And Diluc had better forget it.

Just train yourself well.

The final candidates were Hu Tao and Xiang Ling.

The former possesses pure Yang Yan after transformation.

The strength has reached a new level.

And Xiangling... seems...

At this time, Mona said: "I think there is only one candidate for Sha Shao Fruit..."


Su Han turned back to look at her.

I wonder what this astrologer proposes.

Mona said softly: "Our little cook... is actually very strong on the inside.

I won’t mention my thoughts.

Every time you get hurt, she will rush over immediately.

The key is, I listen to Master Mao.

Recently, she has been busy with coke during the day, and has to practice alone until late at night.

I just want to prove myself...

Maybe you can go check out the space in Yueqiu Mountain at night, maybe you’ll find something..."

"Okay, I understand..."

when they go back.

It's already evening.

Su Han returned home and visited Qiqi, who was sleeping, and found that she was in good condition.

I guess I will sleep for a while longer.

You'll wake up.

I don’t know what Qiqi will look like when he wakes up.

Dinner time.

Everyone looked at Naru floating in the corner of the room.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

Creatures of pure elements also have their own intelligence.

What an interesting creature.

Hutao poked the other person with her finger and said in surprise: "It's warm..."

"My body absorbs light during the day and will continue to release it at night. It is naturally warm. This lady..."

Zilali explained 12 her physical condition obediently.

The glowing jigsaw puzzle changes shape in the air.

No need to light the lamp.

Ning Guang looked at Zilali and smiled: "Why do you always come up with some weird things? You used to be a Digimon.

Now I have become Naaru again..."

"This... don't ask me, actually I don't know either! Taotao... stop playing, come back and eat."

Su Han looked at the girl playing games with Zilali.

Couldn't help but call out.

If you don't eat it now, these dishes will be cold in a while.

Zilali couldn't help but persuade: "Miss Hutao, please go to dinner. I will play with you after you are full..."

"Hehe, we have an agreement!"


After receiving the answer, Hutao quickly ran to the dining table and started eating.

However, she is playful at heart.

After just grabbing a little bit of food, he ran over and started playing with Zilali again.

They even asked each other if they wanted to eat.

Zlali is an elemental construct.

Naturally, I can’t eat anymore.

Because it doesn't even have a mouth.

During the banquet.

Su Han looked at Sugar and asked: "What do those sun grasses feel like? Are they practical..."

"Well, it can be said that the energy problem of Guiliyuan has been greatly alleviated! Moreover, I have made a design to prepare the sky above Guiliyuan.

Create a large powered ceiling.

Used to draw the power of the sun.

In this way, the energy problem in the factory will not be a concern.

As for civilian use, the cultivation of sungrass is also very fast. Today, with the help of Mr. Bai Zhu, two thousand new sungrass plants have been bred.

Liyue Port only needs to install cables to get electricity. "

Now Sugar can be said to be the chief engineer of Liyue.

Except designing something.

We also have to be responsible for people's livelihood issues.

Moreover, as time passed, she gradually became mature and steady.

However, sometimes I am a little shy.

Gan Yu, who was next to him, also said at this time: "Those people from Fontaine have now entered a working state, and the situation is very stable now.

Some people even plan to write letters to familiar friends.

Let them come to our place..."

"Talents must be poached. You can tell them that if you can poach a talent, you will be rewarded with 50,000 molas."

"Such a big deal?"

Beidou was startled by Su Han's words.

Fifty thousand molas.

That's a lot of money.

At this time, Ningguang said with a smile: "Fifty thousand molas is not much, and I took the initiative to ask people to come over. It can be regarded as a reward..."

time flies.

Soon it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Su Han didn't sleep and walked directly towards Yueqiu Mountain.

This is a small space with more moonlight than sunlight. It is dedicated to cultivating some herbs that grow at night. It belongs to a mountain and forest land.

when he arrived.

A girl is practicing hard under the moonlight.


Flames rose from the spears.

Crash towards the mountain wall.


Appeared with a sound.

A huge crack appeared on the mountain wall.

"Huh...I finally mastered the internal destruction of Haki. It seems that my efforts these days have not been in vain..."

Xiangling murmured to herself.

She had no idea that Su Han was already behind her.

"I'm not sleeping so late, so I'm hiding here from all the hard training..."

"Who? It turns out to be Brother Su Han..."

Xiangling was startled by the sudden sound.

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