"come in!"


When the door opens.

Kujo Sora saw an unimaginable scene.

The god in her eyes.

At this time, his appearance actually changed.

Wearing a long skirt.

The hairstyle is something I have never seen before.

All the previous majesty disappeared.

Now she looks like a big sister.

"Did you just say that many businessmen came from outside the island?"

The cold voice woke Kujo Sora out of his sluggish state.

She quickly reported: "Yes, Sir General... Moreover, the number of merchants is still increasing! Currently, these merchants are all from Liyue, and there are also merchants from other countries.

It's just coming from Liyue as a transit point.

Please tell me, what should we do? "

General Thunder turned to look at Su Han and asked, "What did you do?"

"Uh... It should be Ningguang. She will definitely not miss the opportunity when the thunderstorm disappears. Now you rice wives are short of 5.4 things, so you should be lucky."

"Well, then reduce taxes! And provide half-price ship repair services to those businessmen! These will be counted in the shogunate's finances!"

"Yes, General..."

Before leaving.

Kujo Sora glanced at the man on the other side of the room.

When you find the hickey on the other person's neck.

She seemed to understand everything.

He left in a hurry.

Come outside.

Kujo Sora breathed calmly, with a shocked expression on his face.

Who can imagine yesterday's sparring session.

It would be like that.

It can make the general become unlike himself.

How terrible.


In the room, Su Han said to General Thunder: "The Tengu General seems to have guessed our relationship..."

Possessing a strong sense of knowledge.

He naturally discovered the other party's abnormality.

I saw General Thunder and Lightning saying: "She is my confidant, and there is nothing wrong with her... Even if you want, I can ask her to help serve you in the future."

She is the god of rice wife.

Also the Thunderbolt General.

There are things in the original setting: things that must be done, and things that must not be done.

For example, asking Kujo Sora to serve them is what must be done.

As one's own confidant.

Serving yourself is a supreme honor.

Chapter 272: The legacy accumulated by Ina Wife, a day of joy for everyone

"Uh... forget it, I don't have that habit for the time being. Where are the files that Kujo Sora gathered before? Let me take a look..."

What else can be said.

Although he was strong by General Thunder.

But, he is a man after all.

No matter what, you have to be responsible.

Even if the target is a doll.

I’m already jealous even before I see the movie! ! !

Maybe one day, I can hold two thunder gods.

For the sake of future happiness, Ningguang and Qin should not be jealous.

Su Han decided to start handling those official duties.

After all, these things will be his business sooner or later.

General Thunder pointed to the mountains of desks in the distance and said calmly: "Those are all..."

"What are you talking about? This...this must add up to hundreds of copies!"

Su Han was shocked.

Is this how the donkeys in the production team die from exhaustion?

There are hundreds of documents, and it is estimated that others will lose them after processing them.

General Lei Dian coughed lightly and said sheepishly: "I didn't know how to deal with many things, so I just left them there. Over time..."

This is playing dumb.

Anyway, I won’t handle it, so I’ll leave it there for now.

It’s been a long time.

It's not unusual to have hundreds of documents.

Su Han said expressionlessly: "I do have yours, but... before I deal with these things, you go and do something for me."

"Well, you said...I'll do whatever it takes."

Being a homebody also has the benefits of being a homebody.

That means being obedient and obedient.

Just don't look at those headache-inducing documents.

"12First of all, although the thunderstorm has disappeared... the merchants in the city don't know, so you have to tell the story about the national lockdown! Because this will help business recovery..."

"Secondly, the Eye Hunting Order should also be lifted immediately. And the Eyes of Human Gods should be returned. You know... after you took away the objects of other people's wishes.

People can also be stupid and stupid...

Give them the Eye of God and comfort them. If they are willing to join Inazuma's army, they have to send someone to win over them. You can't arrange for Ayato Kamisato to do it. "

"Also, invite Kamisato Ayaka to come over and handle official business with me. There are so many things that can't be done without an assistant!"

"Furthermore... Regarding the Tianling Advocate and the Determined Advocate, their culpability must be announced. They cannot just kill people! They must clearly let the Daozhu people know.

It was these things that deceived you, which led to all this tragedy... Of course, this matter will be dealt with later.

I will give you a copy with Kamisato Ayaka.

Just read it..."

Su Han's words were clear and logical.

General Lei and Lightning recorded it carefully, not daring to show any signs of neglect.

"Do you remember everything?"

"Well, then I'll go deliver the order!"

"Go ahead..."

General Thunder smiled at him and walked outside.

Su Han took advantage of this opportunity.

Open the Zhutian mission group and receive the rewards of this mission.

Things happened one after another for Ina Wife.

There is no time to collect the rewards, and it will be even busier next time.

So now is the best time.

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