Come out to relax and collect some treasures.

We must go back quickly.

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "Just be patient a little longer, wait until I can defeat her... or even be undefeated."

"Well, then I'm going to buy something first. It's not easy to go out..."

Lightning flashed.

The fox disappeared directly.

And on the street, an elegant young lady appeared in a deserted place.

She holds a flower umbrella.

Very elegant.

That afternoon.

Bai Shu brought Qiqi to the door.

The moment the little zombie saw Hu Tao, his expression turned ugly.

"Bad guy... stay away from me..."

"Oh, I've buried you a few times! Come to Qiqi... here are glutinous rice dumplings, do you want a bite?"


Qiqi was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

Feed the zombies glutinous rice.

Good for you.

However, Qiqi did not leave in the end because Xiangling prepared a bottle of coconut milk for her.

Also accompanied by Jean Dilumon.

Only then did the little zombie stabilize.

Bai Shu couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Qiqi so lively. By the way...Mr. Su Han, are you asking me to spawn some trees this time?"

"Well, I recently obtained a batch of plants. I heard that owners of the grass-type God's Eye can spawn them..."

Cola trees and other plants.

All need to be cultivated.

If there is no talent like Bai Shu.

It will probably take a long time.

There is also the possibility that the cola tree will wither.

Of course, there are many other herbs that need to be cultivated.

The seasons in the cave can be changed.

For example, the area where they rest is spring.

The place where these herbs are cultivated is other Chensong Pots.

However, they are linked together because of Grandma Ping's power, so cultivating things becomes easy.

There’s even space for an island.

There are even some seafood products from the One Piece world.

However, these things cannot induce birth.

It takes some time to breed.

Bai Zhu smiled and said: "It's very simple...cultivating plants is not a problem for me." Everyone.

Chapter 204 Bai Shu’s birth-inducing technique takes Qiqi to Jueyunjian

The eye of God of grass type.

The gift is to give birth to plants.

Just as fire can burn.

Water heals as much as it nourishes plants.

People who master the God's Eye of the Grass Element can spawn plants. For example, many people who ran away from Xumi have a natural understanding and knowledge of plants.

Baizhu followed Su Han to the tropical cave.

Looking at the big sun in the sky.

It's like being in Xumi all of a sudden.

"It is indeed a fairy-made creation... This place is really wonderful, as if you are in another country, it is so wonderful...

If I'm not wrong.

The plants you need to plant should be from tropical climates..."

Observed the weather and soil for a while.

Bai Zhu determines what to plant.

"As expected of a professional, it is indeed a tropical plant... called cola tree, which can make very delicious drinks..."

What is a major?

That's what professionals are.

One word revealed the mystery.

Su Han took out the seeds of those plants and handed them to the other party one by one.

Of course, there are still some young saplings.

Because there are also cola trees planted in Dressrosa.

Bai Zhu studied the seeds and saplings, and then planted them one by one, with the grass-type God's Eye lighting up.

The ground was shrouded in a green light.

At this time, he said: "Please give some water... to stimulate the plants!"

"Let me do it..."

Mona stepped forward and tapped her jade finger lightly.

Countless water bubbles condensed in the air.

Then some rain and dew continued to fall.

When rainwater hits the ground.

Those small trees began to grow vigorously. They absorbed nutrients from the earth and absorbed rainwater, and soon they were more than three meters tall.

Shen He next to him was surprised: "It's so fast? Ripening like this... won't have any side effects..."

"No..." Baizhu shook his head gently and explained: "The plants catalyzed by me will not have side effects because of the power of grass.

In fact, it is the power of life...

And while I was casting the spell.

Special fertilizer is also added to it.

There are no side effects from catalyzing these plants!

Of course, if it's those ambrosia or something... there's nothing I can do about it.

After all, I'm only human.

It can only catalyze some of these plants, even herbs..."

Have this ability.

Coupled with the medical skills of Baizhu.

It’s hard not to become the number one pharmacy in Liyue.

Mona said in shock: "Then you are not the richest doctor in Liyue. Just hold a handful of seeds and the herbs will mature in an instant..."

"Hahahaha... Miss Mona is really interesting. However, I will not do this... because other businessmen see me constantly producing herbal medicines like this.

I will be jealous..."

Bai Zhu laughed.

In fact, there was one thing he didn't say.

The catalyzed herbs are actually better than the herbs grown normally.

The efficacy of the medicine is slightly lower.

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