"The other party (Li Hao) doesn't have any ninja village marks on him."

"No, that pattern... seems to be someone who appeared in the Land of Waves a few years ago. I remember Kakashi-senpai reported on that mission."

The mission of the country of waves.


Kakaan was injured.

According to the other party's description.

It was a man wearing a strange ornament who rescued Zabuza and the others.

And now the other person's back.

Suddenly a shiny thing.

After receiving the news, Sakura was surprised and said: "It is indeed this pattern, but last time the person was a woman, but now it is a man.

Aren't they hostile to Konoha?

Why help us. "

years ago.

The Land of Waves left a deep impression on her.

She even heard her master say it.

After that incident, Konoha sent many ninjas to investigate.

The result was nothing.


Payne felt the huge pressure and sneered: "Sure enough... your strength is very powerful. Even stronger than Kyuubi.

But...my power will be greater than yours.

Because I am the God who brings peace to the world...

Is a true god.

Feel my pain....Earth Explosion Sky Star! ! ! "

A black sphere.

Born from Payne's hands.

Flying quickly towards Zhongli's head.

Strong when frozen in the sky.

The extremely powerful gravitational force began to explode.

Chapter 214: One shot breaks the ground and explodes the stars, and everything in the sky suppresses the Nine-Tails

Earth explodes and stars explode.

This is a ninjutsu that controls gravity to an extreme.

Because of the moon.

That's how it was made.

Although Pain does not have the blood of the Uchiha clan or the Senju clan, his transplanted samsara eye can also perform this terrifying ninjutsu.

"Drink... no matter who you are... let me die under this great power!"

Gravity continues to explode.

A large number of stones flew up from the ground.

A sphere continues to expand.

The ninjas of Konoha Village showed expressions of despair.

Such a horrific attack.

I wonder how to resist.

The attraction continues to increase, even to a very scary level.

Zhongli's body.

Under the influence of this force, it flew upwards.

See this scene.

Pain shouted coldly, turned and ran towards Naruto.

This kind of move can trap the opponent for a period of time, but... he knows clearly that if he wants to kill the opponent, he will most likely not be able to do so.

That being the case.

Let’s capture the Kyuubi first.

He's very fast.

Unchanged, Naruto was found.

It's a pity that at this time, Hinata had already cleaned half of the black stick on the opponent's body.

It’s time to continue cleaning up.

Payne came to them.

"Don't even think about doing anything to my prey...boring mortal..."

The black rod penetrated Hinata Hinata's abdomen.

Then the other black sticks fell together.


All were penetrated by the black rod, and bright red blood splashed all over Naruto's face.

"Hey... Hinata... why did you... clearly told you to run away!!!"

"Ahem...because I like Naruto-kun the most. Even if I die, I won't be afraid...because I love you..."

When hearing Hinata's shocking declaration.

Naruto then understood.

It turns out that she actually likes herself.

Recall that scene.

The anger in Naruto's body exploded in an instant.

453 The power of nine tails.

At that moment, it took over his body.

The power of red.

resounded through the sky.

Naruto stormed off.

And at the top of the head.

Zhong Li felt the power of this move and commented: "Hmm... with gravity as its core, its power only needs to break gravity.

You can resolve the move...

Um? The evil power below is... Could it be that he went to find Kyuubi... It seems I have to solve this move...

Otherwise, if the mission fails, I'm afraid Su Han will blame me again..."

The spear in hand.

Shine golden light.

Directly penetrated the core of the Earth Explosion Star.


Pain was fighting with Kyuubi on the ground.

Look up to the sky.

I saw a figure slowly falling from above.

Those golden eyes reach down to my heart.

It's too scary to look at.

"Damn it...even the Earth Exploding Sky Star can't trap that guy!"

Pain couldn't help but roar.

His strongest move.

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