To be honest, it's a bit difficult.

"Brother Jing..."

"Douzhao, you are really good... You obviously have the magic sword and the half-hearted curse, but you are afraid of it..."

"Who is afraid!"

"I said you are just afraid!"

"I'm not afraid. It's the Demon Lord! You'll leave it to me in a moment... But it's that god or something, the Fire Ghost King, can you really deal with it?!"

Sedum was stimulated by Xuejian.

Directly confronted.

However, he asked one more question just to be on the safe side.

Kamisato Ayaka touched the natural tooth on her waist and said: "This sword is a weapon specially designed to kill ghosts, and my power is ice and water. There is a high probability that I can defeat the Fire Ghost King."

"I see, no wonder you said 70%. Okay... let's work hard together in a moment..."


Flying over the flaming hell.

They came to a blazing space.

However, compared to before.

It's a little better here.

Two people were arguing in the distance, and one of them fell to the ground.

" still won't admit defeat?"

"Ahem... In my eyes, I never admit defeat!"

Blood oozed from the corners of Zixuan's mouth.

His eyes were full of coldness.

At this time, a sound came from the sky.

"Hey...who is that? Why do you like to bully women...I'll fight you instead!!!"

"Oh? Fei Peng... Hahahaha... Okay, okay... I didn't expect to see you here. Come on... let's continue the battle from before."

"Wait a minute, I've been reincarnated now. If I want to fight you, I'll be thinking about it..."

"Well, that's right...your soul is indeed a little weaker. I'll let you brew..."

Demon Lord said proudly.

Xuejian and Jingtian looked happy.

Sure enough, this guy is very arrogant.

Have the opportunity...

Jingtian held the magic sword in his hand and started reciting the half-hearted mantra, and even performed a great dance.

Anyway, it’s weird no matter what.

However, the magic sword is constantly accumulating power.


And at the same time on the other side.

Xu Changqing and Kamisato Ayaka have found the Fire Ghost King.

"I'll fight first in a moment. If I lose, I'll make it up to you..."

"Girl, is this really okay?"

"It's okay, please believe me... Moreover, this battle is an experience for me!!!"

Kamisato Ayaka took a deep breath.

The hands began to form seals.

His eyes even turned aqua blue.

"Water Release·Big Explosive Water Rush..."

Kamisato Ayaka pressed down.

Countless streams of water appeared out of thin air, and all the chakra stored in the body burst out.

Want to defeat the Millennium Fire Ghost King.

It is simply impossible to rely on a sneak attack.

Rather than that, it is better to create a powerful combat environment from the beginning.

Massive water.

Flooded directly towards the palace.

Xu Changqing next to him was dumbfounded. Why was he wasting so much spiritual energy for no reason?

Wouldn't it be better to wait until the battle to use it?

"Who is it! Dare to come to my territory and cause trouble..."

The blazing waves flew out from the palace.

The figure is more like a fireball.

Directly locked on Kamisato Ayaka.

"Wow...a little human bitch is here! Go to hell..."

Hands of Fire.

Coming quickly.

But Kamisato Ayaka easily dodged through the air.

She turned over like a kite.

Landing gently on the water.

Looking at the water accumulated nearby, he nodded with satisfaction.

"In this way, we can truly start the battle... Su Han, this is the result of my practice... Come and witness it!"

Kamisato Ayaka unsheathed her sword.

The body turned into an afterimage.

Rushing towards the Fire Ghost King in the air.

She was electric.

Feet on the water.

Leap high into the air.

"Kamiri·Ittoryu... Hanchan cries..."


A huge slash.

Directly penetrates the Fire Ghost King.

The other party never dreamed of it.

This human doesn't use Taoism or magic spells, but attacks with such ferocious moves.

The sword energy penetrates the body.

The arm flew straight out.

The Fire Ghost King looked at the broken limbs.

His face became distorted.

She howled in agony.

"What kind of power is this? My arm was cut beautiful arm!!! Bitch...go to hell..."

The Fire Ghost King turned around and pointed his claw at the back.


The figure shattered.

Kamisato Ayaka disappeared unexpectedly.

"No, this is a phantom..."

The Fire Ghost King reacted!

However, at this time there was another sword energy on the right side.

"Shenriliu·Frost Destruction..."

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