The real enemy is yourselves.

If it weren't for Kamria's crazy exploration of the abyss, there would not have been the disaster five hundred years ago... You always hate the Seven Gods so much, did you know...

If the original Kanria had not been destroyed.

How many sacrifices will the Seven Kingdoms make? "

Face his questioning.

Dainsreib's face was very (bcfe) very ugly.

Then, he gritted his teeth and said: "But... the Seven Gods even our country..."

"Your sin is to explore the power of the abyss, to spy on the power to defeat gods, and to want to become a god yourself... But unfortunately, the power of the abyss.

It will only bring disaster.

The dragon Dulin.

Cultivator war machine...

And those monsters that come with the disaster...

If it weren't for Kanrea, Teyvat would be a better place than it is now.

You don't want to think that with the power of Kanria... you can prevent that kind of disaster, right?

Do you believe this yourself? "

Faced with Su Han's counterattack.

Dainsreb fell completely silent.

Abyssal disaster.

At that time, it was indeed impossible to stop it.

The seven gods destroyed the kingdom.

It's also because they explored things they shouldn't have explored.

Even if the Seven Gods don't go.

Disasters will also occur.

It will be even more terrifying.

Think about the original god, but he died in that battle.

"Think about it for yourself. Your choice of revenge in the abyss is indeed correct, but please don't blame others for the destruction of the country...

You Kanriya suffer.

Other countries are not doing well either.

Liyue has sacrificed too much in order to deal with that disaster...

When you have figured it out, go to the Rock Abyss to find Halfdan.

No need for the moment, you go on your mission..."


The seal on Dainsreb was lifted.

But he didn't dare to escape.

Because he knew it very well.

If you dare to leave, the end will definitely be very miserable.

Wait until night time.

Dainsreib left a letter and set off for Liyue.

Because the abyss network over there has been completely destroyed.

He had no choice but to take the train.

Fortunately, Su Han gave orders.

No one stopped me along the way.

It's almost night time.

Then they arrived at the layered rock abyss.

In that upper area.

A group of black snake knights are practicing special attack methods.

Next to them was a group of Liyue's Qianyan Army.

They obviously got along very well.

"Hey...Captain Halfdan, come on...knock the old guy down!!!"

"Hahahaha... Halfdan, come on..."

Look at such a harmonious scene.

Dainsreb felt inexplicably sad.

I have seen such a familiar scene before.

Unexpectedly, five hundred years later.

It happened again.

Until the end of the competition.

Only then did Dainsreb come to Halfdan.

The two men looked at each other.

Halfdan looked shocked and said: "Master Sword of the End of are you here?"

"So you've really returned to normal? Halfdan..."

At this moment, Dainsreb was finally glad that he had made the right decision.

Because of following Su Han.

We can see the hope of restoration! ! !

If there is help from the other party.

Then, the former remnants of Kanria might be able to return to normal! ! !

"I... chose to follow Mr. Su Han. He said I could see you here. Can you tell me... what happened recently?

Some time ago, I have been running in the abyss.

I don't know what's going on here. "

"So that's it..." Halfdan smiled when he heard this: "Then we will be comrades again from now on... Everyone, come here quickly! Master Dainsreb is here..."


A group of black snake knights ran over.

When everyone saw Dainsreib.

His eyes were full of emotion and surprise.

But the most sad thing is.

Those people from back then are the only ones left.

"Sir, it's so nice to meet you..."

"Sir, we in Kanria have not perished yet! At least we are still alive..."

"Master Su Han told us that one day, when we return to normal, we can be allocated a piece of land..."

Everyone said a few words.

Then he told what happened during this period.

Su Han is not a heartless person.

On the contrary, the other party respected Halfdan and the others very much.

And the people of Liyue, who understood what happened back then, actually accepted them.

Deinsreb felt sad in his heart and said with a choked voice: "Is that so? It seems that I was wrong... I have been blinded by hatred for so many years."


The country of Kanria was destroyed.

But other countries are not having it easy either.

Focus only on yourself and ignore the wounds of others.

This is a stupid thing to do.

"Hehe... Yes, Master Sword of the End of Light, we follow Master Su Han, and sooner or later we will defeat all disasters and re-establish the country.

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