are all images of filth, wearing Yaksha masks.

However, with the scene just now.

Su Han already knows how to deal with it, purify it first... and then run the soul box to absorb it.

after an hour.

Fushe's soul fragments are sleeping in the soul box.

Su Han wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "We should prepare to leave... Ye Lan, have you found those letters?"

"I found's all the things left by our ancestors."

She raised the letter in her hand.

This time the mission has been completed.

And Yan Fei asked: "How should we leave?"

"It's simple...just use the Taiwei instrument panel on the ground,'d better be prepared! When you finally leave.

The abyss will fight back..."

Su Han reminded everyone.

Finally turn the dashboard.

Align the pointer with the last space.

When everyone came here, the sky was full of stars.


Only one instrument panel fell to the ground.

Rosalin glanced above her head with a knowing expression.

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