
Within the Zhutian mission group.

Yae Kamiko: "Oh my... it is indeed this little brother. He said he wanted to kill his brother, but now he has turned into saving his brother. He is so arrogant..."

Xiang Ling: "Speaking of which...in parallel time and space, he probably wouldn't know that we dug up his father's bones..."

Hu Tao: "I definitely don't know. The weapon Qin uses is not made of monster bones. If it were from monsters, hehe... that scene would be a lot more fun."

Many people in the group use weapons made from the demon bones of the dog generals.

Except for Qin, her weapons are specially made.

It is a relic of Vanessa, the founder of the Knights of the West Wind.

Wind Eagle Sword.

It is also a token of the leader of the Mondstadt Knights.

Ning Guang: "The strength of these two monsters has improved a lot. They are no longer the superficial battles they had before."

Gan Yu: "I saw Tiansheng Ya...come on, Qin...get it back!"

Ke Qing: "It's useless for you to say it now, Gan Yu. Qin doesn't have time to pay attention to this now. But...this hell blade is indeed quite powerful."


On site.

The fight between the two brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru was very fierce.

Ergouzi even suppressed him for a time.

"The stupid guy was controlled by a sword. He really disgraced his father..."

When Sesshomaru saw that Duguishen was no match for Cong Yunya, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

At this time, his eyes saw the iron broken teeth on Inuyasha's waist.

He pulled it out directly and slashed at InuYasha.

Although the knife burst out with strong backlash.

However, Sesshomaru resisted forcefully.

"Wind injury..."

The terrifying sword energy forced Cong Yunya to defend himself.

However...I used Tie Shaiya.

He couldn't sustain serious injuries either.

Massive consumption of demonic energy.

Sesshomaru knelt on the ground and kept panting.

The palms were dripping with blood.

"Master Sesshomaru..."

Xie Jian and Ling exclaimed at the same time.

However, their voices attracted Inuyasha's attention.

Cong Yunya's voice sounded.

"I have used up some strength, so let's devour flesh and blood to recover..."

Inuyasha, who had scarlet eyes, turned his head.

He rushed directly towards the two people.

Sesshomaru was shocked and angry, and roared: "How dare you..."

But just when he was about to rush out.

A sword pressure came.

Directly forcing Inuyasha back.

In that green wind.

A mature and beautiful foreign woman stood in front of Ling.

She has a beautiful golden ponytail.

The sword in his hand is wrapped with the power of wind.

"So you are InuYasha... you have been completely controlled by the evil spirit... But don't worry... I will save you!"

Jean took a deep breath.

The wind surrounding his body began to become restrained.

A divine light lit up on his long sword.

"Divine blessing..."

Clear light.

In this dark place, it looks very dazzling.

Jean quickly came to Inuyasha.

The sword in his hand stabbed away.

The weapons of the two have not yet come into contact.

Then an earth-shattering sound broke out.

Wind pressure and the power of hell.

Continuously eating both sides.

But... Qin, who possesses divine power, is superior in attributes.

One hit.

She began to launch rapid combos.

With the blessing of wind.

Qin temporarily suppressed Inuyasha, but... the opponent's power was more than that.

Only dozens of fights.

Found something was wrong.

He immediately released Prison Dragon Po again.

".¨Damn woman, I'll kill you first...The wails of hell are rising again...The Prison Dragon is broken!!!"

Crimson Storm.

condensed in the air again.

Seeing this, Sesshomaru quickly came to Ling and Xie Jian.

Take them away from the scene.

And Kagome shouted on the mica: "Run...this is a move from hell, don't resist..."

Hear a voice coming from behind.

Jean made no move to evacuate.

On the contrary, it is constantly accumulating strength.

So what if the prison dragon is broken?

As long as you are stronger than the opponent, you can compete.

"Eagle of the West Wind... bless me and let me break through these shackles..."


Verdant Storm.

In response to Qin's power, a giant storm eagle was born from the sky, and a huge wind field was generated around Qin.

The perfect combination of the power of nature and the power of holy light.

The Wind Eagle Sword has turned pure white.

"Dandelion wind, burst out..."

Thousands of winds surged.

Accompanied by Qin's loud shout.

The Storm Eagle and the Hell Dragon started fighting.



This is a duel for the strong.

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