"I'm not afraid, but you... gave me some food and you were bribed."

"Hehe... This is just my hobby. Don't be so stingy... I won't leave with you in the end!"

"I think you are afraid of Su Han, right?"

Facing Ying's teasing.

Paimon finally acquiesced.

Because she felt that Su Han was good to his friends.

It's just that the way he looks at himself is a little scary.

It was as if I wanted to dissect myself and study it.

She didn't want to be tied up by the other party and do some evil research.

It’s scary to think about it.

At this time, Paimon came to Yura and asked: "I remember that Mondstadt was a free city before. Why can they accept all kinds of laws now?"

“This is a good question, because the previous Mondstadt City was too loose, which led to many spies from the Winter Kingdom sneaking in.

Cases occur every few days in the city.

There are even all kinds of troubles, big and small... and Su Han became the pope because he was appointed by the God of Wind.

I really like that quote of his.

Freedom is not an excuse for crime, but bondage is true freedom.

The law is to protect more people.

Those who feel uncomfortable can actually choose to go to other countries..."

"But if this happens, many people will leave, right?"

Paimon felt that free nations enforced such laws.

There will definitely be a lot of people leaving.

But Yola shook her head and said: "No... On the contrary, after such changes, more people like Mondstadt...

Because traveling is very safe.

And Su Han's existence is the best insurance.

Two dragons attacked Mondstadt before.

It's because of him.

Only then can we live in peace..."

Listening to her description, Ying knew more about Su Han.

Soon they arrived in the city.

Of course Yula went to work.

Ying was assigned to clean up the Abyss Cult and those evil Qiuqiu people in the Daupa Valley.

time flies.

The twentieth mission will be refreshed soon.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Gan Yu: "I'm looking forward to it... Not only will the tasks be refreshed today, but the points mall will also be refreshed..."

Youla: "We just arranged for those two people to go away. I feel that the person named Ying has great talent, if he can be cultivated well.

It won’t take long for you to surpass me..."

Mona: "Well, she is the sister of the Prince of the Abyss after all. She must have a special talent... at least the other party does not have the Eye of God.

You can also use the power of the elements!

This is very strange.

It is completely different from Su Han’s power to control elements..."

Shen He: "I hope she can help resist the abyss. I chatted with her for a while yesterday and found that the quality is pretty good."

Qin: "Don't worry, I will arrange for someone to take care of her."

Lisa: "The person who is favored by Su Han will definitely not be a bad person, but today's task... is not a promotion task.

I don’t know if it will be a special mission. "

The last tenth mission.

But it's very scary.

I'm afraid it won't be easy this time.

Yae Shenzi: "There are still ten minutes... I have some small expectations. Remember that Mr. Zhongli completed it last time, right? Do you want me to appear this time?"

Diluc: "I'm looking forward to the high-intensity mission. I can have a drink just thinking about seeing the figure of Immortal Liyue..."

Zhongli: "No, no... these are just trails! I don't know how to fight... I just have some unique understanding of protection.

In fact, everyone's strength has improved very quickly.

I guess it won’t be long before I don’t need to take action..."

He just wants to retire now.

Live some quiet days, and by the way... I can help Su Han and save his former partners.

Rock god?

He was really tired of this title.

Yola: "Don't say that. I heard that even the three major generals can't harm you. Everyone recognizes this power."

Through the last Beidou mission.

She understood how terrifying the tenth mission was.

Kamisato Ayaka: "Sigh... It seems that I can only be a spectator in this mission, but it's okay... it's quite good to witness the majesty of the immortal."

Rosalin: "Well...Mr. Zhongli is indeed not good at fighting."

When saying this.

She couldn't help but chuckle.

Zhongli is indeed not good at fighting, he just likes to suppress people at the bottom of the sea.

The rock gun was thrown away.

Turn directly into an island.


May I ask what you used?

Zhongli: "Actually... if the group is upgraded, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons can be brought in, and he will fight with each other. In recent days, I heard that the karma in the body has been calmed down a lot.

Can help all of you. "

Gan Yu: "Okay, Mr. Zhongli. We will do it..."

Since the other party speaks.

That must have been discussed with the Great Sage Jinpeng Yaksha.

If the other party joins the group.

The combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Just when everyone was chatting.

The twentieth mission has finally been refreshed.

Moreover, the difficulty of the task was directly increased several times.

[Ding... It has been detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the mission of the heavens has been released! 】

[Tip]: Since this is the twentieth mission, special events are triggered and the difficulty is increased.

[Mission]: The Six Paths Pain attacks Konoha and destroys the entire village. Please defeat the Six Paths Pain and restore the violent Nine-tailed Naruto to normal.

[Difficulty]:? ? ?

[Countdown]: one hour

[Tip]: Six Paths of Pain has a total of six clones and one main body. If the main body is undefeated, the mission is not completed.

Note: In this mission, Naruto may be stimulated to enter the nine-tailed demon fox stage, and his strength is also very terrifying, so please be careful.

[Special]: If Naruto completely transforms into nine tails, the mission will be considered a direct failure.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Yae Shenzi: "This mission is really interesting... The world of Naruto, haha... It seems that only Mr. Zhongli and I can challenge this mission."

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