"I know...that guy in the sky, call me all the people from all countries. Everyone must come in...Today I will destroy all these people here!"

"Yes, mom..."

The figure held the phone and kept calling.

But... his expression soon changed into one of horror.

Because, except for Cake Island, which can be contacted, all other places have lost contact! ! !

"Hey...transit department, what happened! Why can't I contact other islands...to talk..."

"It's not good. It seems that other places are also experiencing difficulties. All the phone bugs have basically disconnected..."

"Damn it, why did (Li Dezhao) happen to be at this time!"

After a while, the voice came from the phone again.

However, the content made the person who conveyed the order even more uncomfortable.

"Report... All the islands near Cake Island have been attacked. There are more than five enemies, and there are others who are invading us. The telephone bugs have been cut off...

Moreover, the other party is still spreading towards other islands. "

"Then let Lady Bree convey it..."

The phone bug is currently cut off.

Only Charlotte Bray can reach other islands instantly.

However, she is completely missing now.

What a huge headache! !

And... on the islands other than Cake Island, some people actually discovered traces of the enemy, but how could they be the opponents of Qin and others.

Three strikes, five divisions and two were killed.

Not only ships were confiscated.

Resources were also taken away one by one.

no matter what.

As long as it is material, Qin needs Yu!

Even cheap salt and sugar.

Anyway, my space magic weapon is very big, so I can use as many as I want.

If it weren't for the house it would be impossible to move.

She even wanted to take over the house.

"However, the decisive battle should be about to begin at this time...I have to go back after a while, otherwise...it will be very troublesome if there is a random battle."

Qin glanced at the live broadcast in the group.

murmured to himself.

This time she has earned enough.

Chapter 284 The Witch Appears. A large number of cadres die, and BIG·MOM enters desperate mode.

BIG·MOM Pirates.

Already discovered something was wrong.

However, they cannot increase their numbers without ships, so the people inside Cake Island today.

It was already their entire fighting strength.

Perospero stood in the corner of the castle and roared angrily: "Damn it...has our country been penetrated to this point!!!

What can we do if there are no additional soldiers..."

The three great generals have all failed.

Now only my mother is struggling to support herself.

This is not a good thing.

Then the phone bug in Perospero's hand rang again, and the bad news continued to come.

"Lord Owen has been killed...The person who shot him is a woman, who is on the edge of Cake Island! We can't get close to...Lord Perospero.

Request support..."

"Damn it...Isn't Owen's strength even good?"

As the eldest son, he could no longer keep calm.

Bad news comes one after another.

Then, he picked up a special phone bug and ordered inside: "As a mother, I order everyone to gather inside the Cake Island...

You must help mom kill these people!

If you don't have a boat, I'll have to swim...or paddle a board.

Otherwise...this event is over.

If you don't come over, I will execute you one by one..."

Perospero showed a serious expression.

This terrifying order.

Reached to every corner of the island.

After other children got the news.

I generally understand that things today have reached an unimaginable point!

The person who was preparing to ambush in the dark.

They all came towards the castle with weapons in hand.

Civil war has reignited in this city!

Perospero took out his weapon, pointed it at one of the 517 people watching the show in the ruins, and shot directly! ! !


The muzzle of the gun was in flames.

The bullet struck Rosalyn in the head.


When the bullet is about to hit.

A flash of flame burned it away.

Rosalin turned to look at the figure in the distance and disappeared directly.

And the next moment.

She came to Perospero.

Stone slabs underfoot.

A flame has been lit.

"Hey... little guy, was it you who pointed the gun at me just now? I originally wanted to watch the show for a while, but since you want to die... then don't blame me!"

"What a speed!"

Perospero was startled.

However, he is not an idle person.

The candy cane in her hand was pointed at Rosalind.

Wrapped in countless candies.

Looking at the woman who was momentarily trapped by the candy.

Perospero breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you waiting for? Kill this woman for me..."

He just turned around.

A terrifying wave of flames came from behind.

The blazing temperature melted the rocks beneath his feet.

The buildings on both sides continued to collapse.

Perospero turned his head and saw that the woman with milky white hair had turned into a witch with fiery red hair!

The surroundings were filled with terrifying flames.

Countless butterflies are flying in it.

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