Yae Shenzi: "What a terrifying god. The so-called mending the sky... I'm afraid it's not just repairing the sky. If I guessed correctly, it should be repairing the space barrier!"

Mending the sky.

If the sky is broken, what should be done to repair it?

What is really broken is space.

This is the right way to understand it.

Shen He: "The white dew used by my weapon to quell the disaster must be what is left of Nuwa to mend the sky..."

Su Han: "Yes, that's right!"

Gan Yu: "It's a pity. It would be great if we could go to the Fengyun World again. If we could collect all the sacred stones, we could also strengthen our defense."

The divine stone can mend the sky.

Naturally, space barriers can also be strengthened.

After she mentioned it.

Su Han felt that it was really necessary to collect all the sacred stones!

Zhongli: "Sure enough, the gods are all merciful. If I had the chance, I would really like to have a drink with these gods..."

Although female.

But he was compassionate, and Zhongli naturally respected him.

Although his strength is not as good as the other party.

But talking to such people will also benefit a lot.

Gan Yu: "I think after our group level increases, we may have the opportunity to come into contact with the great goddess Nuwa. When the time comes, Mr. Zhongli, you can just go directly..."

Zhongli: "Yeah...that's right!"

The level within the group increases.

It means that the difficulty of the task is constantly increasing.

One day, I will talk to that kind of god-level existence.

Thinking of this, Zhongli also felt a little excited.

His strength has not improved for a long time.

If only I could go to that high-end world.

It also feels exciting inside.

Ning Guang: "Don't worry about the points. I got a full 400,000 from the last mission! Plus the scattered independent mission points, two missions are enough.

And resurrected the former Thor.

The collective combat power that represents us will be greatly improved..."

Yae Shenzi: "Ahem...that's not necessarily..."

Yora: "???"

Lisa: “???”

Ning Guang: "What does this mean? Could it be that her soul was too seriously damaged..."

Su Han: "Ahem... That's it. Raiden is really not good at fighting. He didn't even open his sword because the previous God of Thunder didn't like fighting, so...

Even if he is resurrected, his strength is not as good as General Thunder. "

The first drop of blood stained by dreams.

Still his own master.

It's a little uncomfortable to say.

But it is true.

Because in every battle, it is the real sister, Ying, who personally takes action against the enemy.

Ningguang: "Okay...I don't know about this, but...after all, he is a god, so he must have some strength. He can't be lower than an immortal."

Yae Shenzi: "That's not the case. I still have some strength. It's just that I don't like fighting..."

Zhongli: "By the way... I read about the soul cultivation method. In fact, you can choose to train your body during the day and your soul at night.

In this way, you don't have to worry about the threat of sunlight.

Moreover, the moon belongs to Yin... Try bathing in the essence of the moon, maybe your cultivation speed will be faster. "

Su Han: "Yes... I almost forgot about this. Thank you for reminding me!"

Kamisato Ayaka: "Since the immortal has given such advice, I will try it tonight... The celebration is busy now, I will talk later..."

In the mansion on the outlying island.

The egret princess is attending to official business.

With the increase in trade, taxation also brought considerable benefits to Daozhi.

Of course, being busy is really busy.


At this time, Paimon and Yingmei were walking on the street.

Played for hours.

The two of them are still so energetic.

Little Paimon held the pink marshmallow and said with a smile: "Su Han is so kind to us. With that free coupon, we can buy anything.

Moreover, people from so many countries can be seen here.

If only the celebration could last a month..."

"This way you can eat everything, huh... I don't know you yet! Let's... just have fun for a few days, don't forget the business."

It’s fun to play though.

But Yingmei has not forgotten her mission.

Thunderbird at Tianyun Pass.

I still have to wait for it to be processed by myself.

Paimon nodded after hearing this: "Of course... I'm just talking! Even if the celebration really lasts for a month, it will be very tiring to play like this every day..."

"You two, would you like to have a barbecue? It's free..."

While two people were talking.

A familiar voice came from the side.

Yingmei and Paimon turned to look.

Everyone looked shocked.

"Wendy!! You...why are you here and still having a barbecue...you are not Feng..."


Don't wait for that divine word to appear.

Wendy interrupted them.

Everyone around Su Han knew his identity, but...for the other's protection.

Wendy is a wind god thing.

Others simply don't know.

Yingmei looked at her hands full of skewers, and there was a furry little brother beside her, trying to help.

The contrast is too great.

Wendy smiled and said: "Occasionally I have to experience the feeling of being a boss. I have made a lot of money recently. I am here to treat you to skewers..."

"Then who is he? This furry guy...you must be a kidnapped boy, right?"

Paimon looked at Goro who was working silently.

His face was full of doubts.

Wendy smiled even more happily when she heard this, and whispered: "This guy works for me for free... Moreover, he is not a child, but a general of Haiji Island..."

"General? Tsk...you must be lying. How can a general be willing to work for others!"

Pamon was full of disdain.

At least you have to find a good excuse to lie to people.

Even she can't be fooled by such rhetoric.

"Do you think he really works for me for free, mainly because..."

"Mr. Wendy, you promised me!!! Not to tell that thing..."

Wulang heard that the other party was about to tell his secret.

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