Chapter 208: Aiming at the seal on the creatures of Teyvat, a Paimon falls from the sky

On the way to Star Picking Cliff.

Su Han was thinking about a question.

After all, it was Yingmei who woke up on her own.

It was still due to external factors that caused her to wake up slowly.

The former may be due to Sora's influence, then... the latter may also be due to Paimon's action.

But this is just speculation.

Maybe his own time travel has led to Ying's departure from the trajectory.

No matter what it is.

It was good that Yingmei woke up. Originally, Su Han was still thinking of some way to find her.

It saves trouble now.

"If Abyss continues to cause trouble for me, don't blame me, Sora...hehehe..."

in the air.

Leaving behind a string of hearty laughter.

However, it still sounds sinister.

Half an hour later.

Su Han finally arrived at Star Picking Cliff.

When the knights nearby saw the Pope flying in, they all showed excited expressions.

"How is it? Where is the location..."

Su Hanluo came over and asked Lisa.

The latter pointed him to a place.

"The location is very simple...but I can't find the specific existence. Please see what you should do..."

Follow Lisa's hand.

Deep pits have been dug nearby.

But... there is nothing but sand, just sand.

Not even a corner of clothing appeared.

It seems that Yingmei's seal is not simple.

Su Han thought for a while and said, "Then let's wait for a while... maybe the light pillar will appear again later..."

"This is the only way! By the you know the identity of this traveler?"

Faced with Lisa's inquiry.

Su Han nodded and said, "Well... I know a little bit, but... there are some things I can't say."

Does anyone know if there is a Paimon nearby.

It’s better to talk less about each other.

Lisa was stunned when she heard this, and then nodded in understanding.

Now that he does.

It must have a deep meaning.

Knights around.

Already dismissed.

There are only two of them left here.

It was probably noon.

That light appeared again. The gentle light was not obvious, but it gave people a clear feeling.

Lisa stepped forward and touched the light beam, and asked in surprise: "Isn't it possible that she is underground?"

The power of thunder.

Trying to penetrate the beam of light.

But this light pillar seems to have magical power.

It actually excludes the power of elements.

"The power of this light beam is very strong, and the power of elements cannot penetrate it. Let me try the power of the witch..."

With the thunder it turned into black.

Although thunder is terrifying.

But still couldn't enter it.

Even if Lisa uses natural energy.

Still can't shake the light pillar.

This thing seems to have absolute defense.

Finally, Lisa shook her head and said: "I can't break this seal, so you should do it..."


Su Han stepped forward and reached out directly to touch the light pillar.

But something unexpected happened to him.

His fingers penetrated the protection easily.

It's as if the previous rejections were all false.

When Su Han's arm was retracted from inside, all the light pillars shattered.

A blond girl appeared in the eyes of the two people.

The other person's eyes were closed tightly.

Breathe evenly.

Seems to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Lisa asked in great surprise: "How did you penetrate the light beam~?"

"You may not believe it. I didn't use any power. I just wanted to touch the light pillar. But I didn't expect it to have no defense against me.

Probably...this light beam is aimed at.

Not power.

But the creatures of Teyvat..."

Su Han looked at the sleeping Yingmei and showed a faint smile.

I didn’t expect that.

That seal was broken so easily.

At this time, the girl in her arms let out a cry, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the stranger in her arms.

She seemed startled.

The young girl turned over beautifully and landed on the beach.

Looking at the silver-haired man and the purple-clothed woman next to him, they looked wary.

"Who are you? Why are you here..."

"Don't be nervous, this is what happens..."

Under Lisa's explanation, Yingmei's expression gradually relaxed.

However, she still frowned.

Apparently reminiscing about what happened.

After a long time, she asked: "Excuse me...where is this place?"

"Mondstadt... is one of the seven countries in the Teyvat continent. It belongs to the territory of the God of Wind. Do you want to go and sit in the city?

The mountains and ridges here are wild.

But there is no place to stay..."

Faced with Su Han's proposal.

Yingmei turned her head to look at the dissipated light, still thinking in her heart.

If you leave by yourself.

So, when my brother comes, doesn't it mean that he can't find himself?

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