Although this is the inner space of the dream heart.

However, the spirit body in Hua Sanli has not fully recovered.

"Okay, okay, I will be obedient... thirty minutes, definitely not more than one second!"

Lei Jingqing watched this fairy fox being so obedient.

He couldn't help but look surprised.

You must know that among the few of them at the beginning.

This fox is the most cunning of all.

But looking at her now, she seemed to be a different person, and she actually obeyed a man's words so much.

What a miracle.

Before Su Han could use Ming Dao, Lei Movie took the initiative to open up the space.

Released him.

Yae Shenzi, who had been waiting outside for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Han appear intact.

"Are you OK?"

"Well, if nothing else happens, the Locking Order and the Eye Hunting Order will end... 500."

Look at the healing space.

Su Han understood that this otaku God of Thunder would completely change because of this.

This is true for Inazuma.

But it’s a great thing!

Yae Shenzi asked in confusion: "She sat down and had a heart-to-heart talk with you?"

"Yes, I mainly told Ying some things about Rice Wife! Isolating the country, just working behind closed doors, how can there be any progress, and the Eye Hunting Order was taken away.

It will also make fools unscrupulous.

In addition, at the end, Hua Sanli also ran out. By the time the conversation between them ended, I thought...Thunder God should have regained his composure! "

Rice Wife is the most important part of his plan.

If we can open a country.

So, Liyue, Daozhi, Mond.

It will become a terrifying iron triangle.

No matter whether it is against the laws of heaven or facing the abyss in the future.

You can deal with it calmly!

Yae Shenzi nodded and said: "I have to thank you for this, otherwise... if the Tatasha is destroyed, it will be very difficult for us rice wives to unify."

The split between Kaiji Island and Narukami Island.

It has always been a thorn in Ina's wife's heart.

They are obviously from the same country.

But it turned out like this.

There will be no rest for hundreds of years.

If Tatasha is completely submerged, then...the shogunate will have to waste more effort if it wants to check and balance Kaijijima.

Su Han heard the words and smiled evilly: "When I help you, I am also helping myself. Don't forget the contract signed between us... Miss Yaegomiya... If I restore Inazuma.

You are mine..."

"Don't worry, I'm not someone who gets fat by breaking my promise! A contract is a contract... I won't break my promise!"

Yae Kamiko rolled his eyes.

Even if she wants to break her promise.

The contract has already been signed.

How dare you.

If he really breaks his promise, I'm afraid that the (bcfe) emperor will come directly to Dao Wife and suppress him.

It’s scary just thinking about it.


At this time, the dream is in my heart.

After Su Han was transferred out.

Hua Sanli and Lei Qian started talking.

"I remember that you perished five hundred years ago? Could it be said also used the method of lodging with your escape death!"

Look at the exquisite wooden box.

A flash of curiosity flashed in Lei Qianqing's eyes.

Confront her words.

The spirit of the fairy fox smiled bitterly and said: "How can you think it is so simple? In order to purify the disaster of Mingshen Island, I have been completely swallowed by the black mud.

Body and soul all sink...

It can be said that... I have completely become a dead existence. "

"But now you..."

"Yes, my thoughts are firm. Immortal Fox is already practicing the method of thoughts. I am afraid that something will happen to you, so I can only use my strong thoughts to attach to Hei Ni.

Clinging to that filth.

Every once in a while, there will be people who lead others to purify Narukami Island..."

Listen to Hua Sanli's story.

The mood of Ray's movie is very heavy.

When she was autistic and hiding in a pure land.

The other party's remaining soul is working hard for Narukami Island.

No wonder Yae Shenzi laughed at himself.

Su Han also scolded himself.

Even what I did was terrible.

Lei Jingqing looked at his friend whose body was drifting and asked: "Then were you resurrected by him?"

"Yes, not long ago...Due to the war on Kaiji Island, Narukami Island became more polluted, and my body could hardly bear it. Fortunately...

Su Han appeared, but I didn’t remember everything at the time.

The friend took me with him and started the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Cherry Blossoms..."

Remembering that night.

Hua Sanli's face was full of happiness.

If I could be resurrected, I would definitely pursue happiness.

After all, my previous life was too tiring.

She just wants to fish now!

Listened to the whole story.

Lei Movie finally knew why the other party was resurrected.

Su Han is a very special man.

Not only does it have the power to save souls.

You can even travel to another world.

No wonder other countries are so powerful.

The truth turned out to be this.

"By the way, I said Ying... Since he doesn't understand political affairs, why not win over Su Han? All he needs to do is please him, and our Dao Wife is in a chaotic situation.

It will recover quickly.

It can even continue to grow...

There is Liyue behind them.

The two countries are connected by the same spirit, and the lost vitality can be quickly restored.

They are even willing to let us use their dragon veins...

Hey...did you listen to me? ! ! "

Looking at Thor in a daze.

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