The fruit can be juiced.

The leaves can be made into herbs.

It’s very precious, but it’s a pity that there are only a thousand of them and I have dug them up! "

The geese are plucked!

This time the action.

Keqing believes in this dogma very much.

That is to take whatever is available.

Definitely not going to dislike it.

Then, they came to the side of the island, where there were many juices.

They are all products that were squeezed out not long ago.

Kujo Sora even took it out and tasted it.

It's soda.

Very sweet.

There are estimated to be four thousand bottles here. Although it is not many...but these glass products are also very rare.

It can be transformed into various other creations later.

Everyone followed Ke Qing around the island.




Even phone bugs, anything you can grab anyway.

Keqing is one who never leaves behind.

After reading this, two hours have passed.

"One-third of these things belong to Inazuma... Just call Maplehara Manyo for the space magic weapon. You can arrange for someone to pick it up..."

Keqing is very generous.

After inspecting the goods.

He directly gave all the magic weapons to Maplehara Manyo.

Next is Qin, her space is slightly different, and there are many ships in it.

In total, there are almost more than 6,000 ships.

This does not include submarines and other equipment that are unique to China.

All was given to her.

"Inazuma belongs to an island country. If you need ships, you can replace them with other resources. We have no problem with this..."

Jean is very fair.

Just opening your mouth gives others great satisfaction.

In the end, Inazuma used sugar and other goods.

Exchanged half of Mondstadt's quota for ships and submarines.

Later, everyone found a lot of gold inside.

Qin robbed them all from those businessmen.

Anyway, they are all pirates from another world, and none of them are good.

There is no pressure at all to snatch.

There is also plenty of food on her island.

Especially desserts.

But...the only thing missing was the drink, and the cocoa beans in it made Yae Kamiko very fond of it.

After looking at her goods.

Qin handed over his time and space magic weapon to Kamisato Ayaka.

Just like the clear sky.

Just pick up the goods inside according to the list.

When it was Shen He's turn, everyone saw something completely different inside.

Gunpowder and weapons!

Not every island is doing food.

The place Shen He found.

It's an arsenal.

It should be said to be a weapons warehouse.

There are various places nearby where weapons are made.

Therefore, Shen He could only grab these, including more than 8,000 pistols and 3,000 artillery pieces.

It's all brand new.

"There aren't many things I can search for, but... there is some food, like in the biscuit factory, I found many biscuits.

It tastes very good!

There are also some recipes.

I'll bring them all too..."

Shen He showed the things to everyone one by one.

Yae Shenzi looked at those things and nodded with satisfaction.

Being ruthless also has the advantage of being ruthless 517.

Shen He not only snatched away the food.

Even the instruments in the other party's factory were snatched away.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the design drawings.

Nothing of value was spared.

For example, those beautiful green plants.

Even a big pot for cooking desserts was brought.

The semi-finished product inside.

It's even solidified inside.

Seeing this, Yae Shenzi couldn't help laughing.

Kujo Sora was shocked and said: "With so many goods, I am afraid that I have robbed a did you do it?"

This Tengu General.

I was completely shocked.

She has never been the same.

Such a shock.

So much cargo.

It adds up to an astronomical number.

I saw Qin looking at Su Han.

Until the latter nodded.

Only then did she tell the story of the All Heavens Mission Group.

Jiu Jiao Shan Luo was even more shocked. No wonder Li Yue and Meng were able to develop rapidly.

It turns out they were all snatched from another world.

Sure enough, it’s a golden belt for murder and arson.

Suddenly, the Tengu General asked: "Lord Su Han, I wonder if you can send an army there? In this case, we can rob more things..."

"Ahem... It shouldn't be allowed for a short period of time, but I don't know in the future..."

"I see! That's a bit of a pity. I'm still would be great if I could take people from the shogunate to another world."

Rice wife is poor now.

They are all too poor to open the pot.

Do you think she can be calm?

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