
Compared to the joy of Narukami Island.

Nowadays, the outlying islands are really lively.

The Kanding Fengxing family was implicated because of the family leader's affairs, and was immediately in a state of collapse.

Appearing here to maintain order.

They are the ANBU ninjas of Yae Kamiko.

Arataki Yidou looked at more and more ships and laughed loudly: "Guests, come here, we Inazuma have the best customers, and there are many products.

Lord Thunder God has an order.

I can repair your ship and lower your taxes! ! ! "

"Hey... that's good. It seems that Ina Wife has really changed."

Just when Arataki Yidou was in high spirits.

Beidou jumped off the Death Star.

Her strong aura immediately attracted Arataki Yidou.

"Hey... who are you? I feel so strong, all the cells in my body are trembling... Do you want to fight me?"

face his invitation.

Beidou looked up and down, shook his head and said, "You haven't exercised your body enough, and your domineering energy has not been condensed to the level of Liu Ying. I have no interest in fighting with you."

"It turns out that you are one of our own...then I have to fight with you!!!"

Arataki fights and listens to the domineering spirit.

You just know it's one of your own.

Be more competitive.

But Beidou shook his head and said: "I really don't have time to play with you. Let's wait until you master the Overlord's Sex Coil... And, don't stop me from doing business.

Otherwise...I'll make you pass out right away. "

His cold eyes glanced lightly.

The terrifying momentum came over him directly.

Arataki groaned and was directly injured.

"Ahem... What a strong woman. She is worthy of being my target. Well... I will definitely surpass you!"

Looking at Beidou leading people away.

He has secretly set the other party as his target.

Chapter 273 The extremely prosperous scene, the arrival of Yingmei and Paimon!

At this time, the outlying island has become very popular.

The sounds of merchants selling goods came and went.

Looking at the lively scene.

The people on the outlying islands couldn't help but lament that they hadn't seen anything like this for many years.

Since the general locked down the country.

Rice Wife gradually declined.

Now even the ports are somewhat insufficient.

Continue to come to repair it manually.

Moreover, the arrival of businessmen has also made the hotel industry on the outlying islands begin to improve.

The local situation has cleaned the house.

Preparing to rent out the home.

Kujo Sora was maintaining law and order, and at the same time commanding the soldiers to escort the goods to the designated place!

"Sir, the warehouse is no longer enough..."

"It's okay. Let's inform the city... and ask all the merchants to come over, whether it's bartering or buying goods. Let them all come over..."

"As you command!"

"Also, invite Mr. Goro from Kaiji Island and the Coral Palace Heart Sea Miko! They also need a lot of goods and resources...

Tell them that no mola can be replaced with pearls!

There are professional appraisers from Liyue here.

Just charge a small handling fee. "

"Yes, Lord Tengu..."

The soldiers were all mobilized.

Beidou smiled at Kujo Sora and said, "If you don't have enough manpower, you can ask my people to help you..."

"Well, thank you! We happen to be short of some manpower. There were too many businessmen here today, which gave me a headache..."

General Tengu looked helpless.

Too lively.

Sometimes it's hard to handle.

Now there are eighty Liyue ships at the port of the outlying island, with all kinds of things on them!



electric light.

There are even facilities for building artificial islands.

It can be said that there are people from all walks of life.

Among them, Beidou's ship has a large amount of alchemy resources! They are all ready to make a deal with Ina Wife.

Because of Inazuma's geographical environment.

Thunder-type ores are produced here.

Even electrical crystals.

These are things Liyue urgently needs.

Therefore, Beidou’s visit this time was also requested by Ningguang!

It's very hot here.

Inside the castle tower.

Su Han is also busy!

The phone bugs have been dispatched.

He and Kamisato Ayaka were discussing the accumulated official business.

"The top priority is to need a lot of food and armaments! Inazuma belongs to a country with dense islands, and it is very easy for the treasure thief group and the ronin to survive.

This is a bad thing.

Currently, Yae Kamiko's ninja troops.

You can completely follow suit and build those islands into training bases. At the same time, you can also eliminate the treasure thieves stationed there one by one!

People catch fish.

It can also be much safer..."

"Yes, Lord Su Han! I have recorded this order and will pass it on to the General's subordinates..."

Kamisato Ayaka recorded the order.

Pass it to the servant next to you.

One order after another.

Passed from the castle tower.

Nowadays, Rice Wife is completely exhausted. If she wants to make a comeback, she must solve all the problems!

Su Han asked at this time: "What do you think of the two major religious families~?"

"We must not tolerate it!" Kamisato Ayaka said resolutely: "After handling the official business just now, I found that the two families are very involved... Their influence is very great.

Even corruption and bribery.

It has become the norm and must be cleaned up...

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