However, Qin's reaction was quick.

He dodged the attack easily.

But...Cong Yunya was shocked!

"Sesshomaru, you actually chased me..."

Was attacked suddenly.

Cong Yunya was very angry.

Sesshomaru snorted coldly: "It's just my father's knife, but you still dare to show off your violence... Watch me surrender to you! That woman, please don't interfere...

Otherwise, I will beat you too! "

Looking at the strong Sesshomaru.

Qin was a little annoyed, but... she remembered Su Han's instructions before coming.

She just endured it.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

It happened that these two people were fighting, and I could still take a breather.

By the way, it can condense the power of holy light.

Destroy that knife directly!

Although his momentum is good, there is still a gap between Sesshomaru's current strength and Cong Yunya's evil spirit.

The two were in a stalemate.

Sesshomaru's physical strength continued to decline.

But the opponent's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Slowly the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The Gate of Hell began to spread slowly.

"Sesshomaru, you're not good... You're not even as good as that little girl... Hehehehe... No wonder your father refused to give you Tetsuya.

It does make sense..."

"Shut your stinky mouth! Canglong Po..."

"That's all your power is!"


Cong Yunya slashed directly.

Directly smash Sesshomaru's special move into pieces.

Not only that, he even knocked Sesshomaru away.

When it falls on the ground.

The natural teeth on his waist fell out.

However, Sesshomaru had no reason to deal with such a knife that could not kill people.

He rushed over directly.

Wanted to prove myself again.

At this time, Kagome and others also arrived.

Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru fighting the monster, and jumped from the sky to help, but...he was thrown away by a sword energy before he even landed.

"Ahem... Damn Cong Yun Ya, he's so difficult to deal with..."



Kagome looked at the scabbard and asked, "Is there no way to seal that sword?"

"Well... there is a way, but it is absolutely impossible..."

"Say it..."

Everyone roared.

The scabbard was silent for a moment and sighed: "The three swords of heaven, earth and man are evenly matched. But... Cong Yunya is the sword of hell after all.

Be stronger.

If the natural teeth can cooperate with the iron broken teeth.

Then sealing Cong Yunya is actually very simple..."


Everyone was silent.

No, this is the hardest.

Getting Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to cooperate is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Especially asking Sesshomaru to use his least favorite weapon.

At this time Qibao said: "No... Actually there is another way!"


"Have you forgotten that foreign woman? She possesses sacred power. If you can cooperate with her, you may be able to seal Cong Yunya!"


Kagome suddenly realized.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha couldn't cooperate.

But you and the other person can.

You are so smart, Qibao.

Chapter 230 The secret of Qin breaks out, and the power of thousands of winds destroys Cong Yunya

After Qibao's reminder.

Kagome just reacted.

If he could take action with that woman.

It may not be impossible to kill that evil sword spirit.

"Okay, Mica... please - send me there!"


Kirara nodded obediently, and then drove Kagome closer to the battlefield.

At this time, the two dogs were fighting with the evil spirit Congyunya.

Everyone seems to want to prove that they are stronger than the other.

However, one of the two brothers was bitten by the iron broken teeth, and the other was possessed, and they didn't have much strength anymore.

It's just a hard struggle.

At this time, Qin put the natural teeth that fell on the ground into the storage bracelet.

Produced by Grandma Ping.

Everyone in the group has one.

This is something prepared to collect treasures.

A few minutes later.

Accompanied by a roar of wind, Kagome finally arrived on the battlefield riding Yun Yu.

"Huh... I finally found you, this lady... Don't misunderstand me. I'm here to help you. My name is Kagome and I am a miko.

Possessing the power to destroy demons....

Have a lot of control over that monster.

I think if we cooperate, we can definitely defeat it! "

"You?" Qin looked at her and quickly shook her head: "You are not strong enough to influence that guy..."

The demon-breaking power in the opponent's body is pitiful.

It can't affect the monster at all.

Even if Kagome had one-third of Su Han's demon-breaking power, she could still influence the outcome of the battle.

Hearing that the other person looks down on him so much.

Kagome said unconvinced: "I can really do it, please believe me... Moreover, with one more helper, you can kill that guy faster, right?"

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