Slowly I got hurt.

At the same time, Jingraku Shunsui also felt that his power was being robbed by the flowers on the soles of his feet.

"this is..."

He looked shocked.

Without the Zanpakutō, would it still be so powerful?

This girl is not simple.

I saw the clear voice floating out from the petals.

"I am a practitioner of the Five Elements Wood System. Being passive means that I will seize the enemy's power. Use Shijie... Otherwise, you will be defeated..."

The other party deliberately let himself go.

This made Keqing very moved.

But...she prefers more intense battles with her enemies.

Hearing this, Jingraku Shunsui was silent for a while, until his body was injured again, and then he said: "Okay... As you wish... After all, you are also a powerful swordsman.

[The flower wind is chaotic, the flower god is crying, the sky wind is chaotic, the demon is laughing, the flower sky is crazy...]. "

Accompanied by the murmur of liberation language.

His swords were freed.

Keqing, on the other hand, was directly pulled into the game by spiritual pressure.

The first game is born.

Whoever stands high will get a terrible bonus to his attack power.

Therefore, in order to prevent the opponent from not knowing the ability of the move, Kyōraku Shunsui shouted directly: "The first game is, whoever stands tall...

Strength will increase!

You have to be careful..."



Two huge white slashes fell from the sky.

It directly shook the sea of ​​flowers.

But, even so...Jingraku's spring water did not completely destroy the sea of ​​flowers, because those flowers actually started to fly.

"this is..."

Kyōraku Shunsui felt the pressure on his head and couldn't help but raise his head suddenly.

He saw that the sword in Keqing's hand was pointed at him.

"My power is to be able to see the future for a short second... The power of seeing, hearing and color that I just realized... When your slash fell, I had already dodged it.

And this is my chop.

Yingying Tianxing..."

The other person respects you.

Keqing will naturally respect each other.

She didn't use any natural teeth, but used her own weapons.

Falling together.

Petals wave.

The terrifying slash flooded Kyoryaku's spring water.

So fast.

The opponent can't even use Shunpo! He could only resist the slash with his two swords... after one minute.

The move ends.

Kyōraku Shunsui's hands were covered in scars.

The whole person smiled and said: ".¨What a powerful move...It's beautiful and powerful, let's continue..."


No, this is just a discussion.

Kyoraku Shunsui started to play his second game.

Shadow ghost.

Both the enemy and ourselves can sneak into each other's shadow and attack each other from close range.

Kyoraku Shunsui was very fast and won the first time.

Standing in the shadow of Qing Qing.

Because of the projection of light, the shadow carved on the ground naturally became the target of Kyōraku Shunsui.

However, after the double knives pierced through.

But he was shocked to find that the girl's body turned into countless broken petals.

Death's moves.

They already have all the information.

With Su Han on the basis, Ke Qing and others are very familiar with the weakness of the Shinigami and the power of the Zanpakutō.

Coupled with the power of seeing, hearing and color.

The prediction is very simple.

Ever since, the two people started fighting constantly.


far away.

After moving forward for a while.

Another captain-level existence stopped in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Moreover, he once had a chance encounter with this person.

Hitsugaya Toshiro.

The other person has silver-white hair.

He carries a huge sword on his back.

"It seems that you have really come this far. The movement is too big...I have to take action..."

I heard that Kenpachi was intercepted.

Old man Yamamoto was furious.

Ever since, his captain was also ordered to come and attack.

no way.

Hitsugaya Toshiro had no choice but to take action.

Kurosaki Ichigo gritted his teeth angrily.

Why are all these captains running over here one by one? It’s really too much...

There are not many people around him now.

There was only a woman wearing a mask and a girl humming a little tune.

As for that chip fox.

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't even know when he disappeared. just happened in the blink of an eye.

People are gone.

Looking at the little man, Rosalin said to Walnut: "Is it okay for you to deal with Byakuya Kuchiki? I can just stop this guy..."

"Well, I just wanted to fight that person, hehe... I'll leave him to you, Rosalind..."

Hu Tao waved his hand towards her.

He continued walking forward with Ichigo Kurosaki.

while moving forward.

Kurosaki Ichigo kept looking back.

"Is everything okay? She really was able to stop that guy... I see that he is not a simple person..."

"Well, a captain-level existence. Hitsugaya Toshiro...a Zanpakutō with ice attributes, but don't worry...he is facing the best among us.

The Witch of Fire... Rosalind! "

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