They are all top quality items.

If you can't buy it.

Then, the Big Mom Pirates launch a war to get these things.

"Su Han is indeed right. There are so many ingredients for making desserts in this warehouse, so how many materials should there be on the entire island?"

Keqing took out the Chenge pot.

Hold the seal feather in your hand.

Activate the formation inside.

I saw a whirlpool appear, and all the desserts were absorbed into it.

Collect all materials.

Keqing headed towards the next warehouse. Anyway, these people were all heinous pirates.

She will not be merciful when killing.

On the other side, Qin also found a very large warehouse storing cocoa beans and looked at the goods piled inside.

The Dandelion Knight said with joy on his face: "This is simply a purchase... Such a lot of things must be worth at least several million molas!!!"

Chapter 279: Digging deep into the ground, the terrible battle has officially begun!

Cocoa beans make chocolate.

Chocolate can be made into various things, whether it is drinks or sweets, it is very popular.

However, it is limited by the production volume.


They are all rich people.

There is so much good quality cocoa available these days.

Qin's heart burst into laughter.

Of course, all supplies for this event.

It is divided equally among the three countries.

Although no one from Inazuma has participated in this mission yet, we must be considerate of Inazuma's current situation.

For example, the God of Thunder is very free to participate in this event.

But...the problem is that people can't join the group.

This is the most terrible place.

There are three warehouses on the island.

In addition to looting cocoa beans, Jean also robbed two other warehouses.

Just inside other warehouses.

Not stored cocoa beans.

But high-quality sugar and lots of cream!

"Ahem...who are you...why do you dare to attack us? Are you also a member of the Straw Hat Boys..."

A member of the pirate group who guards the island.

Covering the wound.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

The phone bug on him had just been destroyed.

It has become difficult to contact those cadres.

Qin put all the goods into the space artifact and said indifferently: "Take me to your port...otherwise, this warehouse will be your end..."

The green wind swept the Wind Eagle Sword.


The pirate didn't even see Qin's movements.

The entire huge warehouse was cut off!

Such a terrifying sword energy.

There is also the Eye of God on the other party.

This pirate was immediately reminded of her identity.

"So it's you...the one who can wield elemental power without a Devil Fruit!!!"

"Oh? You are so well-informed..."

"Ha... We are also the BIG·M517OM pirate group. You defeated Doflamingo before and even killed General Fujitora Issuke.

We all know it..."

"Then do you want to surrender? This time our numbers are much larger than before..."

The pirate's eyes narrowed sharply.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not come alone this time.

He rolled his eyes.

I'm thinking in my heart.

That terrifying man appeared on top of the war and directly suppressed everything.

Not long ago, a woman named Beidou made a scene in Dressrosa.

Even the Tianlong people were killed.

However, no matter how furious the World Government is, there is no news about the other party.

Now the woman said that a large number of people were coming.

I guess the Big Mom Pirates will also be in trouble.

"I'll take you to the port, can you not kill me..."

"Of course, I'm only here for resources. If you obey me, I won't kill you..."

Jean's mission now is to plunder everything.

By the way, all available means of transportation on the island.

Destroy them all.

In this way, it becomes easy for Straw Hat and his gang to escape.

When the pirate heard that he was not going to kill anyone, he immediately became excited.

"Okay, then I'll take you there... I hope you really won't lie to me, after all... I was robbed of twenty years of life by that terrifying woman.

Anyway, we don’t have much time left to live..."

Led by men.

Jean not only found the port, but also the shipyard on the island.



Anything of value was plundered.

The pirate was stunned.

Compare it to the robbery of pirates.

The woman in front of him is truly terrifying.

It's like plucking the goose's hair.


"Is there anything else of value?"

"Uh... there is a clothes-making place with a lot of fabrics piled up inside. Do you need it?"

"lead the way!"


The pirates have been identified.

The other party is simply digging three feet into the ground!

On the other side, Shen He is also the same. She also uses the same methods as Captain Qin.

However, her methods were more ruthless.

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