"Hey...little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Wendy is a kind god.

Such a happy celebration.

Some people actually showed sad expressions.

Naturally, he wanted to help the other party.

When he heard someone comforting himself, Wulang raised his head and sighed again... because he didn't know what to say.

At this time, a loud voice came from the side.

"Ahem... Brothers, we are Miss Xina's support team! We cannot disturb the celebration..."

"It's not okay to think that Miss Xina is so considerate, but now she has to be troubled by us..."

"Well said!!!"

The happier people are.

Goro's expression became more autistic.

The group of fans stood in front of Xina's sign and vowed to protect Ms. Xina.

He was so dizzy when he heard it.

Because... because that Miss Xina is simply himself!

The abominable Yae Shenzi had feminized him.

Simply diabolical.

No, neither demon is as scary as the other.

However, Goro is no match for the other party...

Wendy looked at the sign at the back, then at Wu Lang, and finally showed an expression of realization.

"Little brother, are you...?"

"Shh... That's just me, but I really have no choice... I'm desperate..."

Goro estimated that the other party also saw the similarity between that poster and himself.

So, he quickly stopped the other party.

As a result, the great wind god Barbatos would be mistaken.

Thinking that the other person wants to become a beautiful and considerate big sister.

"It's okay, it's okay... I won't expose you, by the way... I'm so happy to be here, why don't I help you realize a wish. Although this spell can only last for one day.

But...you should be very happy. "


Wu Lang heard this inexplicably.

Why does this person speak so strangely?

Wendy knelt down and patted Wu Lang on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, little brother... Since we met, we are friends! It doesn't matter if you have this kind of hobby.

Let me help you...

Even if it's only once, I'm willing to help you, so enjoy the rest of the day..."

Gentle green light.

Following Wendy's hand, it poured into Wulang's body.

The other party still doesn't know what's going on.

But the next second, a shocking scream came from behind.

"Oh my God...Miss Xina shows up!!!!"

"What? It's really Miss Xina..."

"Why is Miss Xina squatting on the ground!!!"

"Who dares to bully Miss Xina..."

Wulang turned around and looked at the figure rushing towards him.

My heart went crazy.

I am not Miss Xina! !

He stood up and defended subconsciously: "I am not Miss Xina... You have mistaken the wrong person..."

But the words left his mouth.

Not only is there no ordinary male voice.

Instead, it was a soft and delicate voice.

This shocked Wulang extremely.

He looked down at his body. His originally flat chest was now more bulging.

What the hell happened!

But, the next scene.

It was beyond imagination for Goro.

Seeing his panic, the group of people stopped automatically.

There was even someone protecting her.

"Don't scare Sister Xina!!!"

"Look what you did...it scared Miss Xina!!!"

"Miss Xina came to watch our support group secretly today, don't screw it up..."

It was accompanied by angry shouts.

Everyone reacted one after another.

Afterwards, order was restored directly.

Even the leader, Goro, showed a flattering smile.

"Miss Xina, do you have any questions? We can help you directly..."

Look at that disgusting smile.

Wulang really almost vomited.

However, when he was about to leave everyone, an idea came to his mind.

So much free labor.

Why don't you give it a try?

By the way, are you promoting Haiji Island?

Think of this.

Goro coughed lightly and said: "Please don't be so fanatical. If you really want to help me, then buy more Haijijima products.

Give us some publicity..."

"What? Haiji Island is Miss Xina's hometown, I will buy it immediately!!!"

"Buy, buy, buy! Don't stop..."

"Did you hear that, Miss Hina is going to promote Haiji Island..."

Hula la more than a hundred people started to take action.

That intensity.

I don’t know how many times better than Wulang’s own promotion.

Especially after other support groups heard the words from Goro, they also joined in.

As a result, the stall in Haiji Island was immediately overcrowded!


In the attic in the distance.

The Yae Shenzi who witnessed everything laughed so hard that his branches trembled.

"Hahahahaha... This Fengshen is too in line with my taste. I didn't expect Wulang to accept his other identity.

Yes, Not Bad...

Very promising.

Look...this is the advantage of women...

This guy is good.

I agree..."

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