The price is only nine hundred and ninety-nine molas.

Very "cheap"! ! !

A thousand copies were sold in just a short time!

Moreover, there are a large number of couples outside Ganjin Island. If they all buy it, it is estimated that tens of thousands of copies will be sold! !

Anyway, the shrine is making a lot of money today! the castle tower at this time.

Su Han is instructing everyone to practice the soul spell!

A soul eye condensed from his hand, and then flew into the body of Kamisato Ayaka.

At this time, there was a sound of wind coming from the window.

Yae Shenzi fell gently.

Looking at Kamisato Ayaka who accepted the Soul Eye, she asked in a low voice: "How is it? Can you practice..."

"Yes...but, except for Su Han, everyone else's cultivation time is very short! Like me, I can only persist for half an hour...among them, the fastest cultivation time.

There is only Hu Tao, and now an hour has passed and she is still practicing..."

Mona said helplessly.

She also wants to become stronger.

However, the soul is not strong enough.

I feel extremely tired after practicing for a while.

At this time, Ayaka Kamisato, who accepted the Eye of Soul, also began to practice.

Su Han turned to look at Yae Shenzi and said with a smile: "Come's your turn!"


The fox sat on the ground and was also implanted with the eye of the soul.

Just like Kamisato Ayaka.

After obtaining the Eye of the Soul, you can start the practice of the Soul Mantra.

It may be the inheritance of the fairy fox clan.

Yae Shenzi also persisted for a long time.

There was no sign of waking up for a full hour.

"Hahahaha... My Hutao is going to rise this time! It suits me so well. This kind of technique..."

Accompanied by arrogant laughter.

A terrifying flame ignited violently in the room.

The soul of walnut.

Standing in the room.

The body is surrounded by soul fire.

Her true body was quietly practicing cross-legged not far behind her.

Shen He said in surprise: "Have you experienced an out-of-body experience again?"

"Of course... I was able to get my soul out of my body before, but... Su Han was afraid that something would happen to me, so he limited this power. But... after practicing the soul spell.

I feel that I am extremely powerful now!

Do you want to come and discuss it? "

Facing Taotao's invitation.

Shen He nodded and said: "Okay... I also want to try my current power!"

The two of them went directly to Chensong Pot.

It's safe here anyway.

It’s okay if the soul leaves the body.

Su Han was afraid of an accident and followed directly in.

And so did everyone else.

Everyone wants to see how strong Hu Tao is now.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

After Shen He stood still, he asked: "Do I need to use weapons?"

"You can use weapons, but I don't need them..."

Hu Tao said with great confidence.

The other person nodded.

The battle began.


The air exploded directly.

Shen He didn't even see Hu Tao's movements clearly, and his body was knocked away.

If not armed with color protection.

She's already hurt.

Qin witnessed this scene and exclaimed: "So fast..."

Her power of knowledge, knowledge and color is not weak.

However, only the afterimage of Walnut can be seen.

It can be seen how fast the other party is.

"There is no speed limit for a spirit body! Therefore, Hutao's speed...will continue to increase! I really thought, she is quite smart..."

Su Han said lightly.

Then, as he said, the speed of Hutao's attack began to gradually increase.

Countless afterimages enveloped Shen He.

The Flames' offense continued to explode.

An offensive like a torrential rain.

Kujo Sora's scalp was numb when he saw it.

If he encountered such an attack, he would probably not be able to stop it.

..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The attack continues.

After Shen He found that he could not hit Hu Tao, he directly chose a large-scale attack.

Try walnuts this way.

However, they were already prepared.

When Shen He landed.

Hu Tao rushed in front of her at an even more terrifying speed.

Not just making a face.

She even said jokingly: "You can't catch me like this...a little bit..."

Shen He immediately wanted to fight back.

However, his body flew backwards involuntarily.

The battle is over.

She has failed!

The extreme speed crushed the immortal disciples.

Even Shen He was defeated without even using his full strength.

This scene shocked everyone.

Gan Yu looked at Hu Tao's soul and frowned: "How could this happen? Her speed is so fast that I can hardly catch it... How on earth did she do it?"

That final blow.

Yeyang was a little confused.

But Su Han smiled and said: "She... used that flame soul to summon several flame souls and launch herself like a slingshot. That's why the speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch.

I can’t believe that walnuts can develop like this..."

The greatest advantage of the soul.

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