"If you admit defeat, how about I let you leave in a dignified manner...? I don't like fighting, and now you have destroyed the village.

Don't try to be cruel..."

Facing Zhongli's advice.

Payne's eyes turned cold and he launched an attack directly.

"All things are attracted by heaven..."

A strong gravitational force appeared in his hand, but the opponent was as calm as a rock.

Standing there without wavering.

Chapter 213 The battle between Payne and Zhongli, feel the power from God: Earth Explodes Sky Star!

"This...what's going on..."

Naruto lying on the ground.

Seeing that Wanxiang Tianyin had no effect, he looked very shocked.

You know, even if he turns into immortal mode.

There is no way to break away from the other party's suction.

But why can this man resist this move?

Is there any weakness in Wanxiang Tianyin?

He wasn't the only one surprised.

Even Payne is like that.

His moves didn't work for the first time.

This is really shocking.

However, Payne's reaction speed is very fast. Since the suction force is not enough, he switches to repulsion force.

"Shinra Tenzheng!!!"

"Be careful... that uncle, this is repulsion... This Payne has two powers, and there is a little time interval between them."

Zhongli glanced at Naruto.

A faint smile appeared.


The terrifying repulsive power fell on Zhongli's shield.

A shocking shock erupted.

The nearby ground was exaggeratedly sunken.

This repulsive force can even shatter the Rasen Shuriken into pieces.

However, it was unable to affect Zhongli at all.

Just a raging hurricane.

Blow his hair slightly.

Not even the clothes matter.

"I don't believe it..."

Tiandao Payne looked ferocious and increased his power output.

The repulsive force continues to increase.

It directly knocked away Naruto who was not far away.

Now on this battlefield, only Zhongli and Payne exist.

However, as the repulsive force increased, Payne gradually felt that something was wrong.

The man in front of me.

It seems like a big mountain.

It can't be shaken at all.

In the end, the repulsive force was too great, and Payne himself was knocked away.


Inside the camouflaged tree trunk in the distance.

Nagato immediately vomited blood.

The backlash of this move made him very uncomfortable.

Konan immediately asked: "What's wrong? Did something happen with Kyuubi..."

"A new enemy has appeared, and he is very strange... But, I am a god... I should have no problem dealing with him."

A cold flash flashed in Nagato's eyes.

It seems that there is a desire to achieve peace.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

He panted and continued to output chakra.

In fact, the burden is very heavy.

But it was all worth it to catch Kyuubi.


on site.

Zhong Li looked at the cracked shield, nodded and said: "This strength is indeed good...it seems to be very close to what I judged.

If you add more strength.

It can’t be like last time..."

At this time, there was an extremely huge rock.

Falling from the sky.

It fell directly from Zhongli's head.

Inside Qunyu Pavilion.

Su Han couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha... I always use rock guns to suppress others. Now I am being suppressed by others. I don't know what it feels like..."


On site.

Tiandao Payne looked at the boulder. It was clear that the opponent could not be injured by this thing, so he directly chose to rush forward quickly.

He considered the man defensive.

It won't be unlimited.

It may be the same as his own Shinra Tenzheng.

There are intervals.

"All things are attracted by the sky...〃~."

Another huge rock fell from the sky.

Two huge rocks hundreds of meters in diameter.

It crushed the ground.

Sakura looked at the boulder in the distance and said in shock: "What...what's going on!!! Is Naruto fighting..."

The ninja of the Hyuga clan next to him.

I observed it with my own white eyes.

Then he shook his head and said: "No...it's not Naruto, he lost just now. Now there is another man, and..."

"And what..."

Sakura looked confused.

The ninja of the Hyuga clan said with a trembling voice: "I didn't see the flow of chakra in the opponent's body, it seemed that it was a more powerful force.

Like the sun.

It's burning hot inside the other person's body..."

The words just fell.

There was a clicking sound from the two huge rocks.

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