Just repair the soul.

It's not that simple anymore.

The other party is a god-level soul.

Even the locust tree soul box has no effect.

More powerful force is needed.

At least to the level of the top ten artifacts!

For example, Nuwa stone... has the effect of resurrection from the dead.

Or you can get the Shennong Cauldron to refine medicine.

Certain elixirs can also bring people back to life.

In the world of fighting fire.

Yao Lao also had only one remnant soul, but he was eventually resurrected.

Hearing Su Han's words, Yae Shenzi was obviously relieved. She stroked the sacred cherry tree and said with emotion: "Huh... As long as her soul can be guaranteed to be immortal.

There is always a way...

Thank you so much.

Saved two of my closest relatives in a row..."

The sacred cherry tree looking at the sacred horse.

The fox couldn't help but think.

If Kage learns that his sister is still alive, his expression will definitely be wonderful.



At this time, inside the Inazuma Castle Castle Tower.

A movie about Lei who is practicing meditation in the Pure Land of One Heart.

Suddenly, I felt a familiar breath flash through me.

That scent was extremely familiar to her.

Since that night five hundred years ago, I have never felt it again! ! !

This breath is my sister! ! !

Her eyes shot open.

The body appears directly on the top of the castle tower.

Ray looked around.

But her sister's aura seemed to be in vain. No matter how she searched, she could not find her presence.

There was a flash of doubt in her eyes.

"Just now...I did feel her breath, that gentle feeling...it's absolutely unmistakable!"

"But...sister, isn't she already..."

That day, my sister died in her arms.

She saw it with her own eyes.

Absolutely no mistakes.

But what was the feeling just now?

Raikage looked in the direction of Narukami Grand Shrine.

He frowned slowly.

She wanted to go over and ask, but recalled that the fox would definitely laugh at her, so she gave up the idea.

After spending a full hour on the roof of the castle tower.

I found that the breath did not appear again.

Ying felt that he was delusional.

Then he returned to the pure land of one heart.

But she didn't know.

I missed an opportunity to meet my sister.


The next day, at dawn.

Inside the castle tower.

Kujo Sora knelt in front of General Raiden and whispered: "I'm sorry, sir, I betrayed your trust...Tian Ling serves as the head of the family.

My adoptive father Kujo filial piety.

He escaped and his whereabouts are still unknown. "

She has been searching Inazuma City for a day and a night.

However, there are still no results.

It is very likely that the other party has escaped from Narukami Island!

This is for Kujo Sora.

This is a very serious dereliction of duty.

However, General Raiden shook his head and said: "This is not your fault. Kujo Takayuki should have expected it...perhaps it was what happened that day that alarmed him.

Go put out a wanted notice.

By the way, announce what happened during the day to avoid causing panic. "

She had already killed Su Han with a knife.

Naturally, I have to give the other party an explanation.

The mastermind of this incident, Kujo Takayuki, must die to apologize.

Attack other countries without permission.

But what about the betrayal of her!

"Yes, General..."

Kujo Sora turned and left.

Half an hour later, Inazuma Castle announced the events of the previous two days.

People finally understood.

What happened on the island.

There was an uproar in the city for a while.


"So, is that what it is?"

"Two major sectarian families secretly attacked other countries and were caught with evidence. It's really abominable... Do they know the dangers of doing so!!!"

"By the way...are the two great disciples crazy? They actually attacked Liyue...if the army over there comes over, wouldn't we..."

".¨You're right. Our shogunate's army is already at war with Yaoji Island! What if... there are foreign enemies again..."

The expressions on people's faces were wonderful.

Everyone is worried.

Actually, they are not worried about Inazuma's civil war.

After all, Orobas, the god of Kaiji Island, has been killed by Lord Thunder God on Haji Island!

And they have the support of gods.

Naturally, he is not afraid of the people from Haiji Island.

However, Liyue is different.

After reading those bits and pieces of news.

Everyone knows how scary Liyue is.

Not only was a legendary figure capable of suppressing the devil born.

Moreover, Liyue is full of talents.

The great sage who conquers demons.

Three immortals.

And the oldest surviving god, the rock god Morax!

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