Kujo Sora explained gently.

Yesterday and today.

Those are two extremes.

Rice Wife also went from dryness to prosperity.

Yingmei asked: "Is all this because of Su Han?" (Li Dezhao)

There was the Mondstadt thing.

Naturally, she guessed a lot of things.

I saw Kujo Sora nodding and saying: "Yes, there is more of him...otherwise our rice wives will be in a mess and still divided..."

Originally she shouldn't have said so much.

However, Su Han had warned him before coming.

There must be no hiding from your sister.

Someone who can sleep with the general.

Kujo Sora naturally subconsciously regarded him as the shogun's husband!

The status is equivalent to that of a general.

What the other person says, no matter how outrageous.

She will listen.

Under the explanation of Kujo Sora.

Only then did the two of them understand what the current situation of Ina Wife was.

The chaos is over.

However, problems were also exposed.

lack of manpower.

Lack of resources.

Lacking all feathers.

It can be said that there is nothing left to be done, or even... it can be said that the current rice wife is no different from starting from scratch.

After hearing the story, Paimeng said with emotion: "So that's it... Su Han is so amazing. He actually changed Dao Wife in just a few days."

"I think the general has changed his mind. If the gods are not aware of his problem, I'm afraid the other party won't listen to what Brother Su Han says."

Yingmei captured the problem very keenly.

A kingdom ruled by gods.

The biggest problem is actually God.

But those mortals only thought it was the two major families and other factors.

Chapter 274 Of course the traveler has a mission to do! Su Han, have you bewitched the God of Thunder?

Paimon and Yingmei were led by Kujo Sora.

Arrive at Narukami Island.

This place is different from the outlying islands covered with maple leaves.

Cherry blossoms are falling everywhere in Inazuma Castle.

Like a dream.

"Wow...it's so beautiful, like a fairyland on earth..."

Pamon flew through the air.

Looking at the scattered cherry blossoms, my eyes are full of little stars.

Apparently he was fascinated by the cherry tree petals.

No wonder, the petals of these flowers turn pink, and they look like a rain of flowers when the wind blows.

Who is not addicted?

Are you also addicted to it if you haven’t seen it?

"Hey...General Kujo, are the cherry blossoms here always blooming?"

"Yes, the cherry blossoms in Inazuma Castle will never wither. It is reported that this was the case hundreds of years ago!"

It’s not just the cherry blossoms in the city.

The sacred cherry tree on Shadow Mountain has never withered.

It seems to have magical power.

Paimon nodded thoughtfully and whispered: "It's really amazing. Mondstadt doesn't even have such a scenery..."

"Okay, let's go quickly. Don't keep Mr. Su Han waiting!"

Kujo Sora urged quickly.

After all, she still has a lot on her plate.

After escorting these two people to the castle tower, he had other things to do.

Paimon and Yingmei quickly put their gaze away.

Follow the other party to the highest place in Inazuma City.

After arriving at the castle tower.

Kujo Shura then left in a hurry.

And a maid also appeared in front of Yingmei.

"Are you Ying and Paimon? Your Excellency is talking inside, please come with me..."


The two of them followed the maid to the interior of the castle tower.

When passing a room.

They saw a woman sitting on her knees by the window, with a little bird perched on her fingertips.

It looked like he was having a lot of fun.

But for some reason, this woman gave people an air of being unapproachable.

It's like he has been on top for a long time.

He is born with a sense of dignity and distance.

Paimeng asked curiously: "Who is that woman? Isn't the castle tower the residence of the general...517. How can I keep a pet?"

"Hush...this is General! Don't disturb each other's Qingxiu..."


"What? She is the general..."

Paimon and Yingmei were startled.

They got information from Captain Qin before they came.

It’s completely clear that General Raiden is Inazuma’s God of Thunder!

But it's so busy outside...how come this Thor is so leisurely and...having a lot of fun.

The two of them were filled with doubts.

Reached the depths of the room.

I saw Su Han discussing official matters with Kamisato Ayaka.

"Now that Beidou and the others are here, Ina Wife must also develop his own technological strength. Even if he doesn't have a lot of land for planting, he must have his own industry."

"But...we rice wives only have shells and conches. These things are not valuable..."

Kamisato Ayaka also wants to develop some industries.

But no matter what... Inazuma's things are not valuable in other countries.

On the contrary, it is something from Kaijishima.

But priceless.

Su Han shook his head and said: "You don't understand, Dao Wife has many things that other countries don't have...for example, kelp...for those who are familiar with water properties.

For the rice wife of the deep sea country.

This is the least valuable.

But it actually tastes very good, but few people eat it.

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