At this time, Shen He asked: "Actually, something like Lei Yinquan's invention can also extract souls, right?"

"Well, of course... But let's hold the celebration first. After this event, I will go to Tianyun Pass in person, as long as Yingmei defeats that Thunderbird.

I will collect the fragments of my soul. "

Lei Yinquan is now the soul of the powerful monster Kapachili.

Therefore, the power of the soul will naturally not be weak!

Everyone nodded.

The most important thing right now is of course this celebration.

However, when Su Han was about to study the soul spell, a person ran in from outside.

The other party held a stack of invoices in his hand.

Just looking at it gives me a bad feeling.

"Master Su Han, these are the receipts sent by the merchant this morning. They are all from Mr. Zhongli, who said he is your friend! And there is a token to prove it..."

Look at the hundreds of receipts.

Su Han nodded expressionlessly: "Leave it there, I'll ask someone to check out later...〃~"

"Yes, sir..."

After the soldiers left.

The room suddenly burst into laughter.

"How much did Mr. Zhongli buy? He actually produced so many receipts..."

"Let me take a look, the exquisite crystal pastries, the tea from Xiangyunju... My dear, they are all for food... There are also various barbecues here, uh... three barrels of fine wine??"

"Oh my god... We buy goods from One Piece World, and Mr. Zhongli comes to buy goods from us..."

Listen to everyone's discussion.

Shen He defended in a low voice: "The other party only has this kind of hobby, and Mr. Zhongli is very powerful, so just treat it as a gift to him..."

In fact, she already knew Zhongli's identity.

Basically the person who has a relationship with Su Han.

Also, Gan Yu didn’t know that Zhongli was the King of Rocks.

Why is this so?

This is because she admires the emperor too much.

The halo of being that kind of idol is too deep.

If Zhongli's identity was revealed directly, Gan Yu would probably be autistic for a long time.

After all, the Rock King Emperor in her heart is a god with a majestic appearance and a serious expression.

But in fact, Zhongli is already semi-retired.

Shopping and listening to plays every day are so relaxing.

Su Han said helplessly: "It's okay, I made a lot of money anyway... Mona, you can count it up later, and I'll ask the soldiers of the shogunate to send the money over. It's not easy for those businessmen either...

All this money must be paid. "

"Okay! Leave this matter to me..."

Mona took the stack of receipts and began to count them.

As for the unlimited cards in Paimon's hand.

In fact, it's the same principle. If you take out your card to buy something, Su Han will eventually settle the bill.

If you give money directly.

Yingmei will most likely be embarrassed to accept it.

It is different to directly send this kind of free card.

Everyone got busy one after another.

Su Han began to study the soul spell seriously.

In his attempt.

Slowly discover the secrets of the mantra bit by bit.

First of all, if you want to practice the soul spell, you must have him as a medium.

Plant a soul eye for the other party!

This seed is the imprint of soul power.

Those who accept the eyes of the soul can see the soul in the body and then practice the secret skills in the soul spell.

Although it is not an orthodox cultivation method.

But it is not easy to cultivate the soul.

Now that the research is over.

Su Han naturally wanted to try it. He found a quiet room, sat cross-legged and began to practice.

The fruit's ability is activated.

He saw his soul body.

It is different from the soul of the One Piece world.

Su Han's soul turned golden as a whole, as bright as the sun.

And it still exudes a hazy light.

"Is this my soul? I didn't expect it to be so powerful..."

Su Han smiled.

The time traveler is so strong, the strength of his soul is probably at the level of a half-demon god.

For a moment, he put away his smile and started practicing for the first time.

Chant the soul mantra in your mouth.

Some mysterious symbols appear in the air.

A layer of silver mist appeared around the soul body.

The fog is hazy.

It seems to be filtering something.

With every breath of the soul body, the flaws on the body began to be slowly repaired.

ten minutes.

half an hour.

Until three hours later.

Su Han felt a little tired, so he stopped practicing.

When the fog clears.

He found that the outline of his soul body became clearer.

Moreover, the soul body is also more condensed.

However, this was a sealed room with no sunlight... If the sunlight shone, he still felt that his soul would be burned.

"If you continue to exercise like this, I don't know if you can enter the realm of Yang Shen..."

Su Han opened his eyes.


In some fairy worlds, Yangshen is a realm.

Being able to have an out-of-body experience during the day.

He can even perform various mysterious moves.

What impressed him most was the sect leader in The Legend of Shushan and Sword Twenty-Three in the Storm.

Out-of-body experience.


However, the former died in the end, and the sword master was also physically disturbed by Bu Jingyun, and finally died.

After confirming that the soul method can be practiced.

Su Han opened the mission group of the heavens.

Announce the news.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

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