Kamisato Ayaka smiled and said: "Water can be evaporated, but... it will also continue to condense mist! Although it disappears... it will exist in another way.

And your move is fire.

Pure water is naturally irrepressible.

But...what if I could change this place...I used my full strength from the beginning. All the water that could be summoned was summoned... just for this moment! "

The heavy rain came as expected.

Even hell.

Water is inherently connected with Yin energy.

What's more, such a large amount of water is evaporated.

In the blissful hell.

It rained heavily.

In the hands of Kamisato Ayaka, ice condensed thousands of times was condensed.

Only then did the Fire Ghost King react.

She looked around and found that it was already raining heavily all around.

I suddenly panicked.

"Kamiliyu·Mystery·Frost World..."

Countless frosts spread.

The temperature of the entire space is dropping rapidly.

Chapter 259 The accumulated ice cuts off the ghost king. Immortals are actually humans too.

Explosion of moves.

Ice comes.

This situation made the Fire Ghost King very flustered.

She tried to stop the frost with fire.

But to no avail.

Because...in this space, there is still wind as a boost.

The wind blows from nowhere.

Madness intensifies the force of the wind and snow.

Let the originally terrifying moves.

Become more terrifying.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that there are many broken bottles in this space.

They have a very cute name.

【Storm Bottle】

A flask of rich air elements specially compressed from granulated sugar.

Only the surface seal needs to be broken.

This can cause a terrible storm to break out from this bottle.

Sixteen Storm Bottles.

Coupled with the previous rain and fog.

Now combined with Kamisato Ayaka's moves, it can be said that... this has reached the level of manipulating celestial phenomena!

On strength.

Princess Egret is naturally no match for the Fire Ghost King.

But...being born in the world of Teyvat, she has understood the importance of elemental reactions since she was a child.

This is a unique fighting method that is not found in the Shushan world.

Harness the power of the elements.

You can completely spread your own power.

This intensifies the ice and snow.

However, this alone is not enough! ! !

The enemy is the Fire Ghost King.

If these little tricks can kill her, the other party is no longer worthy of becoming the overlord.

The power of nature is constantly gathering in the body.

Kamisato Ayaka formed a seal with her hands again.

"Water Escape·Double Dragon Strangulation!"


The continued suppression must not be interrupted.

Take advantage of the snow and ice blowing.

She replenished the water dragon again, raising the power of frost again.

The strength of the body is constantly weakening.

But Kamisato Ayaka didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Because the power that trapped the Fire Ghost King is constantly being broken 483.

It has even melted in some places.

One minute at most.

The other party can break free.

After all, this is the Fire Hell.

The celestial phenomena that are forcibly maintained can only last for a moment.

This is already the limit.

The power in his hands began to gather.

A trick that Mona learned.

Now she has learned it secretly.

An alternative hard vortex water blade condensed on Kamisato Ayaka's arm.

The power of blue.

Rotating as brightly as starlight.

"This is my last chakra, the condensed mysteries... and also the last bloom of ice..."

She started running.

The body keeps accelerating.

Then, he suddenly stepped on the ground and jumped up high.

"Kamiliyu·Mystique·Ice Prison Vortex..."

Dancing high in the sky.

The storm swept violently.

It hit the Fire Ghost King hard.

The surface layer has obviously melted.

But it froze again at this moment.


Kamisato Ayaka slowly fell from the sky. When she landed on the ground, her knees couldn't help but weaken and she almost fell down.

Fortunately, she used her natural teeth to support it.

This avoided the embarrassment of falling to the ground.

However, now is not the time for him to fall.

Just one last shot.

Even if he falls down, he must finish the attack before falling down.

She forced herself to stand up, her domineering energy concentrated on the blade in her hand, and the natural teeth lit up with a purple light that did not belong to Kamisato Ayaka.

"this is..."

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