She is the former executive of the Fools.

For matters within the organization.

That's very detailed knowledge.

So, today's thing.

It's completely disguised by the rice wife.

Su Han's eyes turned cold and he said with a smile: "It's interesting...I haven't even entered Rice Wife yet, and people are starting to plot against me...It's really interesting. And these people also want to blame the fools."

"Could it be done intentionally by the fools?"

Shen He looked at Rosalin and asked.

The latter shook his head, pointed to the ground and said: "The battle of the advance team is very precise, and such soldiers will not be deployed in the water. Because of the rock element.

Weakened near water.

If I were the initiator of this plan.

It's best to use ice power.

Ice Fireflies Warlocks plus Thunder Fireflies Warlocks, combined with some Thunder Hammer vanguards.

No stronger than this rock type guerrilla.

Unless the bcfe commander who fools everyone is an idiot.

But...those who dare to attack Su Han must have been prepared..."

After listening to Rosalin's explanation.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Mona looked at the traces of rock elements on the ground and said with a smile: "So when you see the traces of elements here, you guess that something is wrong this time, right?"

"Yes..." Rosalin nodded, looked in the direction of Inazuma and sneered: "The skirmisher may seem crazy, but in fact he is very cautious... with his plan.

How could such a flaw occur? "

Shen He frowned and said, "Have the Dao Wife people gone crazy to this point? Could it be those two great disciples..."

"I don't know, but let's... go over and take a look and we'll understand! Someone... bring my Meili over and head to Inazuma..."

"Yes, sir!"

The Mellie docked near the island.

After my last trip.

Then he didn't drive away.

Therefore, this time it is considered convenient.

Rosalin said to Su Han: "I won't follow you... in case that guy finds out that I'm still alive! Please be careful on the way..."

"Well, I know..."

"Also, I always feel that what happened this time is not that simple... Anyway, don't be too impulsive."

Do not know why.

Rosalin suddenly felt uneasy.

So, I gave one more warning.

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "Are you still afraid that something will happen to me... How can I put it this way? My current power is already at the level of an immortal..."


Rosalin rolled her eyes at him and hummed softly: "When you were weak in the past, you would think for a long time about everything you did.

But now it's a bit more arbitrary.

It's better to pay more attention. "

Caution is the boat.

The reason why I fell in love with him in the first place was because I was too confident.

As a result, not only people have become the subordinates of the other party.

Even my heart gradually fell.

Su Han chuckled and said: "Okay, I will be more careful. Try to focus on collecting intelligence first..."

Soon the Merry arrived nearby.

Su Han took the others on board the ship to Daozhu.

Maplehara Manyo is here.

No guide is needed at all.

You can reach Inazuma Country by traveling directly through the thunderstorm.

on the coast.

Rosalind watched the boat go away for a long time.

Until the Merry completely disappeared from the sky.

She then turned and returned to Liyue.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Su Han explained the matter.

And also told Rosalin's analysis.

Yae Shenzi: "What? There is an idiot who dares to sneak up on can't be those two followers..."

Kamisato Ayaka: "What...what happened?"

She has just returned to Dao Wife.

How could such a thing happen.

Ning Guang: "If it weren't for the instigation of the fools, then a blatant attack on Liyue's official organization, this kind of thing... would lead to a war."

Lisa: "You... don't scare them. Talk about something serious... why would the enemy do this!"

Gan Yu: "I think... they should be doing it for the evil eye. Being able to equip hundreds of people with this kind of thing obviously shows that Inazuma's power has improved a lot.

But, as everyone knows.

Inazuma belongs to the archipelago country.

Minerals are not as rich as Liyue.

If Liyue is attacked and the minerals are plundered.

He even threw the blame on fools.

It really kills two birds with one stone. "

Yae Shenzi: "I will highlight two words right now: headache. Can these idiots stop for a while..."

She was really worried to death.

I just finished the task.

Working hard for Su Han.

The other party also agreed to lend him the dragon vein for his use.

And then... directly stab the opponent in the back?

Depend on.

To know who did it.

The Eightfold Divine Son wished he could dig up their ancestral graves all night long.

Kamisato Ayaka: "Do you need me to investigate? The domestic atmosphere is tense at the moment, and your sudden arrival like this will trigger a siege from the two major factions?"

She was afraid that Su Han and the others had just arrived.

There was an attack.

This situation will directly become serious.

Su Han: "No...I originally wanted to develop steadily, but...since those people dare to attack me, they must pay the price they deserve!"

It's okay, you don't have to interfere today. "

Who doesn’t have anger?

He's coming this time.

I came here as the Liyue envoy.

Don't you dare stop me.

We must prepare for a big battle.

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