His cold purple eyes looked at Shinsuke Hiiragi who was slumped on the ground. General Raiden asked: "What else do you have to say..."

"General, it's clear to me!! I definitely didn't do such a thing, it's all fools... It's them..."

"Oh? But just now Kujo Sura didn't mention that it was done by fools. How did you know..."

In an instant, Hiiragi Shinsuke turned pale.

It's already too late to argue.

He turned to look at Kujo Sora.

I just heard someone snort: "You look down on that man too much, you are a short-sighted guy... When the other party controls two countries, you only know how to fool the people."


Shinsuke Hiiragi didn't finish his words.

It was swallowed up by thunder and lightning.

At this time, General Thunder stood up from the ground and said to Kujo Sora: "Follow me..."

"Yes, sir..."

The sky of Inazuma Castle.

There was a terrible thunder.

All the people looked above their heads.

"Is the General angry?"

"The rolling thunder is all God's grace..."

"General Thunder and Lightning, you are definitely going on a patrol..."

People knelt on the ground one after another.

Pray for the general's favor.

However, General Thunder and Lightning had no time to care about this at this time.

She has one thing.

Must confirm.

Thunder in the sky.

Spread throughout Inazuma.

Even thunderstorm areas became more violent.

As a result, the fishermen were afraid to go out.

They all went home to rest.


Outlying islands.

The home where the appointment is carried out.

The Yao Shenzi looked at the changes in the sky, the thunder flashed, and quickly said to Su Han: "Be careful, General Thunder and Lightning is coming... I will tell you.

This guy will definitely not let you go..."

Although there is evidence.

However, this doll is not reasonable at all.

Will only act according to the set plan.

It is true that Hiiragi Shinsuke will be sent over.

Shadow's puppet will judge this guy.

However, the Eye Hunting Order must be carried out, and there will never be anything more important than this.

When Su Han heard this, he smiled and said, "Don't be afraid... I have already prepared for this, so don't worry..."

Changes in the sky.

How to escape your own eyes.

A god who can cover a country with thunder.

This is the true strength of Shadow.

God-level power.

I wonder if I can resist it for a few times today?

Oh no!

In the sky, dark clouds were rolling.

Purple lightning is constantly running.

Less than a minute.

Along with the huge thunder pillar falling.

General Raiden brought Kujo Sora to Hiiragi Shinsuke's home.

She looked toward the courtyard.

Except for Yae Shenzi, the rest here are all unfamiliar faces.

However, one man among them surprised her.

The other party clearly does not have the Eye of God.

But the breath is very fierce.

Even if the other party hides it deeply.

She could also feel the terrifying power hidden in the other party's body.

There is a trace of arc on the cold and delicate face.

"You...are the national treasure from Liyue?"

"That's right. I hope you Dao Wife will give me an explanation this time, otherwise we will retaliate for what happened this time."

Hearing Su Han's threatening words.

General Thunder felt a little surprised.

Although the other party has some strength.

But he dared to say such threatening words to the god himself.

Isn't he afraid of cutting himself off?

"Hiiragi Shinsuke has been killed by me. As for the Tianling followers... I will deal with them later, but you... don't you understand this country's eye hunting order?"

470 When General Thunder spoke.

The power of thunder has begun to shine.

Terrifying momentum.

Blooming from within her.

Yae Shenzi's guess was correct.

For the sake of "eternity", she will take action without hesitation.

Sanctioning Hiiragi Shinsuke gave Liyue face.

However, she also wants to plunder the eyes of other gods.

Because this is the eternal path.

Terrifying momentum continued to erupt from General Thunder.

Kujo Sora kept retreating because of this.

Thunder and lightning have filled the sky.

The being with the Eye of God is her enemy!

Feel the breath of God coming towards you.

Su Han showed a cruel smile.

Fighting for momentum?

I’m not afraid either!

The exclusive overlord color is activated directly.


Two momentums broke out on the outlying island.

Buildings near Hiiragi's house.

All were torn apart.

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