The light blooms.

The knights and priests fought against the beastland hounds.

The fighting was very brutal.

However, with the power of the Holy Light, these brutal monsters.

Extremely fragile.

Knights holding the hammer of holy light and using domineering force.

It was actually easy to smash the bodies of these enemies.

"I didn't expect these monsters to be so vulnerable!!!"


"Kill these abyss monsters."

Ordinary beast-land hounds simply cannot resist the power of the knights.

Amber stood on the top of the tower.

Arrow in hand.

Just like Gatling, continuous bursts of shots are fired.




After clearing an area, she even went to high altitude to continue suppressing the hounds in the beast realm.

However, she soon ran into trouble.

A huge and helpless golden retriever penetrated the space and came to her.

The other party roared.

With just a flick of his tail, the tower of Mondstadt City was shattered.

Amber dodged the attack at the last moment.

At this time, Yula rushed up from the ground, the sword in her hand shining with light.

"Don't be so presumptuous, you monster..."


The giant sword fell.

It directly tore this huge animal realm hound apart completely.

"'s a good thing I have you, Yura...otherwise I would have wasted a lot of time!"

"Don't say that... I just did what I should do and continue to maintain this momentum. I can't let the abyss monsters cause harm to the people.

I just got the news.

Su Han was haunted by monsters.

Be back soon, let’s hold on a little longer..."


Amber nodded and used the wings of wind to change direction.

Continue to attack.

And in that shadow place.

A figure silently observed everything.

"It's really interesting that this strange power can actually suppress the power of the abyss..."

“Moreover, it’s really interesting that the enemy who once destroyed Mondstadt turned into a guardian... I don’t know, the famous Su Han.

What is the situation now...

And where is that incompetent god..."

Dainsreib watched Amber and others leave.

He also slowly disappeared.


On top of Longji Snow Mountain.

Countless beast-level hounds had fallen in front of Su Han.

Even the mages of the abyss were killed by him.

"It seems... that guy paid a lot of price for this operation... and was able to control Andrius' soul.

I really underestimated that Prince of the Abyss. "

Su Han's expression was not beautiful.

He was enjoying it with Qin.

But suddenly an abyss monster attacked.

Who would be happy?

Qin was now fully dressed.

She said to Su Han: "Let's return to Mondstadt City first and disperse the wind and snow there, and then we will go to Benlang Territory..."

Now the city is facing a crisis.

It’s better to find a way to save it first.

Su Han shook his head and said: "No need for our help... Hutao and Xiangling have already passed, we can just go directly to Benlang Territory.

However, that place is too close to Mondstadt.

If there is a war.

It might be affected... We have to find a way to lure the other party away..."

Hutao and Xiangling had just sent him messages to confirm.

Mondstadt is reached in another five minutes.

That being the case.

He doesn't need to worry about Mondstadt's affairs.

All he needs to do is go to the Benlang Territory.

However, it’s a bit troublesome to leave now.

Because the Beastland Hounds have appeared again, and there are thousands of them at once!


On the ice of Cider Lake.

Diluc, Kaia, Bennett, Noelle, Yingmei and Paimon.

Several people are working hard towards the Running Wolf Leader.

"Well...the wind and snow are so strong, it's like a knife, hold me in front of me, I can't fly anymore..."

Looking at Paimon who looked pale.

Ying held him in his arms.

Also increase movement speed.

Mondstadt is not far from the Wolf Territory.

Not to mention walking on ice.

Diluc picked up the phone, answered the message, and said: "The situation in the city has been alleviated, but the abyss monsters are still attacking...

Fortunately, there were no casualties...which is a blessing among misfortunes.

And the people from Liyue have also arrived.

It is estimated that Lisa will be able to provide support in a short while. "

"I saw the shore! There is ice and snow nearby, be careful when you go up..."


Everyone responded in unison.

And Ying is thinking.

Why did his brother attack Mondstadt?

Those people are all flesh and blood.

How could he look so strange?

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