When she returned to Heguan again.

What he saw was the boy's body.

An unspeakable rage completely erupted from Thunderbird's body.

It was originally a monster, but when it was tempted, it was completely torn apart by those ignorant people.

As a result, the ptarmigan fell into madness.

Heguan was completely destroyed.

And stay, if the boy's singing cannot be heard again, then Heguan will be cursed by her forever.

"Hey...what's wrong with you...why are you here in a daze? Su Han is calling us to leave...eh? What is this feather..."

Pamon flew over.

Seeing Ying holding a feather in her hand, she couldn't help but ask curiously.

Remember when we just fought.

No feathers were seen.

Could it be that it fell from Su Han's knife?

Ying came back to his senses and smiled and said: "This is the relic of Thunderbird. I saw some memory fragments just now, and it is exactly what Brother Su Han said.

You must go to Heguan to relieve the resentment here! "

"Ah? Why..."

"Because Thunderbird is actually quite kind, but she was withdrawn until she met a good friend, just like you and me. Then...

The man named Aru was killed.

Thunderbirds are also crazy..."

"Bah, bah, bah...what are you talking about? I'm not that Aru, I won't die!!!"

Paimon jumped to his feet in anger.

What is this called a 517 metaphor?

It's so infuriating.

Su Han smiled on the side and said: "Okay, we should go back... After a while, we will arrange for you to go to Heguan... Since you can get the feathers, it means that Kapaqili also recognizes you.

Maybe there will be others in the future..."

"Well, that's what I thought too!"

Yingmei nodded happily.

And Paimon asked: "Don't we need to worry about the Thunderbird below? What should we do if it is stolen..."

"Don't worry, I will arrange for Sutang and the others to come over tomorrow... Besides, Qinglai Island now has many ninjas as informants, and no one dares to cause trouble...

Let's go..."

I saw Su Han pulling out his iron teeth.

A gentle chop.

The space suddenly shattered.

After coming to Qinglai Island.

You can clearly perceive the time and space nodes between this place and Inazuma Castle.

Therefore, there is no need to use the sword when I return.

Directly using the power of the underworld is the fastest way.

Three people travel through the underworld space.

Soon he returned to Inazuma Castle.

Su Han, on the other hand, told Tech Girl Sugar about the suppression of Thunderbird in the Zhutian Task Group.

The latter said that he would go to Qinglai Island early tomorrow morning.

Now she is working on something.

Unable to move at the moment.

Nowadays, Sartang is not only a technology leader in Liyue, but also a leader in Daoqi.

Now he has a team of tens of thousands of people.

It can be said that the limelight is immeasurable.

Anyone who sees her will call her "Sir Sugar!"

When Su Han and others returned.

Keli and the immortals also arrived.

Little Yang is holding some cakes to share with Qiqi.

"Here...this is my favorite chocolate ball. It's filled with fillings. Hehe...is it delicious?"


The little zombie is holding a chocolate ball and eating it with a smile on his face.

Apparently she likes stuff like this too.

However, when the other party saw Su Han, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He left Keli behind and ran towards Su Han.

"Big brother... I'll give it to you..."

Qiqi stood on tiptoe and presented the snack in her hand to him.

Su Han took a bite and said with a smile: "Hmm... it's delicious! It's really good... Qiqi, how long have you been here?"

"Half...half an hour."

There are many people around.

So Qiqi is a little shy.

Su Han looked at the longing in the girl's eyes and hugged her directly.

When Keli from a distance saw this scene, she also ran over and begged to be hugged.

"Big brother...I want it too...I want it too..."

He obviously came first.

Why did the eldest brother hold Qiqi first?

Keli was a little jealous.

Su Han smiled and said: "Okay... hug Keli too! Come on... let's go inside..."

"Hey, big brother is so nice."

After being held in my arms.

Keli smiled brightly.

Unlike Qiqi's shyness, her face was full of pride and pride.

Even proud.

Big brother can hold himself.

This is a benefit that others cannot enjoy.

Everyone followed him to the castle tower.

There were already many immortals here, and even mandrills followed.

See him coming.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons came over and said with a smile: "I heard that you held a celebration, so I came over to have a look... I didn't expect it to be so lively..."

"Hehe, it's not bad. It's like providing some benefits to Mrs. Dao... I didn't expect you to come too. The soul of Fushe is upstairs... Do you want to take a look?"

Hearing Su Han's suggestion.

Mandrill shook his head directly and said: "I have already seen it, Yae Shenzi told me! I heard that you saved Ina's wife during this period, you must be very tired...

If there are any powerful enemies.

I can help you..."

Since saving Brother Fushe.

This cold-tempered Yaksha gradually became humane.

Now he actually asked for help.

It's really not easy.

Su Han smiled and said: "There haven't been any enemies yet, I guess I was scared... Sit down, let's have a taste of Dao Wife's delicacies today..."

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