It also allows many people to find opportunities for prosperity.

For example, Diona, a kitten, appeared in Su Han's field of vision.

One can imagine.

Cat Tail Tavern has opened a branch here.

The two of them turned around.

Then, we arrived at the manor.

Last time I came here.

Here are just some foundations.

But now it is almost completed.


swimming pool.

And the beautiful grass.

It's simply a holiday destination.

The person in charge saw Su Han arriving and quickly came over to say hello.

"Sir... why didn't you say something when you came? Do you need to move in now? The interior decoration is almost completed.

Only some small rooms have not yet been completely installed. "

"No, I just came here to take a look. Keep working hard..."

"Thank you for your compliment, sir."

Can do things for Su Han.

I don’t know how many people envy me.

Also, the commissions are very high.

When adults use themselves, they give themselves face.

Su Han took Qin in a circle, and then flew towards the interior of Dadaupa Valley.

Originally this was the tribe of the Qiuqiu people.

However, now this place has slowly been opened up into Mondstadt's paradise.

A lot of land was turned into farms.

There are many fruit trees planted on the hills.

It was also the first time for Qin to come here. Seeing the busy scene of the workers, she sighed with emotion: "In the past, I actually suggested that they tidy up this place.

However, no one listened to my advice.

The benefits brought by so many crops and fruit trees are too great... Now the people in the city are trying to obtain the right to develop here.

It was so noisy. "

"Ha... It's just a businessman's nature. In fact, if it wasn't unsafe over there at Fenglong Ruins, we would have developed it..."

Benlang leads near Mingguan Gorge.

There is still a lot of land that has not been developed.

But it's really dangerous over there.

Not suitable for development at all.

We can only leave it at that.

Paimon, who was accompanying Yingmei on her mission below, saw the figure flying from the horizon and said quickly: "Hey... Traveler.

Do you think that is Su Han? "


Yingmei turned her head and looked in the direction of the other person's finger.

Only two familiar figures were seen.

It's approaching quickly.

"Hey...Su Han, we are here..."

Paimon waved his little hands vigorously, fearing that the other party would not see them.


Su Han came to the two of them.

"Little Paimon is so happy? Is it (bcfe) that he ran out of dried meat..."

"Hehe, you are so smart... That dried meat is so delicious, spicy, delicious and satisfying, so I accidentally ate it all."

Hear the other person reveal his or her feelings.

Paimon admitted it directly.

Later, Su Han took out a new bag of snacks and said with a smile: "Here... take it and eat it..."

"Wow... such a big bag, you are so nice Su Han..."

Got to eat.

Paimon instantly forgot about his partner Ying.

Start feasting immediately.

Yingmei shook her head helplessly, this emergency food was so easy to buy.

Give him something to eat and forget what he is going to do.


At this time, Su Han asked Ying Mei, "How was the mission?"

"I killed some monsters in the abyss. They controlled the Qiuqiu people and wanted to destroy the railway tracks and the ores. I stopped them...

There are even slime attacks.

However, I was able to win it easily..."

Yingmei’s mission today is to patrol.

Plus protected shipping.

However, it was originally thought to be an ordinary day.

But unexpectedly encountered many obstacles.

Paimon ate snacks and asked: "By the way... aren't you very busy, Su Han? Why are you free to come to us today?"

"Ah...that's it. I recently acquired a kind of light power, so I passed it on to the knights and priests of Mondstadt.

I was wondering if you would like to practice cultivation too? "

"The power of light? What is that... It seems that it does not belong to the power of the seven elements!"

Paimon tilted his head, looking confused.

Su Han explained: "That is the power of the Holy Light...a cultivation method from another world. It seems to have good suppression on the abyss.

So, I stopped by to ask you.

Are you willing to practice? "

Yingmei lowered her head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I am willing to practice..."

she was thinking.

If only I could have more power.

Maybe you can learn more about your brother.

Later, Su Han imparted the power of the Holy Light to Ying.


She just tried practicing for a while and easily mastered the power of Holy Light.

Moreover, it is also very powerful.

Even stronger than Barbara.

Yingmei tried to transfer her power to the sword, and a terrifying light bloomed from it.

"Wow... Traveler, you are so amazing, you have learned the power of the Holy Light so quickly!"

Cheerleader Paimon exclaimed.

But Yingmei shook her head and said: "I don't know what's going on. It seems like this power is hidden in my body, and now it's been aroused..."

She hasn't meditated yet.

Power is born.

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