You even dare to declare to the outside world that this is your order!

As a superior, you must have your own majesty. If you are reluctant to kill, then you will be unlucky. These soldiers... will only bring you endless trouble.

Even the people on Kaiji Island will look down on you... and just think you are a loser. "wide.

Chapter 266 The real future of Haiji Island, the Coral Palace Heart Sea with great enlightenment!

Secretly spreading rumors of war.

Inciting soldiers' emotions without authorization.

Even leading soldiers to attack at will.

These are all things done by the soldiers of Kaiji Island.

Even after the shogunate reconciled with them, some people felt unwilling to do so and wanted to assassinate Kujo Sora and tear up this agreement.

Let the stand continue.

Because those soldiers thought.

If there is no war.

What are the efforts of our ancestors?

Hearing Su Han's words, Coral Gong's heart fell into silence. She is a kind girl.


I don’t want any killing!

But...fate pushed her to the place of superiority.

An existence that can control the fate of countless people on Haiji Island.

However, not everyone can be a leader.

For example, the former Salt Demon.

Just because he was too gentle, he died... in a miserable way! ! !

He can't even control the people under his command.

What else to say.

Playing house-like management will only amplify the ambitions in the heart, just like the leader's pursuit.

They have all been dazzled by their ambitions.

Coral Palace Xinhai raised his head and smiled reluctantly: "Is that so...I understand, for the happiness of this Haiji Island. I will work hard to do my duty.

Can I ask you a little more about that?

What do you think about the situation of our "500" Inazuma...I mean, Kaiji Island and Narukami Island! "

"Sooner or later, you will be unified. No matter how much you struggle, you are just trying to control the situation! Without the blessing of gods, you should recognize your status as soon as possible.

To guide his people.

Reduce wars.

The God of Thunder, Balzebul, did not go to Haiji Island because she allowed you to continue worshiping Orobas, but... what did you do?

Destroy her idol.

Overthrow the shogunate.

I want to go out independently!

You even hook up with the fools. How long do you think...the other party can tolerate you!

As the mastermind, you have to bear the main responsibility!

The other party gave Orobas face, but you betrayed her trust... I have to say, Coral Palace Xinhai.

Then you people in Haiji Island are really not afraid of death.

After the Tatar Sand incident, if the God of Thunder comes... he will definitely kill all those who disobey, kill one if there is one, and kill a thousand if there are a thousand... Don't be ruthless.

if it was me.

I will do it even more ruthlessly, and all those who resist will be slaves for generations to come..."

Su Han finished his opinion.

Drinking tea in silence.

Mona, who was next to her, looked towards Coral Palace Xinhai.

At this time, the other party's face turned pale, and it seemed that he was very frightened.

However, she felt that Su Han was not wrong.

Thor is not really stupid.

Just giving Kaijijima a chance.

If you don't live up to expectations, then I'm sorry!

Inazuma’s god is her!

The thunder of silence fell.

What does Haiji Island mean?

They will only be slaughtered mercilessly.

Coral Palace Xinhai, who had been obsessed with being a military advisor and playing house games, finally woke up.

She thought it was through her own efforts.

I can strive for happiness for Haiji Island.

As everyone knows, this kind of resistance is just a joke.

It can not only increase the inexplicable self-confidence of the stupid Haiji Island people, but also plunge Inazuma into civil strife, in the eyes of those fools.

The more chaotic this country is, the better.

Better never to have peace.

I originally hoped that my idol could give me some guidance.

Unexpectedly, what happened was a bolt from the blue.

Coral Palace’s heart is really unbearable.

He started crying directly.

Looking at the sad girl, Su Han sighed: "Don't blame me for being cruel, because this is what you should bear... If I don't tell you, you will also encounter it in the future."

"No... Sir, I am too naive. You are right... I recall that it was recorded in the original book that we, the people of Haiji Island, can indeed offer sacrifices to Lord Orobas.

But, I don’t know why later.

The resentment always existed, which led to conflicts breaking out one day.

Finally overturned the shogunate...

If General Thunder comes, we really have no ability to resist at all..."

Coral Palace's heart was filled with tears.

I feel my previous efforts.

Maybe in that general's opinion.

It's just a child's trick.

The more she thought about it, the harder she cried.

Mona came to Su Han's side and asked in a low voice: "Don't you need to comfort me? It's so pitiful to see her crying..."

"No, this is something she should bear as a living goddess and miko. Crying is a good thing...just let it out!"

The five-star jellyfish is actually quite embarrassing right now.

The soldiers disrespected her.

The situation on the island is full of revenge.

But, what are you fighting for?

There are no mines for mining.

Fighting the shogunate soldiers with a wooden pickaxe?

Just kidding.

Almost half an hour later.

Coral Palace Xinhai finally stopped crying. She raised her head and asked, "Sir...what do you think I should do? I feel so confused...if the people of Haiji Island surrender."

I, the miko, probably have nothing to do. "

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