That’s why I lose my composure when I see her... It’s better to face yourself, so that you can improve your cultivation to a higher level..."

"But, I am a disciple of Shushan! The sect rules are that you cannot have sex with women... Moreover, Master once said... If you want to become an immortal, you must cut off the seven emotions and six desires..."

Hear his words.

Zixuan felt pain in her heart and wanted to leave.

But Kamisato Ayaka asked: "Are you a human being or a stone? If a human being has no emotions and six desires, is he still a human being... Immortals also have the character for human."

The Emperor of Heaven even had a son.

Why can’t we have the seven emotions and six desires when we are here..."

Hear her words.

Everyone was stunned.

It seems right.

Why does Shushan cut off the seven emotions and six desires?

Female sex is also prohibited.

Immortals and gods all have children.

Why are people not allowed to have it?

Seeing that Xu Changqing was stunned, Kamisato Ayaka looked at Zixuan and whispered: "What's more, you have a child..."


I have a child!

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Xu Changqing looked at Zixuan suddenly, as if asking for proof.

But he saw that the other party did not dare to look directly at him.

"Is this true? Do we really have a child..."

Facing the lover's question.

Zixuan said nothing, but was sobbing slowly.

Jingtian was extremely shocked and said: "Baitoufu, I didn't expect you to have a child... I really didn't expect it!!!"

"Zixuan...tell me...please..."

Xu Changqing wanted an answer.

But at this time, the other party couldn't hold back and exploded.

"What can I do if I tell you? I have been waiting for you for three lives and three lives, just to live like a couple of gods and gods! In order to stay together forever.

I even sealed my children in ice.

Because Qing'er is powerful and will rob me of Nuwa's power.

But you are reincarnated again.

What can I do...I miss you every day and night.

Three lives and three lives.

Do you know how miserable I am..."

Zixuan expressed all her grievances.

That scene.

A picture of incomplete pictures.

It kept playing out in Xu Changqing's mind.



Blocked memories.

Open completely.

Xuejian looked at the two people in pain and whispered to Kamisato Ayaka: "Is this really okay? Will there be an accident?"

"No...he has already awakened his memory, but this memory is not complete. It is a good thing to be stimulated now. Brother Su Han, who taught me, said it before.

How are people...

So what about immortals...

Immortals are just people with higher strength and stronger cultivation than humans...

If there were no emotions and six desires, what would the immortal become? A stone... or an existence that is indifferent to life and death.

That form.

I'm afraid they don't like it either...

Therefore, Shushan’s cultivation method is correct.

What is wrong is their thinking..."

Kamisato Ayaka relayed Su Han's words.

Chapter 260 Ayaka Kamisato, who had gained a lot, was detonated!

Xu Changqing quickly recovered from the state of memory recovery.

When you understand the cause and effect of everything.

The look he looked at Zixuan was also full of pity.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault... If I had known earlier, maybe I wouldn't have let you down~..."

"No...Actually, I was also wrong! I clearly care about you, but I dare not confess..."

The two hugged each other.

Tears flowed instantly.

Misunderstanding resolved.

Everyone is happy.

And Xu Changqing was glad that if it hadn't been for the guidance of Yae Shenzi before, he might still have a deep grudge against monsters now.

The two of them are spreading dog food here.

And Kamisato Ayaka handed the Fire Spirit Pearl to Jingtian.

"After the Fire Ghost King is destroyed, my mission will be completed. I hope that I will have a better time when I see you next time..."

Hear her words.

Jingtian smiled and said: "Thank you very much... But we really don't have that kind of treasure with us. Otherwise, I can just give it to you..."

The other party did them a big favor.

Unable to repay.

It was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Although when I came, I was told that I would not be paid.

But... Having experienced fighting with the Demon Lord, Jingtian naturally knows that the Fire Ghost King is not so easy to defeat.

Now people are covered in bruises.

Some areas were still bleeding.

Even though he was so thick-skinned, he felt embarrassed.

At this time, Xu Changqing, who was next to him, came over and said: "I have some elixir recipes and cultivation methods in my hand, and they even contain my plans for attacking Shushan."

I’ll give it to you as well…”

"Chang this really okay?"

Zixuan looked shocked.

If you give Shushan's skills to others.

How will I explain it when I get back?

I saw Xu Changqing shaking his head and saying: "It doesn't matter, they are not from this world, and the cultivation method of Shushan will not live outside if it is passed down to her, and the master once said.

There are many adventures in life that require making good friends...

The other party has saved us twice, and we must repay..."

In fact, he didn't say a word.

That is Taoist Qingwei, who seems to feel that there will be a big crisis in the future.

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