One-tenth of them took out special devices from their arms.

With the infusion of evil power.

The soldiers' arrogance became even stronger.

You can imagine that.

A hundred people using the evil eye at the same time would be such a terrifying scene.

The soldiers of the shogunate became panicked when they looked at the device.

Because they had spent a lot of energy rescuing the soldiers just now.

Now facing these soldiers on Haiji Island, it can be said that there is no way to deal with them and they can only keep retreating.

Kujo Sora saw this scene.

I want to take action immediately.

However, as soon as he pulled out the knife, he felt pain in his abdomen.

The injury didn't lessen at all.

She can't fight now!

At this time, a figure walked in front of her and walked towards the soldiers.

Kujo Sora glanced at it.

It was discovered that it was Su Han.

Do not know why.

My heart felt inexplicably settled.

It seems that the other party is there.

Nothing is too difficult.

All the soldiers of the shogunate ran away.

The soldiers on Kaiji Island became more energetic.

But at this time, they saw a silver-haired man slowly walking towards them.

He is obviously a very ordinary looking person.

The person who can be the leader.

But he stopped involuntarily.

"Who are you? Why are you standing in front of us... Get out of the way quickly, otherwise... don't blame us for being rude!"

"Oh? Really..."

Su Han glanced at the soldiers lightly.

Overlord color pressure is activated directly.


Black thunder exploded.

The whole sky was turbulent, and countless dark clouds gathered.

The terrifying pressure was like an overwhelming force.

Directly dispatch 90% of the soldiers.

They all fainted.




The soldiers fell to the ground, eyes rolled white and foaming at the mouth.

But those who mastered the evil eye could barely hold on.

However, even so, they persisted very reluctantly.

The leader was sweating profusely.

He already had the intention to retreat.

But looking at Kujo Sora who was obviously injured not far away, hope arose in his heart.

If this general can be captured.

It will be more advantageous for them to negotiate! ! !

With this thought in mind.

Takahashi raised his spear and roared: "All soldiers, attack... for Kaiji Island, for our future... kill the shogunate people!!"

"Killing the shogunate..."

"For Umijima!!"

The evil eyes on these soldiers lit up one after another.

Provides them with great strength.

Feel the pressure in your body plummet.

The soldiers all looked happy.

They rushed towards Su Han like locusts.


Tie Suiya slowly came out of its sheath.

Just a gentle wave.

A terrifying deep ditch instantly appeared in Nashi Beach.

The terrifying sword energy.

In an instant, all the soldiers were awakened.

If they had rushed faster just now.

Maybe he's going to die now.

Looking at the trembling soldiers, Su Han said calmly: "Anyone who crosses this line will be killed without mercy..."

A deep trench thousands of meters wide.

Who dares to set foot?

The strength of the man in front of me may have surpassed that of the Tengu General! ! !

It looked like the soldiers were afraid to step forward.

Su Hanhan snorted and turned around and left.

The soldiers did not dare to say a word during the whole process.

Seeing that the battle would not break out, Kujo Sanra also left!

Although Tatarsha is frozen here.

But there are still people inside who can be saved.

She must mobilize people to save the workers here.

Su Han waited near Tatasha for half an hour.

Thor was never seen appearing.

He frowned and said, "Isn't this woman running away with her things?"

"Kage won't do this. It's probably because something has delayed him... Let's go back to Shadow Mountain first. Something like this happened today. I'm afraid Inazuma City also needs comfort.

You can't leave if you want.

Let's wait until tomorrow...I'll go to the castle tower to ask later. "

Facing the comfort of Yae Shenzi.

Su Han nodded and said, "Okay...I'm going back to rest first. I'm really exhausted today."

Just not waiting for him to leave.

A girl came running from a distance.

Behind the opponent were two soldiers wearing Kaijijima armor.

"Sir, please wait a moment..."

Su Han looked back.

Hey... isn't this a five-star jellyfish?

Why is she here?

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