Chapter 267 The completely changed Kaiji Island, so many messes for Inazuma?

"I never thought that your thoughts could be so terrifying..."

"Lord Coral Palace has worked hard for Haiji Island, working late into the night every day, but you are constantly sabotaging your plans for the sake of [hatred]."

"You are so disappointing!"

When Goro's voice sounded in the room.

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected it.

The general was actually eavesdropping outside.

"Five...Master Wulang, why are you here..."

"Lord Goro..."

"Master Wulang, what are you bringing people here for? Aren't we all already punished?"

Looking at Goro with a bad expression.

Everyone was shocked.

Plus what the other person said just now.

Everyone has a bad feeling in their hearts.

Wulang heard this and said indifferently: "Of course it's to punish you, now I'm adding more guilt! Secretly instigating the two sides to fight, slandering Lord Coral Palace...

Even if you know your mistake and don't correct it, you can go out for a sneak attack at night.

It's simply lawless!

We are soldiers!

And guys like you are not worthy of being soldiers of Haiji Island... Come on, do it..."


Wulang gave the order.

Everyone rushed forward.

Because of the use of the evil eye, these soldiers actually had little physical strength.

Three times five divided by two was caught.

Less than ten minutes.

Everyone in the room was killed.

Wulang looked at the corpses of his compatriots and said to everyone: "It's not over yet...continue!!! If anyone disobeys the order again in the future, he will be killed without mercy..."

"Yes! Lord Goro..."

On this day, this military stronghold was stained with blood.

More than five hundred people were killed!

When the soldiers looked at the bodies being carried out, they all froze on the spot.

None of them went into battle with so many deaths.

But today Coral Palace Xinhai taught them a lesson!

People who don't obey orders.

It means killing without mercy!

Otherwise, stop being a soldier!

Such an iron-blooded style was once uncomfortable.

But...because of Coral Palace Xinhai's decisive attack, no one dared to come out to oppose.

In the room of the military camp.

Coral Palace Xinhai closed his eyes and concentrated, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Wulang pushed the door open and entered.

"Lord Coral Palace, from the soldiers' rooms, we searched for many letters that colluded with the Fools. The leaders among them are all traitors...

Everyone collected a lot of mola.

Moreover, as Mr. Su Han said, the evil eye has serious side effects.

An autopsy was conducted on those who were killed.

The vitality in the body has been drained..."

Hear these words.

Coral Palace Xinhai opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the information presented by Wu Lang, and said expressionlessly: "Fools... I knew it was them!!!"

Don't look at the tricks she always plays and looks a bit stupid.

That's just Coral Palace Xinhai has no real experience.

In fact, she is not stupid.

With Su Han's hint, how could she not guess that there was something fishy among the soldiers.

As a result, this investigation.

Sure enough, there were many spies inside, not just one.

The other party has even infiltrated the small boss.

It seems like those people took advantage of the fools.

In fact, this is just a ploy by fools

Wulang looked sad and said: "All those who used the evil eye suffered great physical damage, and some of them were even in their teens and forties...

What should we do?

Lord Coral Palace..."

"Let the news be announced first! Lest the soldiers think I kill people randomly to establish my authority! And warn them again...if they dare to disobey orders.

There is only a dead end. "


Goro went out and summoned all the soldiers.

Everyone thought they were going to kill someone again.

Seems very nervous.

But Wulang published the letter in his hand.

"Maybe you were scared just now because I killed many compatriots, but do you know? Not only did these people disobey orders, they even despised Lord Coral Palace!

Moreover, he is a spy for fools.

Something like the evil eye is harmful to the human body!

Fools keep fanning the flames just to make more people hate each other, and they like to benefit from it..."

Hear his speech.

Plus letter testimony.

Only then did everyone understand.

The usual people who are full of hate speech.

In fact, they are all traitors who are corrupted by fools.

The purpose is to make them fight with the shogunate and never have peace.

Because this is conducive to the actions of fools.

"But, Lord Goro...then we and the shogunate are going to have a truce..."

Finally a soldier bravely asked.

The other party is a soldier who is good at fighting.

He is also a veteran in his thirties.

Faced with his words, Goro asked: "You hate the shogunate, right?"

"Yes, Lord Goro...because the God of Thunder killed our god! He made us lose our faith and even occupied our land. I will never forget this kind of hatred even if it takes a hundred years."

"Oh? Really..." Wulang sneered when he heard this: "Then, when you destroy the statue of the God of Thunder, will the other party be angry?"

In an instant, there was no sound in the audience.

Goro looked around and said: "I was once blinded by hatred, but... we are the losers! Master Orobas has been dead long ago...

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