Look at her expression that is about to drool.

But everyone knows.

Paimon's persistence.

It can only last a few minutes at most.

Yingmei had no choice but to step forward and report the situation on Qinglai Island to Su Han, otherwise... Paimeng would really run out after a while.

She was also afraid of something happening.

"Currently, 90% of the seal has been unlocked, and the Thunderbird on the platform is still unprocessed. We originally wanted to fight it directly...

However, that Thunderbird moves very fast.

It was almost like teleportation. After trying it several times, we received a message asking us to return..."

Listen to Yingmei's report.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and said: "Seal 12 seems to have worked, so that means... Qinglai Island can be inhabited, then we will wait until the celebration is over.

I will arrange for workers to go there.

In fact, the charging of thunder and lightning... is also a kind of energy. "

Mona next to her was surprised: "You want to use the Thunderbird above? To make you a power plant..."

As someone who has been with Su Han for a long time.

She can now more or less guess what the other person is thinking.

At present, Rice Wife is not short of money.

However, there is one thing that is lacking.

That's energy!

Development is always inseparable from energy.

Obviously, the existence of Thunderbird has become Su Han's target.

After General Leiden reacted, he said: "You should be talking about the bird in Tianyun Pass... When this guy disobeyed discipline, I killed him with one knife...

Isn't it completely dead? "

I don’t know how many years ago it was.

She once killed that thunderbird with a knife.

Because he is not good at sealing, he can only let his subordinates take action.

It's a pity that Asase Hibiki later unsealed Qinglai Island for some reason, and that place became uninhabitable.

Su Han shook his head when he heard this and said: "Kapachili has been killed by you. This thunderbird is a pure elemental creature similar to a pure water elf, and it only has hatred in its heart.

Born from the ashes of Capaccili.

That's why Thunder was released.

So, I want to kill this guy and use the opponent's core to create a stable power station.

However, I originally wanted to sharpen my skills.

Now it seems that her strength is still a bit weak..."

"I'm sorry, it's my lack of strength..."

"No matter how long you have been practicing, don't worry... I will teach you a more powerful move!"

Su Han remembered the Yin Yang and Five Elements Jue.

Others may not be able to practice them all.

But this girl with all the elements in front of her can definitely practice!

You can even replicate Beidou's unique moves.

By then, both melee and long-range combat will be available, and it will be very simple to defeat Lei Yin Quanxian.

Hearing his encouragement, Yingmei also smiled.

"Then I will trouble you more. I will defeat this Thunderbird!!!"

In order to be able to stand in front of my brother as soon as possible.

She is willing to practice hard! ! !

Paimon next to him saw that the matter was over and said quickly: "Okay... Ying, let's go quickly, I'm going to starve to death..."

"There's really nothing we can do about you, okay okay... let's go."

Yingmei reluctantly followed Paimon and left.

And Mona asked: "What do you want to use this power plant for? The level of that kind of monster is not ordinary terrifying... The amount of electricity is a terrifying figure."

"There are so many things that can be done..." Su Han took a sip of tea and smiled: "For example, changing the power of the train to electricity! You can even build an underwater city.

This electricity is the energy that carries a city...

I've been thinking about it for a long time.

Inazuma's land is not vast, and even if there is a sea train, it is still a bit inconvenient.

So...I plan to follow Arumi's example and open up a huge tunnel directly under Kage Inazuma Castle...to form a road underground that runs through Inazuma.

We don’t dig deep, we just need to ensure traffic.

In this way, coupled with the operation of electricity... Inazuma can travel anywhere from the bottom of the sea. "

This is actually the subway.

Moreover, only Inazuma can use it.

Because Liyue's earth veins are very complicated.

Maybe as you dig, something scary will turn up.

As for Inazuma, it only needs to be built on the seabed.

In addition, there is the thing of Lei Yinquan.

It’s totally possible to travel together on the subway.

Mona's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded repeatedly: "It's really yours, I can think of all this...it's amazing..."

So build rice wife.

It is indeed very feasible.

Moreover, electricity can be supplied not only underwater, but also to things on the ground.

For example, build some factories and other facilities.

All can be changed to electricity.

Su Han and Mona discussed it for a while and then handed over this constructive idea to Mona and Albedo.

After all, this is a professional thing.

Naturally, you have to find a professional.

After Abedo and Sugar saw that idea.

They all marveled.

Because such a plan really works.

In fact, they also designed such a thing, but... they had to terminate it due to lack of energy!

Now there are powerful monsters like Lei Yinquan.

Definitely give it a try.

When the things at hand are done.

Su Han then opened the news in the Zhutian mission group.

Receive rewards from this world.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the difficult special task. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the task: 80,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the difficult special task. As the group leader, you will receive the task reward: the perfect version of the soul fruit. 】

[Soul Fruit]: After eating it, you can gain the power to control the soul. Please note that this is a very scary fruit.

[Tip]: The soul soul fruit can not only control your own soul, but also collect the souls of others. Once more soul breath is lost, the target's lifespan will be shorter.

[Features]: Absorb the power of other people's souls and turn them into a soul crystal. The soul crystal can give temporary life force to objects without souls.

Once the soul power in the body is consumed, the things that gave life will turn into dead things again.

[Analysis]: This is a very special fruit. After swallowing it, you will feel the wonder of your soul.

[Special]: The soul fruit has been optimized and will not have any side effects, but please note...even if you can master the soul, don't separate your soul easily

Look at the rewards of the system.

Su Han couldn't help but take a breath of air.

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